Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Nottingham
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just got in tonight and its been such an annoying night out!!
Went to pick up a mate then went to she shops near his house, he went into the shops and i sat in the car. These group of about 10 rude boys came over to the car and leant next to the window and started asking why id tried to run them over??!!
Then they all started punching the windows and hitting the car so i drove off!
Later on in town there was a red punto out and it had its drivers seat belt hanging dragging on the floor, i went to tell the guy and he wound down the window and just said "shut the fcuk up" before i could say anything, so i told him anyway and as we walked off he opened his door and sorted it.
then on the walk from kebab shop to taxi two random guys started on us!
Argh!! sorry for essay people but its just really pissed me off!!!
im in that mood now where i just wanna go out and run them all down!!!
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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welcome to the real word, theres sum right nobheads out there, i've had run ins with a few ppl like u've mentioned. makes me mad when they think they r solid n act all tough, no need for it at all
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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i shit u not i was just goin to say sounds like a typical night in nottingham after watchin a police program on it and then i saw where u was from 
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: London .................. Drives: Astra IV
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u shud slash their throat or stab their eyes only way they will learn
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
i think its almost time for a mission against them, paintball guns at the ready!!
I saw that prog about notts as well and thought, hmmm ive never seen any of this! but after tonight ive changed my mind!!
there are so many people just hanging about! groups of up to about 30/40 twats just drinking white lightning and acting like knob heads!!
I think ill move up north, i like leeds or sheffield.....
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by Stone Cold Rattlesnake
u shud slash their throat or stab their eyes only way they will learn
nice and subtle

Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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A vectra full of rudeboys tried to carjack me once, pulled up behind me at some traffic lights, next thing I knew theyre at my door trying to get in.. absolute fcukers...
Stone Cold Rattlesnake
Registered: 12th Jun 02
Location: London .................. Drives: Astra IV
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tis true i tell thee GoldPenguin
Registered: 5th Oct 01
Location: Norwich
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quote: Originally posted by Alexp
I think ill move up north, i like leeds or sheffield.....
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
quote: Originally posted by Alexp
I think ill move up north, i like leeds or sheffield.....
I hear Moss Side in Manchester's nice this time of year...
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
well ill be in leeds come september anyway! cant wait to get out of here...
then if i can get some money and dont have any ties down i think emigration to canada or the land of oz is a good plan! or unless i can find a nice place in the uk
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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sheffield is a fuckin dump compared to leeds, go there
Registered: 20th Oct 02
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
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Yeah thats nottingham for ya hate livin down here loooooooooads of twats bout !
Where bouts u from alex ?
[Edited on 05-03-2004 by Craig-CorsaGSI]
Registered: 3rd May 01
Location: Great Harwood, Lancashire
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Oh dear
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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We have stoopid nob heads here in MK too!
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Nottingham
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well now ive woken up again i dont feel as angry, but still i think something is gonna done about it.
Craig, im in west bridgford, how about you?
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by P4UL
We have stoopid nob heads here in MK too!
yeah so many of them what makes me laugh is these little pikey 13yr olds who think they are hard cos they dress like blazzing squad pmsl
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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they all come cruise on scotters and walk around, I dunno how but most of them get into the shitty clubs like Bar mE, pisses me off amout of times ive nearly had fights and stuff little cocks
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by P4UL
they all come cruise on scotters and walk around, I dunno how but most of them get into the shitty clubs like Bar mE, pisses me off amout of times ive nearly had fights and stuff little cocks
I get in Bar me, im 17 tho lol. But i know im not like them little cnuts just find it funny when they try barge me when im up the city
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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Registered: 20th Oct 02
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
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quote: Originally posted by Alexp
Craig, im in west bridgford, how about you?
Hucknall ...
Registered: 9th Feb 03
Location: Nottingham
User status: Offline
ay, thats not too far away
Registered: 28th Dec 00
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quote: Originally posted by Kerry
quote: Originally posted by Alexp
I think ill move up north, i like leeds or sheffield.....
still get knob heads about but there seems to be a much friendlier atmosphere in sheff and leeds when goin out.
Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
User status: Offline
Ayup guys!! Im from the dreaded Nottingham too! It aint that bad really, just depends what area's you go in. I spend most time at my G.F's village out in the sticks south Nottingham, the north of Notts is worse...
Alex, which shops? Was it Compton near us cos those jumped up tw@ts down their are pricks! Hard to believe I used to be one of the bunch down there until I hit 17 and grew up, 4 of the old gang are now in prison - armed robbery, dealin etc its fucked! Ive had some crazy shit like the wanker youth that decided to run over the top of my car whilst I was crawling along in a que at 10mph on upper parliament street!! I used to ride street in the city centre on my BMX when I was younger and thats when you see some fucked shit!
Im a Bailiff now, a friendly bailiff 
[Edited on 05-03-2004 by TOMAS]
Registered: 15th Oct 03
Location: aylesbury,bucks
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anyone know the area where the woman who owned the jewelerrs got killed because we've been offered free accomodation for a weekend, they said the area was a bit rough but is it not to bad or a bit of a no go area?