Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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Been in our gaff since December, only room I've not sorted yet is the bathroom. Something straight from the 1970s, horrible 5ft 6" sloped bath I have no chance of getting in and unfortunately its quite small.
It was the en-suite for the master bedroom, however in the 70's the main bathroom was converted to a 3rd bedroom and a bath was squashed into the en-suite and the door moved.
Originally my plan was to knock the bathroom and 3rd bedroom into one and have a big bathroom, however after speaking with local estate agents they have said that the 3rd bedroom adds more value than a bigger bathroom and only 2 bedrooms.
So now I'm contemplating getting rid of the bath and just having a shower (missus hates the idea and I've had conflicting advice about re-saleability) but completely open for ideas or advice -

Dimensions are 150w x 183l. The radiator is currently raised on a plinth above the bath so I could remove that and squeeze a 6ft bath in just about but then we'd not rain any space and need to find somewhere for the radiator to go.
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Get one of these

Electric shower above bath?
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
I have seen those Allan but was thinking they are more for the "under the stairs" type installations. Not sure how i'd feel brushing my teeth or having a shave leaning over the toilet.
Really like massive sinks like this, and dont want to compromise if I dont have to.

Should I just replace the bath then yeah, a decent power shower would go over the top, but I'm still leaning towards just a shower and no bath.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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thermostat shower if your water has the pressure
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Do you have many baths? Its something that can easily be fitted at a later date for the next owner if they so wish.
I can't see not having a bath knocking the value down, why spend money on a bath and then living with the whole time, hardly using it, just for the sake of a bit of money many years down the line when you sell.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Put a heated towel rail over the bath Mike
Registered: 9th Aug 02
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There were two places we considered looking at but they had shower rooms and not baths... didn't even go and look. So yeah, it could effect the future!
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
thermostat shower if your water has the pressure
Don't have the pressure as fed from downstairs
quote: Originally posted by pow
Put a heated towel rail over the bath Mike
Had heated towel rails at the flat and didn't find them that great so wouldn't just have a rail, however would make sure there was some way to have them on/with the radiator.
quote: Originally posted by 3CorsaMeal
Do you have many baths? Its something that can easily be fitted at a later date for the next owner if they so wish.
I can't see not having a bath knocking the value down, why spend money on a bath and then living with the whole time, hardly using it, just for the sake of a bit of money many years down the line when you sell.
Last bath I had was September last year At 6'4 it's not an enjoyable experience even in a normal size bath.
I see what you mean kz but i'm inclined to go with 3cm's way of thinking. We are likely to be there for another 4 or 5 years so why put up with something for that long if it's not suitable for us.
I did find a 1.5m P shape bath with a decent sized shower end, however when I was checking the measurements last night, the end of the room opposite the door (with the window and toilet atm) is only 1.47m not 1.5m like at the door end.
Was tapping the wall and it sounds like its studded out off the concrete so may be able to gain some space. Will need to pull the tiles off and investigate.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Dad nicked a bit out the wall in the bathroom in windsor for the bath!
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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Started today before the wife had to go to bed, found part of the wall is studded out

Next question, she's asked could the door open outwards, I guess it could but I think it'd give an initial reaction that the room is tiny. So I'm thinking bifold door ? Or should I just stick with a full size door ?
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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My bathroom looks to be the same layout as yours. Very small. I also have a boiler cupboard in there.
We have a double shower and no bath. The missus would love to have a bath, but I prefer showers and I also don't like the idea of hopping over the side of a bath at 5:30am.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Nothing wrong with door opening outwards, worth doing that.
How much room is there to the right of the door, 800mm x 1200m is a good shower size. Sometimes fit better than a 900mmx900mm
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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It's about 800 if I take off the interior door surround.
Will flip the door tomorrow and see how we get on with it.
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Registered: 11th Sep 06
Location: Hazlemere, Buckinghamshire
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Why would you stud a tiny room like that out? Haha!
Registered: 20th Feb 07
Location: Essex
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Not had much progress as she works nights and I've been mega busy at work so haven't had much free time. But cracked on this afternoon.
