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Author Corsa D 1.2 SXI (2007) Gear Changes

Registered: 11th Mar 06
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29th Jul 15 at 09:42   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Recently purchased a Corsa D 1.2 SXI (2007) and have noticed that the gear changes going into first (pulling away) and first to second are not as smooth as they feel like they should be. Second to third, third to fourth and fourth to fifth are fine.

Is this normal? It's a little annoying...

If it's not normal, can anyone suggest what might be wrong?


[Edited on 29-07-2015 by moka]

Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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29th Jul 15 at 15:46   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Does it do it when the car is stationary when the engine is off?

If so, chances are it's the shitty gear linkage problem. Common issue with people that think they are part of fast and the furious off the line smashing it into second gear.

Early Corsa's were fitted with plastic rods which moved a lot and caused premature wear of the bushes on the gear linkages which can cause the problem you are describing.

There are plenty of places selling upgraded linkage kits with the modified metal rod.

[Edited on 29-07-2015 by Richie]

Registered: 11th Mar 06
User status: Offline
4th Aug 15 at 19:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thanks for the reply Richie. I have heard of this issue happening on the c and have fit a new gear linkage on an old b but didnt realise this was also an issue on the d.

It does seem to go into gear ok i think, instead it almost feels like in that short gear change the flywheel has slowed down so much that the clutch plate jolts the car when making contact again if that makes sense? (not a mechanic!) which makes the gear change very rough. This can normally be stopped if you let the clutch out extremely slowly but its a right pain.

If you are still fairly sure its the linkage i will go ahead buy and get a garage to fit it.


[Edited on 04-08-2015 by moka]

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