Registered: 17th Jun 03
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Hi all
We have a Corsa GSI N plate.
When we drive the car it chugs, but, not constantly. It feels like a miss fire, but, it isn't. We have tried putting injector cleaner through it (via the fuel) but that doesn't seem to have had much affect.
Any helpo would be greatfully accepted.
thank you
Registered: 22nd Sep 02
Location: Sydney, Australia
User status: Offline
Have you had an engine management light flash up at all? It could be anything with the vague description you supplied. At what speeds does it doe this? A particular gear? Cold days? hot days? I suspect you should check your spark plugs and leads for and black deposits on the electrodes. Check the Idle Control Valve for excess carbon build up. Check the breather pipes running from the head for dirt. Could be dirty injectors even. Injector cleaner only works on very severe cases. For more accute problems injectors need to be cleaned by a specialist. Go to vauxhall and get them to run a diagnostics test on the ECU. You may have a fault. Invest in a Haynes manual since these have solutions to problems such as yours. Good Luck.
Registered: 17th Jun 03
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
Thanks for your reply.
I have not noticed the management light flashing. It happens at all speeds in any gear. doesn't matter what the weather is like. Other than that we shall try a few things at the weekend.