Registered: 1st Nov 04
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Will painting ure arches and bumpers a black colour e.g. anthracrite (sp) or satin black turn out to be like the Speedline and Gsi look?
My reasoning behind this is the following, the gsi and speedlines look and suit the car perfectly imo but after a while a lot of people doing it has made it the norm and not a very favourable mod so will this follow suit?
It seems to have more diversity to it though in terms of other stuff u cud add such as gsi front but black and irmscher stuff .etc and also not many ppl have done it yet they just talk about it or reckon it will look good.
[Edited on 03-11-2005 by dna23]
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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really dont get the question
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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i voted joff as i was confused....
Registered: 4th Oct 04
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PMSL! My mate kev's car. was me that put the pic up.
I think its getting as common as the gsi kit + speedlines. Every corsa about here has copied him ^^ just about.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by Butler
really dont get the question
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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ah... what you mean is "is this the new GSi kit and speedlines?"
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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haha, what a funny thing to ask. I dont think it will to be honest, cant really explain myself. I used to like the gsi kitted cars but i must admit if i were to mod a corsa now id go mostly irmscher as with your car sam, probably the best corsa on here imo. speedlines suit corsas without a doubt, only reason there so popular, dont think that will change. get speedlines matey!
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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yes but the thing is not many ppl have actually done it i only know of the one above just a large amount of people ahve suddenly cottoned on to the idea, agreed Rob B had thought of it ages a go but a lot more ppl recently seem to be going down this route
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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Examples?? I know rus bought the splitter recently iirc, cant remember any other cases though. Don't think painting the black plastic black will catch on as gsi kits and speedlines have.
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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i was gonna have this done, but i decided against it in the end.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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basically jus in posts where ppl say wat u think about me car if its red or silver they get a lot of keep ure plastics black or spray em .etc
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Butler
Examples?? I know rus bought the splitter recently iirc, cant remember any other cases though. Don't think painting the black plastic black will catch on as gsi kits and speedlines have.
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by Rus
quote: Originally posted by Butler
Examples?? I know rus bought the splitter recently iirc, cant remember any other cases though. Don't think painting the black plastic black will catch on as gsi kits and speedlines have.
i didnt get the splitter relevance here sorry
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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i bought the irmisher lip the other day didn't i hunny i keep debating having my arches, bumper done like that eveytime i look at it though. i better make my mind up soon 
[Edited on 03-11-2005 by Rus]
Registered: 28th Feb 04
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i dont get it either
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by yzjon
i dont get it either
will painting ure arches and bumper bits that are usually plastic become the norm and then slowly be frowned upon like gsi kit nd speedlines.
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by dna23
quote: Originally posted by Rus
quote: Originally posted by Butler
Examples?? I know rus bought the splitter recently iirc, cant remember any other cases though. Don't think painting the black plastic black will catch on as gsi kits and speedlines have.
i didnt get the splitter relevance here sorry
sorry i thought you were referring to everything on that car in the pic in general being the new gsi kit+speedlines, not the black plastic sprayed black
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by dna23
quote: Originally posted by yzjon
i dont get it either
will painting ure arches and bumper bits that are usually plastic become the norm and then slowly be frowned upon like gsi kit nd speedlines.
i would think so tbh. it looks awesome. but in another way i hope it doesn't because i may do this myself
Registered: 28th Feb 04
Location: Howden
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whos frowning upon gsi kit and speedlines?
end of the day u cant please everyone,people do what they want to their cars to please themselves so if theyre happy with it,why frown up on it because you dont like what they have done?
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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nah he jus has superior taste with irmy lip
Registered: 1st Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by yzjon
whos frowning upon gsi kit and speedlines?
end of the day u cant please everyone,people do what they want to their cars to please themselves so if theyre happy with it,why frown up on it because you dont like what they have done?
if u search on here for gsi kit or speedlines ppl often say another gsi kit or speedlines .etc they make it into a joke because its become so popular....
i cannot answer the second part as i dont frown upon it and i am under the same understanding i do to my car, what i want not the masses. but some ppl r different so i decide to open up this debate
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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having the car done like that silver one is currently a risk. because i want (and may do) do it to my car. but because my car is red and no one else has done this to a red corsa, its a gamble as to how it will come out. people are confident about the gsi/speedline thing because they know its gonna work.
Registered: 28th Nov 03
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No I doubt this will happen. You may see it on here more often , but whats the figure on here as appose to the rest of the modified corsas in the United Kingdom ?
I think corsas on this website will start to follow a trend of simply keeping bumpers etc and trying to stick with a set of aftermarket Vauxhall wheels , going towards a more "as it should have come out the factory" look.
ICE isnt as big as it used to be imo , however engine conversions/upgrades are. Changing all the time
So basically trends are changing time and time again , and I don't think these looks should ever be frowned upon 
Registered: 28th Nov 03
Location: Paisley, Renfrewshire
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quote: Originally posted by Rus
having the car done like that silver one is currently a risk. because i want (and may do) do it to my car. but because my car is red and no one else has done this to a red corsa, its a gamble as to how it will come out. people are confident about the gsi/speedline thing because they know its gonna work.
Not a risk at all if the rest of the car suits the look
Registered: 24th Jan 05
Location: SE London, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by escortgti.com
So basically trends are changing time and time again , and I don't think these looks should ever be frowned upon 
there it is, in a nut shell.