Registered: 16th Jul 03
User status: Offline
Round where i live the council have decided that it seems fit to lay down some speed humps.........well thats fair enough to a certain extent.........but they have come up with a new scheme that if you cant get over the speed humps you cant speed.......very true i guess........but making them about 10 foot apart and the hight of a small towerblock takes the piss!! I have standard springs and shocks on my 1.2 8v and i can just about get over them so you can just imagine what its like in a 2.0 on 18's with a 50mm drop all round and a mandrel bent exhaust manifold and a clearance of a box of fags! I have two planks of 2 by 8 in the rear footwell just for some extra clearance. its Bollockz!!
Where can i get some pnumatics so i can lift the fcuker as i go down to the shops?

Registered: 22nd Oct 02
User status: Offline
i am hearin you my brother its like that where i live the speed bumps are so high i need to crane my car over them ha ha ha
Registered: 16th Jul 03
User status: Offline
You have to stop for fuel on the way up, it usually snows at the top and i have actually met a small family of eskimos who offered me a place to sleep....which was nice.