Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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The other day I was cruising along as usual in my BMW coming onto one of
MY motorways, which was very busy with inferior cars.
First off, I couldn't believe that the volume of traffic DIDN'T slow
down for me AT ALL as I came off the slip road! I had to squeeze into a
barely big enough gap between two cars in order to get onto my motorway!
(The driver of the car behind me did realise his mistake though and
honked an apology to me with a long blast of his horn.)
Unbelievably, I had to do the same again before I could get to the BMW
lane. (Why do underlings use this lane? Surely everyone knows it is for
BMW drivers only?).
Anyway, once I was in the BMW lane and posing along at 110mph enjoying
the adulation that the inferior car drivers were giving me, I noticed an
inferior car ahead of me
which was not only in the BMW lane of my motorway, but was driving at a
ridiculous 70 mph!
Naturally, I got to within a foot or so of his rear bumper and flashed
my headlights to remind him he shouldn't be in the BMW lane of my
motorway and to get out of my way.
Of course, once he realised it was a BMW behind him, he did just that,
but I could hardly believe it when he pulled straight back out behind
He also tried to keep up with me and when he realised I would outrun
him, he put on some blue lights in his front grill and urged me to get
onto the hard shoulder so that he could congratulate me on my excellent
Needless to say, I was eager to oblige and when we had stopped, the man
gave me a piece of paper confirming what I already knew - that my car
goes fast!
Apparently he wants everyone to know what a superior car I have, so I
had to take my driver's licence to a Police Station to be sent away to
have some points put on! (They're not free points either - they're 20
each and I was only allowed 3).
But the man at the Police Station said that because I drive a BMW, it
won't be much longer before I earn the full 12 points, and then I won't
even NEED a driving licence, so they will take it off me!
See, now That's the sort of respect you get when you buy and drive a
Registered: 9th Mar 03
User status: Offline
Buying a BMW automatically makes you a to55er 
[Edited on 07-05-2003 by Sooty]
Dr Pepper
Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
User status: Offline
lol- class
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
User status: Offline
and they dont move over when u r behind them coz they think that they own the fcukin road , so u just undertake them instead or sit on the bumper when they try n pull away from u
Chris Bingham
Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: In Scotland
User status: Offline
As a BMW owner and driver, I find this post offensive. Your sweeping generalisation upsets me.
Next time you see this is your mirrors, be afraid. I will not refrain from launching a pre-emptive strike of whoop-ass on your small engined roller skate.

Registered: 28th Jan 03
Location: Midlands
User status: Offline
Nice one, I have to deal with these tossers everyday, coming in moaning about the slightest squeeks and rattles, airbag lights, bottom arms knocking, coil springs snapping, heaters working on their own, bulbs blowing, engines drinking oil...................................................
I'll stick to my reliable little corsa thankyou
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
User status: Offline
chris - wot u planning on doing to it??
Registered: 28th Jan 03
Location: Midlands
User status: Offline
Oh and dont get me started on Minis! how many bloody things can go wrong with one car, and the list of recalls is beyond belief
Chris Bingham
Registered: 30th Mar 02
Location: In Scotland
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by stuyw
chris - wot u planning on doing to it??
I'm converting into a 2.0 16v Corsa or Nova by selling it.
Registered: 15th May 02
Location: North West Drives: Rev3 MR2 Turbo
User status: Offline
good lad - u know it makes sense