Registered: 10th Feb 04
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Was well fun in a huanted grave yard on my own!
Registered: 3rd Feb 03
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u nuts
Registered: 28th Jul 00
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Registered: 31st Jan 01
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kkkkkkkkkkk then
Registered: 10th Feb 04
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It was soo dark and foggy kept tripping up everywhere im gonna get a light and a camera and see if i can get something cool on tape!
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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we've done this at work, well scary as the place is haunted
Registered: 10th Feb 04
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Cool im deffo gonna try something. Aparently this graveyard was an iron age fort/battleground and i swear things have happened up there. Its on a hill quite near my house but not really near any houses if u get what i mean. Think i could sell some copys of a tape???
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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Oh well - upload some vids / pics if you see anything spooky
Registered: 10th Feb 04
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Will do
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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on your own...? 
Registered: 10th Feb 04
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yeah was a kinda dare but i didnt mind doing it.
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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i don't like ghosts
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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i seen a few ghosts also been in a trance by 1  now that was scary as fuck!!
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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quote: Originally posted by CorsaLad16v
i seen a few ghosts also been in a trance by 1  now that was scary as fuck!!
explain a bit more i like spooky tales of the misty fog thingy
[Edited on 15-03-04 by VenomTurbo]
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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oooo. lets all gather around and listen to ghost stories....
my ghost story is driving along in late at night. i saw a person sitting in the back of my car in the mirror... turned around and nothing. scared me shitless
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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explain.. well, the house i live in now, before we had it an old woman lived here, she died in my aunty's room, my aunty has seen her, as has my mum n me. this one night i was on my computer like i usually am at night when got noffin better to do.. n i was typin away on msn to sum ppl when i must av gone into a trance.. n that woman who died told me to do something for her so she could move on she told me to go and talk to her son Steve (i didn't know his name before or where he lived) she told me where he lived and to tell him everythings gonna be ok.. so i went, n yes it was her son Steve who answered the door, i went death white! ever since then i never seen or heard from her again.
another thing we learnt about her after we moved in is that she is kinda related to us, not blood related obviously but very weird! she's my uncles dad's brothers sister
and one more thing thats gone on with this house is before i moved here (i'd never seen this house or the road or anything) i had a dream about zombies comin n taking over the world, i woke up in my dream n everything was green, i remember lookin out the window, n behind my house theres a field n that was in there! when i moved here i remembered the dream n i cud remember the layout of the house!! and even scarier, in my dream when i went outside i knew the people on the road! n when i moved here i knew most of their names  
i beleive strongly in this kinda stuff!
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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thanks salad.
i am now more scared of ghosts... bar steward!
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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sorry i'll tell the dead to leave me alone in the future lol
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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have you ever been in the house and heard a family member say something to ya, yet your the only one in the house?
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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one family member who i am named after once came to me when i was younger n told me things (he was dead before i was born btw) so, in a way yes
R Lee
Registered: 15th Aug 03
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im going to stop reading this thread 
too scary for me
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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i was 13 and i came home from school, mum was at work and dad was working away in spain, my bro's and sister's were late back so they wasn't in the house, and i thought i heard my grandad say(in scottish accent) ' alright wee laddy' later that year he died of natural causes
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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in our old house (lived in a caretakers house for the school) tiz over 150 years old now easily, sum1 used to follow me down the stairs but i never thought anything of it coz it was always there from i was born, only noticed summat was wrong when it wasn't appnin at this house 
me n the g/f was stayin at our house on our own.. watchin a film n we both saw the curtain move n a white flash go across the wall this was before the trance thing. g/fs seen her run down the stairs too, lol the g/f ran into the living room crying n i was like wtf's up with u, she scared the fuck outta me lol
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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sometimes my cd player randomly decides to turn off at will, or turn its own volume up
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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but there can be an explanation to the Cd player doin that, its electrical.. same as the touch lamp in the room that woman died in at our house, it goes thru its 3 stages of brightness then stays off, all by itself :S