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Author Music day: SubDivision

Registered: 3rd Nov 09
Location: Flitwick, Bedfordshire
User status: Offline
18th Jul 12 at 22:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Hey guy you all pretty good at the whole plugging of each others stuff for either friends/family or yourself.
So i was wondering i could take 5min of your time for you to have a listen to my brothers band which is about to be doing its big unveiling.
They have been working on there music in the band for two years now and have spent many hours fine tuning it. They do an, Electronic,dance,rock type sound which seems to work pretty well.

Anyway here is there facebook link:

And also their band page

If you enjoy it please like there page if not then thats understandable. Or you could just throw one out for the sake of it. Cheers guys

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