Registered: 23rd Apr 03
Location: Pop
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that must be hell stan! i feel for you, i really do!
my mate got ,murdered last year and i think of him almost everyday! only 17 when it happened, it was one year to the date on monday and its horrible.
makes me cry and really sad thinking about it. if that was a freind, i cant imgaine what your going though john
Registered: 14th Feb 07
Location: Perth, Western Australia
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We went to school etc and were very good friends. We parted ways after school as often happens but about 5 years later we got in touch again. We started seeing each other for a while the and things were great. Two weeks after we started 'officially' going out, she drove me home from hers and on the return journey she had the accident. The next 5 months she spent in a coma, fighting for her life after suffering horrible injuries and even MRSA, only to come out the other side severely brain damaged.
She can't talk, walk, eat or go to the toilet.
How much she can remember, I can't possibly tell.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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I'm mature enough to know it was an accident... Avoidable with a licence maybe one way or cycle safety another
Murder is a differant kettle of fish all over
Registered: 22nd Aug 11
Location: Upton, Cheshire
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
I'm mature enough to know it was an accident... Avoidable with a licence maybe one way or cycle safety another
Murder is a differant kettle of fish all over
still it must of took a lot of courage to forgive this bloke a lot of people would let anger get the better of them.
one of my mates was attacked with a metal bar for looking at a bloke the wrong way in the pub, he chased him with his car then beat him till basically dead with a metal bar. he was in a coma for 8 weeks he woke up but he was brain damaged, hes basically like a kid now and afraid to go outside it destroyed the person who he was. the bloke got 4 years and was out in 2.
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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That really is shocking
Registered: 23rd Apr 03
Location: Pop
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That is truely horrible,
My friend was a single punch victim, the lad got 3 years, he is out this year in time for Christmas....
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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i know its horrible and all but do you think the lad intended to kill him? or just punch him?
i think that is an unfortunate turn of events for the lad and more so your mate
shows how fragile life can be
Registered: 23rd Apr 03
Location: Pop
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
i know its horrible and all but do you think the lad intended to kill him? or just punch him?
i think that is an unfortunate turn of events for the lad and more so your mate
shows how fragile life ca
Probably just punch him, scum bag thou, all ready had problems with the police, on drugs, dan was in the wrong place at the wrong time!
breaks my heart thinking of how it happened!

[Edited on 18-05-2012 by Blade_sri]
Registered: 29th Nov 07
Location: Liverpool
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Disgusting this. Should of banged him up for the rest of his life