Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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Looks like the SSC and Novaload are lining up a 1/4 mile day 
Should be close, but my money's on the Nova's
Registered: 12th Sep 02
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my moneys on the nova's without a doubt. Novas would piss all over corsa's and corsa's piss all over saxo's
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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Theres a few more big power saxo's around now though. But still, Nova's will win
Registered: 19th Dec 03
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my moneys on nova's aswell theyve all got 2.0 L but saxo's wud be better round corners coz the 2.0l lumps are slightly heavy on the front end and saxos weigh not much more than a can of coke.
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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Shame its 1/4 mile only.
Registered: 19th Feb 03
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my mate had a superchaerged saxo 200bhp and it just beat my corsa at the finish every time, best was 14.2 @ 100 and mine was 14.6 @96.7 , and 1/4 mile which is how the nova v saxo day is going to be judged so defo nova will win in, wether be a LET or xe on tb's,lucky b wiped the floor last time lol lol lol
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: Bath/Bristol - Evo 4 GSR
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TBH 1/4 is never gonna be the best in big power saxo's as its so difficult to get the power down. Rolling start would be a lot better
Registered: 24th Jun 02
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They should have a track day not quarter mile then you can realli test the car and driver!
Registered: 29th Nov 02
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and a nova has good traction
Registered: 19th Feb 03
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an xe corsa/nova does not have good traction off the line
been there , its not fun
Registered: 19th Feb 03
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both just as bad as each other, his saxo had a paddle clutch which was even harder, nova will win, period
Registered: 29th Sep 04
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I like both
Registered: 22nd Feb 04
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saw this on ssc.
think theyre going to pitch similar cars against eachother.
for example....
nova SR vs VTR
Nova gte/gsi vs VTS
XE vs tb vts
Let vs Supercharged vts
Novas will whipe the gorund clean with saxo's in most categories i think (and i own one! ) Just a bit of fun though. Old vs New
Id have a nice nova over a saxo anyday. But there arent many around 
[Edited on 09-02-2005 by Bill_corsa_1.2]
Registered: 19th Feb 03
Location: glasgow ish
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sr wont beat a vtr
gte wont beat vts
xe and let should win
Registered: 7th Aug 00
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the most i have seen in a Saxo is about 250bhp and that like max
Rick Drapers Let Nova is going to be like 400bhp+
IssacHunt Blue Nova 11.8 1/4 and was a 2lt 8v
Saxo are going to get Raped
Corsa Vs Saxo = Corsa Win
Corsa Vs Nova = Nova win
Why even bother...?
the only chance the Paxos have it the one with Twin R1 engines But even in a paxo weight can not see being that fast, and Novas will come back with Twin engine Nova 700bhp jobby
Registered: 20th Sep 02
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was gonna say a 75 bhp vs a VTR is a bit unfair surely?
Same with the gte/gsi and VTS
but the xe and let will eat most saxos!
having saying that im sure a well tuned gsi with twin webbers will give a vts a run for its money!
Registered: 19th Feb 03
Location: glasgow ish
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yeah maybe, only thing LET HAS AWFUL traction issues, dunno XE on tb's needs to be there
Registered: 7th Aug 00
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end of the day
IssacHunt Blue Nova 11.8 1/4 how many saxo can even come close to that?
and i recon the Nova boys could put out a car with almost any engine size which could rape most of the saxo they bring
Chips old Standard XE Nova ran a 13.3 i would set that the bench mark (as it was just a standard Nova with a XE he had lay about thrown in) for the Paxo boys and i think most of the saxo kids will find it hard to beat that
Registered: 7th Aug 00
Location: Manchester
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quote: Originally posted by J4LDO
yeah maybe, only thing LET HAS AWFUL traction issues, dunno XE on tb's needs to be there
Traction isent a Issue really on the 1/4 mile as once the cars got going the LETs are off, Tims Let Corsa off here was a shit 0-60feet time but can still hit a 13.4 1/4
Registered: 19th Feb 03
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thats interestin beardy, just satandard let or what ?
Registered: 2nd Feb 03
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quote: Originally posted by BeArDy
end of the day
IssacHunt Blue Nova 11.8 1/4 how many saxo can even come close to that?
and i recon the Nova boys could put out a car with almost any engine size which could rape most of the saxo they bring
Chips old Standard XE Nova ran a 13.3 i would set that the bench mark (as it was just a standard Nova with a XE he had lay about thrown in) for the Paxo boys and i think most of the saxo kids will find it hard to beat that
you forget the nitrous 
my moneys on the novas. im sure there are a few novas that run high 12's too
Registered: 1st Sep 01
Location: Dudley, West Midlands
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Posted on behalf of the banned GSi Steve:
shame the nova/corsa has to have an engine replacement to get anywhere, i think rules should state no engine replacements
Registered: 19th Feb 03
Location: glasgow ish
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standard XE nova at crail with nos 13.2
won ultimate street car scotland the other year
Registered: 20th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ned
Posted on behalf of the banned GSi Steve:
shame the nova/corsa has to have an engine replacement to get anywhere, i think rules should state no engine replacements
i think rules should state steve should fuck off
Registered: 19th Feb 03
Location: glasgow ish
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quote: Originally posted by jr
quote: Originally posted by Ned
Posted on behalf of the banned GSi Steve:
shame the nova/corsa has to have an engine replacement to get anywhere, i think rules should state no engine replacements
i think rules should state steve should fuck off