Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by willay
quote: Originally posted by Super_si
No thats just the limit of your knowledge 
Should gone ATI....................
you do know people kinda dislike people that act like fronting gimps?
just a thought.
he can't help it he's a fanny
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: lurkin' somewhere........................
User status: Offline
Im a fanny
Your the 11 stone penis who needs to take the piss from behind a screen.
Registered: 22nd Feb 01
Location: Bristol
User status: Offline
Now now peeps, keep it civil please...
Registered: 25th Jun 02
Location: Nottingham/Derbyshire Boarder.
User status: Offline
What make/speed is the Hard Disk?? For 160GB I would expect 7,200RPM and 8mb cache.
Also what make is the RAM, seems like you made a good choice with the RAM but please dont tell me you went budget.
Also what the hell are you doing with a Gigabyte board in a machine like that, bad choice in my opinion. Epox, Asus, MSi, A-Bit all good manufacturers, Guigabyte = wank.
Is the modem a 56K V.92??
Firewall wise I would recommend Norton Personal Firewall 2003.
Calibra2zero: Like to actually see you hack through XP firewall in 40 seconds..........LMAO.
Registered: 1st May 01
Location: Hurstbourne Tarrant
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Dave17
ive got a 5600 ultra and i gota say ivr had no problems with it! i run unreal 2, unreal tournament 2003, medal of honour (complete series) and sim city 4 ALL on highest graphic spec and a 1280x1024 resolution and it never judders! and the graphics are TOP 
[Edited on 24-09-2003 by Dave17]
Thanks for the sensible reply
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Super_si
Im a fanny
Your the 11 stone penis who needs to take the piss from behind a screen.
Well yes if I did not have the screen I would not be able to see the shite you write and then I could not takehte piss. I would still take the piss out of you in person if you made stupid comments.
p.s I'm not 11 stone andI fail to see how my weight has anythign to do with your fannyness
Registered: 14th Nov 00
Location: Reading: Drives : Clio 197
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Yes, Si has a small penis so decided to grow his muscles.
Corsa Sport Gav
Registered: 12th Feb 03
Location: Durham, County Durham Drives: A6 Allroad
User status: Offline
ive got
AMD XP 1800+
MSI K7N2 Delta
512 ddr
80gb hdd
Gainward GF4 64mb ddr (and its spot on run all game no probs)
Philips 5.1 surroud sound speakers
17" monitor
heres ma case

Registered: 13th Nov 00
Location: Stevenage, MR2 Turbo, 328i Coupe, CBR600F
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Makarus
Also what the hell are you doing with a Gigabyte board in a machine like that, bad choice in my opinion. Epox, Asus, MSi, A-Bit all good manufacturers, Guigabyte = wank.
All the new Abit IC7 boards are a load of unstable crap?! I've already returned one and I'm about the return the one they replaced it with. Epox are bagin basement shite? They hardly even have a range of boards, MSI are nasty aswell.
Gigabyte are bulletproof for stability. As are Asus.
Abit have gone seriously down hill, they have sacrified all stability for overclocking support.
Dan B
Registered: 25th Feb 01
User status: Offline
Asus A7v-8xAGP (with all the trimmings)
AMD Athlon XP2600+
1Gb DDR400 RAM
1 x 180Gb IBM (7200rpm 8Mb cache 8.5ms)
1 x 120Gb Maxtor (7200rpm 2Mb cache 8.5ms)
Gainward 128Mb Ti4600-750XP (overclocked to 324MHz core, 697MHz memory)
Iiyama 19" flatscreen CRT monitor
SB Audigy-2 (outputted through stereo-system)
D-Link DSL-504 router, providing 512kbps ADSL connection to home network
Runs nicely enough for me with UT2k3 on high detail level...
[Edited on 26/09/2003 by Dan B]