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Author Today I aveee bin mostly...[NOW WITH PICS]
Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
User status: Offline
8th May 03 at 18:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


we have different deals on all the time mate- between 250-350 i would say, but there is ways of keeping cost down...

dont bother with an optical zoom- just get one that has digital zoom so you can zoom using lcd screen on back of camera-
also dont let them sell you a docking station(waste of time)

your best bet is to go into a currys and in the digital section there will be some discontinued models or ex display models- buy one of these and ask how much for a three year warrenty- whatever you are quoted offer them half(go to a manager if you have to)and buy the warrenty

you are then covered for theft(handy when out at shows or in town)and for accidental damage(handy for when pissed)also covers you abroad

if you claim on your warrenty for a new camera you will get either same model(brand new) or next model up if yours is discontinued

this takes the worry out of buying exdisplay/discontinued model and you get a much cheaper camera even with warrunte

the other thing is to buy bigger cameras if youre not too worried about it being easy to carry around- much cheaper

Dr Pepper

Registered: 21st Sep 02
Location: oxford Drives Renault Clio RS200
User status: Offline
8th May 03 at 18:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


SONY sureshot came out at £350 - they released a fractionally smaller model discontinued the first one and we were selling it off display for £200

3 year warrenty costs £40 but we will always do it for £20

£220 for a camera that should cost £350

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