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your oppinions over standard sport seats etc
fixed - pro's and cons
recline - pro's and cons
ps im dead set on getting some form of sparco's
thanks stavs
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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i used to have corbeau forza sports with sabelt harnesses and they werent the comfiest seats on long trips but i certainly felt comfier sat lower down and you dont tend to move on corners but they were a pain in the arse trying to get passengers in the back
Registered: 12th Dec 06
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haha yer - my mate has cobra's in his rallye and to get in that u have to slide in on your side nearly lying on the ground - good excuse for not giving lifts tho
Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
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Loved my sport seats, good holding u in, just need to recover as spotty covering is pretty shitty
fixed buckets good, but not good if ur gona do a long distance drive, what if u get back ache, u can't adjust the angle to help it
recliners, i got me some (off e-bay the cheap ones people prob never go for because they don't have a name like sparco or corbeau) Cost me £230 delivered with corsa b subframes, in black alcantara.
I'm very happy with these, are comfy and look good, 3 days delivery from belguim too !!!!!
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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well i did get a quote for having the sport seats trimmed front and rear. no one can go in the back because it rubs like fek and i like it stripped out tbh
when i sat in chris c's i felt like i was leaning forward for some reason?
i think sparco do tilting subframes ?
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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They aren't very elegent. You have to crawl out of them, after anything longer than about 30 mins you will probably get out of the car on your hands and knees
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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thats not good as i dsome long trips sometimes, so maybe look for recliners then ?
Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
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here's mine
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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i found these, there spose to be the most comfy fixed seat on the market ? according to demon tweeks ?

and i like them alot
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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quote: Originally posted by GavCorsa
here's mine
more info wanted mate
Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
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hope it works, this is where i got mine
plus my mate got some white leather look ones (althought the leather look is actually really good, not like vinyl type stuff)
corsa b subframes do help with fitting but with driver seat and hieght adjustment thing u need a hammer and grinder but they go in eventually
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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those are quite nice, i like the leather look ones off ebay personally and theyre cheap as chips
Registered: 13th Feb 06
Location: Grantham, Lincs Drives: bmw 323i coupe
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yep, they r good mate
alcantara 1's r lovely
leather look r very good as it aint cheap vinyl
Registered: 30th Oct 03
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i love my recliners, very comfy...they dont fit a corsa though. The door pockets have to be cut

Registered: 30th Oct 03
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as for fixed back one, sparco fighter 2's are comfy
Registered: 19th Jun 06
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I'd say get recliners. Best of both worlds, good looking seats, and if needs be, getting in the back wont be a problem
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
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Fixed sparco ones are ace. I want a set for mine. I love the WRC look
Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
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I would never have buckets again. I had fixed Cobra monaco's in my old corsa, i drove from Wigan to Santa Pod and was paralysed
So buckets are a big no no from me - If i did change i would get sport seats retrimmed.
Registered: 13th Oct 04
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quote: Originally posted by Iain M
I would never have buckets again. I had fixed Cobra monaco's in my old corsa, i drove from Wigan to Santa Pod and was paralysed
So buckets are a big no no from me - If i did change i would get sport seats retrimmed.
Registered: 13th Oct 04
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STAVS why not get some scooby seats or something similar in there?
vectra gsi seats?
Registered: 20th May 02
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Mine are fine on long jorneys, just as comfortable as normal seats
fixed corbeau forza sport 2000 btw
Registered: 30th Oct 03
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if you get scooby seats you will have the same problem as me....they dont fit. iirc Matt H has some and he had to cut the door pockets too.
With mine the seats dont move forward or back due to there being so little room between the bottom of the bolster and the sill plastics. Had to get them where i wanted them and that was it.
Only downside is i have to sell my car to another person who is 6ft 3"
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Registered: 19th Dec 05
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well i dont have back seats so thats not a prob really, i need to no if the sparco seats i posted a pic ov will fir ei width ? not sure who to ask, and the will probilly be black or blue ? not sure yet ?
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Iain M
Registered: 18th Aug 05
Location: Wigan - Drives 272bhp corsa ZLET
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