Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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... is f*cking crap.
I'm a doorman, so i see what the lowest of the world has to offer most nights, so i don't know why it's got to me tonight because i usually just let it go over my head.
Here's just a select few of the things that happened tonight:
1. Asians/Indians fighting with Kosovans inside the club, break it all up and chuck them out of different exits but they continue outside - girls crying & screaming etc because it starts to get messy.
2. Ive got Kosovan blood all over my suit and shirt because he got bottled. F*cking lovely.
3. One of the cloakroom girls was in a right state because someone from one of the local black gangs (real nasty sods) has threatened to kidnap her, dunno why.
4. One of the staff got punched in the face at the end of the night when he was giving out flyers.
5. I didn't see it, but i was talking to one of the coppers at the end of the night and apparently there was a massive ruck between blacks & Asians/Indians outside the back of the club.
6. After i left the club, i was driving through town and had to stop at some traffic lights. There was around 20 black guys just hanging around and 2 white blokes walked past and for no reason what-so-ever the black guys started kicking the crap out of them, proper stamping on them etc.
This is just a normal Friday night for me, but i'm getting to the point where i'm just thinking 'for f*ck sakes'.
People don't want to go out and have a good time anymore, the youth of todays idea of a good night out is to go out and bottle someone or rape some poor girl then brag about it in the morning to their mates.
What really makes my blood boil the most is, because i see this crap most nights of the week, i worry sick when my girlfriend goes out. It could be my brother getting beaten half dead for no reason or my girlfriend being abused by some sleaze.
Judging by tonights events, i see trouble in the very near future.
Registered: 21st Nov 01
Location: gwent, south wales
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y id hate 2 b a doorman
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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why do you think i walk round packing protection.
i dont even go into birmingham without my .45mm cause you never know.
mind you just to add.... im a paranoid kinda guy.
[Edited on 09-08-2003 by Calibra2zero]
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Calibra2zero
why do you think i walk round packing protection.
i dont even go into birmingham without my .45mm cause you never know.
mind you just to add.... im a paranoid kinda guy.
[Edited on 09-08-2003 by Calibra2zero]
Whilst it's a nice idea, i couldn't justify getting put away for 5 years just for possessing the bloody thing and not even using it.
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Norn Iron
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Craig W i dont like your stereotyping of "the youth of today"!!!
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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I see where ur coming from m8, i dont go out clubbing etc anymore cos
A) Drink leads to problems full stop
B)Too many people who think they have a reason to do what they want spoil it and make a night out dangerous
Personally id rather go out n about in me car, go see mates or chill with some munch n watch a decent film than basically "risk my life" for a few pints with the lads
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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quote: Originally posted by Craig W
quote: Originally posted by Calibra2zero
why do you think i walk round packing protection.
i dont even go into birmingham without my .45mm cause you never know.
mind you just to add.... im a paranoid kinda guy.
[Edited on 09-08-2003 by Calibra2zero]
Whilst it's a nice idea, i couldn't justify getting put away for 5 years just for possessing the bloody thing and not even using it.
what no ones knows cant hurt them can it. besides, its only if i have to go in alone.
ive been whitness to to many muggings bust ups and hit n runs in my time, i like to know that if faced with some pissed up druggi bloke i can poke his skull and ask him to leave.
eaither that or i get my old katana back and sice the bitch?
hmmm bet i sound like a bit of fruit loop now.
but yea you get my drift. if i fel i need it, ill take it. its not like id turn up to a corsa meet and go postal or something.
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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quote: Originally posted by LoudandProud
I see where ur coming from m8, i dont go out clubbing etc anymore cos
A) Drink leads to problems full stop
B)Too many people who think they have a reason to do what they want spoil it and make a night out dangerous
Personally id rather go out n about in me car, go see mates or chill with some munch n watch a decent film than basically "risk my life" for a few pints with the lads
same here. i only have a bottle now n then and its always at home.
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Calibra2zero
its not like id turn up to a corsa meet and go postal or something.
But what if daimo was there    
Registered: 12th Jan 01
Location: Stanway, Essex
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on a serious note, i dont want anyone i know going out now adays i always try n talk em out of it cos the risk is too high for summit so pointless
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Alot of it racism, be it towards black/asains/whites etc. thats what it all boils down to at the end of the day!
Registered: 4th Mar 01
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Go on a rampage craig
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: fife nr dunfermline
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no women no kids tho right.
thats the code!
Craig W
Registered: 31st Oct 00
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quote: Originally posted by kenny2many
no women no kids tho right.
thats the code!
You'd be suprised, women give us more grief than men some of the time.
Registered: 13th Nov 01
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Thats wot u get living/working in an area with high asian/black etc population, its even worse in London, Bradford etc. Its a fact.
Not sayin whites are any better behaved, but they dont usually get involved with "gang" violence
Registered: 28th Jul 00
Location: Essex
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Thankgod im a white guy 
Nah seriously its not good and Southend if very similiar, you have to watch your backs all the time in certain clubs !!
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
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I agree, theres a lot of Aisian gangs in Leicesters, of course there a small minority and should not be used to stereotype everyone, but at the end of the day a small minority is all it takes to rin your evening. They watch MTV, think there gangsters and create gangs. I think its happened cos they feel threatended being the minority, so they gang up, but then they become threatening and cocky.
Its only gonna get worse I tell ya. I hardly ever go clubbing now - even on the dance floor you have to constantly look around you.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Racist remark removed
[Edited on 09-08-2003 by Ian]
Registered: 12th Jun 01
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Anyone causing trouble that gets caught on video should be locked away, no questions asked and no excuses, for 3 months - minimum sentence.
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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quote: Originally posted by Evisu
Racist remark removed
[Edited on 09-08-2003 by Ian]
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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this issue also makes me
Mav 3000
Registered: 16th Aug 01
Location: Leicestershire
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Its basically alcohol that makes people behanve like idiots, but i believe that alcohol simply amplifies inner emotions (why girls cry when there drunk etc!) so its basically idiots up for a fight. as for the asian kids that don't drink, I think they have just ot a point to prove - hence the designer gear, gold, bad music tastes and ganfs - makes them feel like their expressing themselves, but they have to more cos there a minority in most places.
I feel sorry for people that can't have a legitimate good time without spoiling anything for other people. Can't see this chaging either Its always the same type of people too - its basically education and upgringing I think. You don't see Lawers up for a Friday night brawl do you!
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Defaintly the upbringin! Things wont change unly get worse! Nuffin we can do about unfortunatly!