Registered: 14th Dec 03
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Anyone had any really bad or embarressing moments while learning???
My top two were, forgetting to brake and crashing into the side of some womens car.... despite my mum shouting at me to break i just couldnt. I passed the next day though 
Another one was stalling around 6 times on a main roundabout, stalled once because i was to confident then the person behind me started bibbing and that was it, just couldnt move.
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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i only stalled the odd time whilst learning and never had embarrasing moments. however in my test, i fuckin started in neutral on a main road cnt beleive he didnt fail me for it
Registered: 11th Feb 04
Location: Norwich Norfolk, Drives a Mondeo ST24
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lol..... I took out a row of 3 wheelie bins.... the driver told me to stop to clear up the mess but I just kept going swerving all over the road as it was my 2nd lesson... 
Registered: 18th Sep 03
Location: Anglesey, North Wales
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first time out i came up to a busy roundabout and was on a bit of a hill so i had to wait and do a hill start, i was there for a couple of minutes waiting for a chance and when it came i did a massive wheel spin just as cops drove past they was staring at me and i was laughing! but then they followed me so i went and stopped at shop until theyd gone
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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On my test i went up a curb - i still passed
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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quote: Originally posted by L33 LEG
i fuckin started in neutral on a main road cnt beleive he didnt fail me for it
I thought you were supposed to start the car in neutral on driving tests. I got told off for starting it in first with the clutch down.
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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no i meant that as i was setting off i took the handbrake off and forgot to take it out of neutral so the cars just revved alot and i sort of jerked out into this main road
Mattss Corsa
Registered: 11th Jan 03
Location: Milton Keynes (BUCKS)
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Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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it wasnt funny at the time, but when i passed i cudnt stop laughing 
i wonder if i do it again this time round
Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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i have stroked my intsturcters leg while changing from 1st to 2nd that was abit embarrising!
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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Mine came during my test was coming up to a roundabout examiner told me to take the next left which led up the main street i for some reason took the very next left which was a slip road leading into safeways carpark, the examiner just kept saying " i didnt ask you too turn in here" x 4 or 5 times. 
My old driving instructor now uses that roundabout for his mock tests so people wont do what i did if it comes up on test
Registered: 25th Mar 02
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^ did u pass
Registered: 16th Sep 03
Location: Blackpool, Lancashire
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yeah i got away with it dunno how though was nervious as hell for the rest of the test
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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Registered: 29th Apr 03
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i was once in me instructors car driving down a road and went to stop at a junction but missed the break and went into the middle of the road not to far like, so i was like just tryin to sort it out and then my instructor (right evil little bastard) starts giving it " what the f*ck u doing, your going to f"ucking kill us, f*uck f*uck ect and reallly shoutin at me, safe to say i changed driving instructors after that, little stupid person, wouldnt u think instructors would be calm in situations like that
Registered: 6th Jan 03
Location: Blackburn . Drove: Dimma Saxo VTR
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i remember once in my nighttime lessons i sort of dozed off for sum unknown reason and gradually steered to the left and then went onto some gravel jst before a big ditch. the instrutor jst grabbed my steering wheel and slammed his brakes on lol. he was furious cos my test was that afternoon
Registered: 19th Oct 02
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When i done my LGV i was about 3" away from parking the lorry in the ditch. Fancy taking me down a country lane about 2 feet wider than the lorry to meet another learner LGV driver coming the other way. It put my reversing skills to the test.
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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i had my second driving test stopped in the interests of public safety after 5minutes. had to walk back to the bloody test centre!
Registered: 25th Mar 02
Location: Mill Hill East, Greater London
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u have no choice now, but to explain ur wrong doings!!
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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lol, wasn't my fault really. parked cars in my lane, so i indicated and used mirrors. and i thought this bus was letting me go, but instead he decided to accelerate and bump his horn at me when i moved out in front of him. Wasn't that close at all really, but the examiner got shit up, especaiily when i starting swearing cos of it! so he pulled me over and wasnt quite sure what to do, he put a major or woteva they called down on the sheet, so i threw a strop and he said rite im not letting you carry on this test! i was like good no point is there! anyways, since then i've had a severe hate of bus drivers and i'd say once a week i have an incident involving a bus, i enjoy pissing them cocky drivers off.
Registered: 20th Oct 02
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
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Stalled 3 times tryin to pull off from sum lights and they was loads of cars behiden felt like a right twat
[Edited on 16-02-2004 by Craig-CorsaGSI]
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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only in the main highstreet near my college aload of my mates started comin up n shoutin etc, realy put me off n i stalled n kept startin it in gear bout 10 times!! lol.
Registered: 3rd Sep 03
Location: Canvey, Essex Drives : Corsa Sport
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rofl,koolkorsa thats jokes. Quality this thread is. Well i kangaroo'd on my 2nd lesson then i once stall'd infront of a old granny and she was sittin in her car going mental so i just fecked up constantly then. Once when i had early lesson in mornin going down contry lane was so tired didnt know what i was doign nearly swerv'd into some trees musta brush'd em. Had loadsa tiems when i "still think" i coulda made it onto roudn about safly etc without no1 slammin breaks on except instructor was liek u coulda fuckin kill'd us then u was gonna make dat.... always just agree'd he was soooo wrong.
Registered: 12th Oct 03
Location: Sheffield, UK Drives: 2.5 v6 Calibra
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drove into a bush at the side of the road on my second lesson