Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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i am going to rip the seats out of my corsa and do and massive intalls, but i cant think of any designs !!
can any body help me with some ideas etc
Registered: 30th Jun 02
Location: Bolton
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Un-bolt the seats... much easier than ripping.
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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lol, i did 2day unbloted all the seats etc jsut w8in for the boot install which hoepfully "ktsri" will be providing
but its looking good, i just need the install now 
i will get some pics 2moro 
[Edited on 14-09-2005 by m1ke]
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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No copying allowed, but...
Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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he stole that from snowy, steve is completly oblivious.
loverly install that, wat u running up front ed?
Registered: 30th Jun 02
Location: Bolton
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Unless you've got a stupid amount of equipment that won't fit in the boot, I don't see the point in removing the back seats...
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Erm... Nothing at the moment... Though I want a Nakamichi MB-VI... I also need some JL slash amps to finish it all off..
Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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u not got ne component speakers?
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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i got to run
four 12" sony xplod subs
2 sony 1000watt amps
2 1.0 power cap
and it wont fit in my boot, so i tok the seats out, but now i got to think of a install, can people please help me, and post up some boot installs but with the back seats removed
many thanks
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Registered: 31st Dec 04
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sell the four sony subs and buy an RE XXX
probably give you more bass than 4 of the sonys and fit in your boot in one go
E36 328
Registered: 15th Mar 04
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quote: Originally posted by craig8
sell the four sony subs and buy an RE XXX
probably give you more bass than 4 of the sonys and fit in your boot in one go
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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no way my mate got 2 xplod 12" subs and they are so bassy its insane
so im goin the step further with four :d just need some ideas of what my boot install could look like
so please can som1 help and post some picstures of boot installs were they have removed the rear seats
greatly appreciated
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Registered: 31st Dec 04
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sorry to go so off topic, but have you ever heard any better than sony subs?
like, honestly?
E36 328
Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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m1ke a word from the wise, sony make grat home electronics and used to make good in car stuff, i remember my sony cdx 3100 but now adays there stuff is flashy crap, they look shit to and half the chav mobiles stalking our street hav sony install that look plain awful
getother equipment, also y 2 power caps??
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Agreed Sony stuff is dire
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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yeah ive heard uther subs, i got to kenwood tornado subs at the mo but they arent no way near as bassy as the xplods,
and as im running 2amps i though i would have to power caps
i think sony stuff looks pritty decent .
i was thinking about these pionerr subs gettin four of them, think there 2000watt each 12" but i think im going to go with sony , not sure yet , what do you think ?
[Edited on 17-09-2005 by m1ke]
Registered: 7th Apr 03
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he said have u heard any other decent subs, it all depends what u wanting out of ur system areu justwanting really loud bass or u wanting abit quality if u arejust wanting bass then u want it set up a little sumfing like my car
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Registered: 7th Apr 03
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or here is a couple of our other cars the corsa c is still in progress
Registered: 16th Nov 04
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go for something decent mate, or just dont open your boot cos you'll get laughed at. i would just get one wicked one like a jl, diamond, re one.
Registered: 20th Nov 02
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i stand by the saying when it comes to modifying cars that you get what you pay for!
and ICE is defiatly one you dont wanna skinmp on IMO!
Ive always had Pheonix Gold and JL gear and i love the stuff, 4 12W3s would be mega loud and will be alot better sound and probably last longer!
Registered: 9th Sep 05
Location: Tewkesbury
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thanks for posting the pics up, have any1 else got any more ?
Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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just coz u got 2 amps dont mean u need power caps, i got 2 amps and dont have a power cap
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Registered: 31st Dec 04
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quote: Originally posted by chillout
he said have u heard any other decent subs, it all depends what u wanting out of ur system areu justwanting really loud bass or u wanting abit quality if u arejust wanting bass then u want it set up a little sumfing like my car
forgot to tell you, the Alium is sounding great after being run it, defo gets alot of attention and comments 
E36 328
Registered: 7th Apr 03
Location: on my own far far away from everyone!!!
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cool matepleased u like it