Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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ok didnt intend on selling this but i have just learned that i can aford to insure a skyline gts-t so as you can imagine guess what i would rather ride round in so as a result this is up for sale
the pics do most of the talking but heres some quick info on it
Firstly i NEVER CONVERTED IT so please dont ask me loads of questions on the conversion most of it is obvious.
ok started as a corsa 1.4 sport and was converted by the last owner that was an old guy thats now 65 and classed as dissable thus why he sold it
all the back of the cab is steel with bracing box section and well finished with grey carpet there is the odd mark and a few cracks where filler has been skimmed in on the boot before i lowered it it drove absolutly silent no rattles squeeks or creaks but its now that low and stiff the bushes squeek spray them in wd40 it stops for a week
thats all the bad points i can think of of the top of my head
ok sinse i have had it it has had
new rear shoes
new rear brake cylinders x2
fuel filter
head gasket
camshaft oil seals
inlet gaskets
exhaust gasket
manzel style power pox
blue silicon inlet hose
egr valve blanked off
silicone vacume hoses
stainless powerflow side exit
all engine parts painted
modified x20xe plug cover
head skimmed
pioneer head unit
new door speakers
2 new front tyers daytons (made by bridgestone for those interested)
80mm front springs
g-max front shocks
100mm rear springs
bylstien rear shocks
2.0l 16v front brakes
brake fluid change
and of corse a png sticker
the work it had before i got it
resprayed original colour
pickup conversion
iveco back window
wooden floor with drainage
tinted rear lights
recent exhaust
as mentioned there is the odd mark and scratch there is a few filler cracks but all round as a whole a real tidy car
runs sweet as a nut realy quiet engine has no leaks uses no oil or water and pulls well
has tax test and a garages report stating that the vehical is of a safe and roadworthy manor not sure when mot and tax is due but i know its not untill next year will have to look
this car is a complete 1 off and draws an amazing amount of attention theres not 1 day i have driven this without 80% of the people i see staring at it and i havent driven it yet without some1 stopping to chat to me about it
like i said dont realy want to sell but the chance of a skyline is just far to tempting so something has to go and im afraid its this rules state a price because of how unique it is i cant realy put a price on its head so we will say 100000000 for now but will take offers alot less please only serious people need show any interest as im not interested in timewaisters
may consider a part ex or swop but realy im after cash for the skyline but may be tempted 2wards something else
call me 07951905141 or pm me please note pics were taken before the engine work and side exit was done recent pics of these will be added asap
offer around £2100

[Edited on 04-10-2007 by portergsi]
[Edited on 04-10-2007 by portergsi]
[Edited on 09-10-2007 by portergsi]
Registered: 8th Oct 06
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Mate have you checked out my skyline foe sale?!
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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yeah just had a quick butchers very nice mate pending the sale of this i may be in touch
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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Registered: 6th Aug 07
Location: southport
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bump for a nice motor id have it but doubt youd take my budget of 800 for it lol
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
Location: Hi
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didnt this sell not long ago?
Registered: 15th Jun 03
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u2u sent
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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i had it for sale not long ago then changed my mind and spent alot of money on it
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
Location: Wigan lancs Drives: Mercedes-Benz W202T 25TDi
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Genuinely interested – however a few questions, is it on the log book as a pick up? And has it been inspected by the DVLA, last time I declared a range rover that I had made into a pick up the DVLA sent a guy round to look at the car, and when I was talking to him he said that because it was a chassis and body he had been sent out, had it been a monocock shell it would have to go to one of the SVA / VIC test centers to be inspected
what sort of money you looking for
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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u2u have been sent
Predator Corsa
Registered: 29th Sep 03
Location: Kent
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How much are you looking for? and where are u located?
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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best offer around 2k can take it i know it sounds steap but its just cost me 600 quid the weekend just gone alone pluss its a complete one off there may be other people do them but there will never be another exactly the same
im linclonshire mate
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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Registered: 25th May 01
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this sold on ebay a few months ago no?
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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yeah i brought it at the end of june mate i put it up for sale about a month or so after i got it because i saw something else that took my fancy that was interesting changed my mind a spent money on it instead im seriously considering keeping it again now aswell because for the money i get for this what else am i gona buy thats as unique and gets as much attention as this i thought about a skyline but sinse changed my mind so might keep it for a bit as i dont know any one in the country with one and like i say im not gonna be able to buy anything else as unique as this for 2k
Registered: 5th Nov 03
Location: with MJ
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cool as
Registered: 22nd Jun 06
Location: Spalding, Lincs
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now then mr porter how are you
never knew you had a mantzel on it
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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all got done at the weekend mate when it had the cam belt and top end rebuilt ect next time i see you in town stop me and have a look mate hows the turb now? i hear rich is talking about selling his again
Chris F
Show Staff Organiser: East Anglia Premium Member
Registered: 26th Dec 05
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Thats Chipper Cool
Registered: 6th Aug 07
Location: southport
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not totally original tho thers a holden barina cabriolet an pickup which only have half cab an 2 seats but thatss australians for you! still cool tho! an u neva gna see one of them holdens over here so its all good
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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cheers for comments lads tv are also interested in this by the way so who ever buys it i will give them all the names and numbers ect to ring to get them down to have a look
sunshine beast
Registered: 7th Jan 05
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wrong simon 179 there is a yellow holden pick up with chrome wheels that i some times see in wakefield looks realy nice
Registered: 19th Jun 01
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Thread closed, if you edit and add a price u2u me or another mod the link and we will open thread back up.
Registered: 16th Sep 07
Location: norn iron
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class! never seen a corsa pick up before!
Registered: 2nd Sep 07
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£1900 ANYONE?