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Author Nvidia Geforce or ATI Radeon??? Advice needed.

Registered: 20th Jul 03
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11th Nov 03 at 15:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Which is better a....

256mb Nvidia Geforce 5900 Ultra TV out/DVi

or a

128mb ATI Radeon Pro TV out/DVi

There are only £20 difference with the Nvidia being dearer..... but I have heard that the 128 Radeon still out performs the 256 Nvidia without a problem....

Is this true??

Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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11th Nov 03 at 15:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I heard that, not sure have a look on pcshopper reveiews or wotever.

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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11th Nov 03 at 15:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yes that is correct.

take a look at the new Radeon Pro 9800XT

or even theRadeon 9800 no pro version..u can flash the bios to the same speed as the Pro

i wouldnt bother with Nvidia now even tho i have a Ti4800SE i will be changing it soon for the 9800xt radeon soon

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11th Nov 03 at 15:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Think Nvidia is better.....


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11th Nov 03 at 15:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

128mb 9800Pro better memory refresh rate.


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11th Nov 03 at 15:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Been reading loads of reviews and its depending on the game your playing which card is better.

IE Unreal / Doon 3 Nvidia won but the 128 Radeon wasnt far behind.

But splinter cell / serious sam the 128 radeon out performed the 256 nvidia by loads....

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11th Nov 03 at 15:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I have 64mb GeForce Dunno if any good not used pc yet

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11th Nov 03 at 16:02   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Toms hardware conclusion on the cards -

Registered: 10th Jul 02
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11th Nov 03 at 16:09   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Nvidia is far supior to the ATi bottom line, make sure that it is a popper 5900 256 Ultra, and not a 5600 that has been shoved in OEM, it shud have SVGA, SVCD, And a digtial output at the back of the card,

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11th Nov 03 at 16:12   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
Nvidia is far supior to the ATi bottom line, make sure that it is a popper 5900 256 Ultra, and not a 5600 that has been shoved in OEM, it shud have SVGA, SVCD, And a digtial output at the back of the card,


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11th Nov 03 at 17:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
Nvidia is far supior to the ATi bottom line, make sure that it is a popper 5900 256 Ultra, and not a 5600 that has been shoved in OEM, it shud have SVGA, SVCD, And a digtial output at the back of the card,

stick to the pie's son.

Nvidia doesnt support the new half life game or any decent new ones. The 9800 pro 128mb is the way forward.

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11th Nov 03 at 18:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ive got the radeon 9800 pro 128mb card, dogs dangles

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11th Nov 03 at 19:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Super_si
Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
Nvidia is far supior to the ATi bottom line, make sure that it is a popper 5900 256 Ultra, and not a 5600 that has been shoved in OEM, it shud have SVGA, SVCD, And a digtial output at the back of the card,

stick to the pie's son.

Nvidia doesnt support the new half life game or any decent new ones. The 9800 pro 128mb is the way forward.


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11th Nov 03 at 19:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

9700 Pro 128

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11th Nov 03 at 19:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Super_si
Originally posted by dj_mikey_k
Nvidia is far supior to the ATi bottom line, make sure that it is a popper 5900 256 Ultra, and not a 5600 that has been shoved in OEM, it shud have SVGA, SVCD, And a digtial output at the back of the card,

stick to the pie's son.

Nvidia doesnt support the new half life game or any decent new ones. The 9800 pro 128mb is the way forward.

Well why has it got on of these on da Serria Website??


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11th Nov 03 at 19:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Yes, I would also choose Popular Science when choosing my computer components

[Edited on 11-11-2003 by Adam]

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11th Nov 03 at 19:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


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11th Nov 03 at 19:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

l33t corsa

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11th Nov 03 at 20:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

ATI is way ahead of Nvidia... my 9700np still r0x0rs my b0x0rs.

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11th Nov 03 at 21:56   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Sounds like a jumbo jet aswell

you could hover your room with the fan on that

Registered: 1st May 02
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11th Nov 03 at 22:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

For buget u still cant beat a nvida GeForce 4 Ti4800 like i have.
Reading the tests on toms hardware it OUTPERFORMS the 9600 PRO and fx 5600 ULtra cards and costs nigh on nothing although they are hard to source now.

I wouldnt touch ANY of the current gen high end cards there all crap IMO, FX's are tat and theres still summat iffy about ATI and their drivers. wait for the next batch of new ones.


Registered: 20th Jul 03
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12th Nov 03 at 09:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So get the 128 Radeon instead of the 256 Nvidia then yeah??

Cant believe the New Half-life game wont be compatable with Nvidia.....

Is there anywhere that proves the 128 Radeon 9800 Pro Beats the 256 Nvidia 5900 Ultra as it seems unbelieveable

Is radeon really the way ahead, as allot of games have Nvidia stamped on them but I havent seen them stamped ATI???

What should I do, I need to know asap


Registered: 20th Jul 03
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12th Nov 03 at 09:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

It really must be dependant on the games..... Here are some tests I have found....... But not sure if there are using a 128 Nvidia or a 256 Nvidia as it doesnt say

Heres there concluding words......

Concluding word about the game tests

In the last review, we were sorry for not having Halo in the test suite. Now, it's here, and we see that ATi and nVidia's cards are neck-to-neck in the test. What still is missing are the two delayed giants Half-Life 2 and Doom 3.
The review's newcomer, GeForce FX 5950 Ultra, shows to be a very minimal upgrade of FX 5900 Ultra. (Just like Radeon 9800 XT is a pretty minimal upgrade of 9800 Pro.) Those of you that have already have a 5900 Ultra or an equivalent card from ATi don't have to worry. 5.5% faster core and 11.8 % faster memory can be translated to about 3-8 % better performance, which is actually somewhat less than what we gained on the leap from 9800 Pro to the 9800 XT. But that is to be quite honest hairsplitting; regardless if we're talking about 5 or 10 % difference, it's terribly hard to tell, if not impossible.

The spectacular CoolFX cards perform nicely and actually accommodate an essential difference. CoolFX 5950 Ultra is, calculated as a percentage, "more" faster than 5950 Ultra "standard" than what 5950 Ultra is faster than 5900 Ultra. (What should I say? The sentence was difficult to formulate.) Which is an honorable exploit. Furthermore, we can also see that a CoolFX 1600XP principally offers the same performance as a 5950 Ultra. Though the question is: why would anyone want to buy a CoolFX 1600XP right now when 5950 Ultra and CoolFX 1800XP are released? On that question, I don't have a suitable answer and I don't think Gainward has either.

Creative's 3D Blaster FX5900 and Gainward's FX PowerPack! Ultra/1100 TV/DVI belongs to the new wave of cheap 5900 cards with slower memory. The problem with the two cards is that they are both in the same price range as a whole bunch of "regular" 5900 (i.e. those that have got 850 MHz memory) which renders these two competitors as pretty superfluous products. Besides, are you willing to pay another ten or twenty euros, you can actually get a Radeon 9800 Pro 128 MB.

Speaking of raw performance, we can quickly state that ATi pulls off the prize in 5 of 10 tests while nVidia does so in only 3. The other two cards are about so equal that we have to count the differences in promille instead of per cent. This despite that we have included Gainward's extreme-cooled CoolFX 1800XP speaks for itself. If we shall count "grand slams", i.e. tests where one competitor totally crushes the other, we also see that it is of ATi's advantage where they wrestle down nVidia's cards in 3-4 tests while the nVidia cards only manage to get one real neck swing on ATi in the now outdated Quake 3. The nVidia cards' major benefit in the review is Jedi Academy, but before we include that in our "final grade", I suggest you read the text about the results at the top bottom on the previous page.
What is interesting to see when we now have this many tests is how different the cards perform in different tests. For example, if you are a die-hard BF1942 fan, there is no doubt that you should buy an ATi card, while the Quake 3 veterans rather should look in nVidia's direction. For this reason, we will continue to increase our test suit until we have about 15-20 games so you readers can make such a well-informed decision as possible.

I begin to feel that perhaps I'm sounding tedious when, I in review after review, come to the same conclusion but the fact is: ATi has both the better performance and the better image quality in the majority of the tests we expose the cards to. The Detonator 50 series levels out the differences to some extent, but still doesn't reach all the way. CoolFX, despite its cooling, can't reach all the way through either, even if it helps to keep on track.

So what you think??

Registered: 20th Jul 03
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12th Nov 03 at 09:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Think this sums it up on another page....

As we have seen in the performance results, ATi still has the trump cards on hand with its Radeon 9800 XT; this despite Gainward's two extreme CoolFX cards. ATi also sports, what I and many with me consider to be, the best image quality. If you are quite frankly out to get the fastest card on the market, with great image quality, the situation hasn't changed since the Autumn of 2002: ATi still rules.

Think I know what to do now - sorry for going on and on
l33t corsa

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12th Nov 03 at 10:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Super_si
Sounds like a jumbo jet aswell

you could hover your room with the fan on that

I have a zalman heatpipe thingy on my 9700... as mute as it gets

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