7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
as above really, i'd want £600 + delivery for the brakes as there practically brand new. this price includes the braided hoses and greenstuff pads.
i also have rear hi-spec grooved discs to match with uprated hi-spec pads, these can be thrown in for another £100
U2U me if your interested then i'll find out a price for delivery etc..
payment through paypal/cash 
[Edited on 08-11-2007 by 7 omm]
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
bump for the morning
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
if you have SRi standerd disc's and pads and front calipers i'lll knock off £100
Registered: 8th May 06
Location: Burnham, Buckinghamshire
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Are you splitting the C?
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
just brakes and front seats on a feeler just now....
Registered: 8th May 06
Location: Burnham, Buckinghamshire
User status: Offline
The Gsi seats?
Price etc?
What rear bench did you have in it?
Registered: 20th Oct 04
Location: Alnwick
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what did the brakes perform like and how did they feel ?
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
the brakes perform really good and feel like fine.
i'll take you round the block and show you if your really interested. you live local enough
Registered: 20th Oct 04
Location: Alnwick
User status: Offline
i've been looking for a set of these for ages yet i have just sent the engine away to get rebuilt and Christmas is a coming.
I will do some sums and get back to you on pm.
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
ok mate, no problem
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
the seats :

Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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how much for seats? u2u me
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
£450 mate including subframes etc to fit
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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was hoping it would be nearer 200, optimistic i know
Registered: 4th Apr 05
Location: Ashtead, Surrey Drives: 100bhp Mint with Hole
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quote: Originally posted by corsabadboy
was hoping it would be nearer 200, optimistic i know
the subframes probs cost that. theres optimistic then there is just plain insulting.
Free bump
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
User status: Offline
£450 for gsi seats is a snip
wish someone would buy the car with all the bits on it though
its a lovely car
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
your not the only one matey...
get yourself aliong to the bank then trat yourself...lol
Premium Member
Registered: 21st Apr 04
Location: Wigton, Cumbria
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Hmmmmmmmmm 4 pots, hmmmmmmmmm!
Someone buy the whole car before I start checking monies!
April '06' Corsasport Feature Car | Aug '08' Total Vauxhall Feature Car | Spring '09' Fast Car Feature Car
Registered: 31st Oct 05
Location: Sandbach, Cheshire
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Any chance of the seats squeezing into a b?
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
yeah, should be a piece if pittal tbh matey...
at most some plate's made up so the you can bolt the seats to the plates then the plates to the car (like i have)
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
bump, been offered £400 cash for the seats by next weekend. any more offers above?, i need £450 for these which is a steal....
Registered: 9th Aug 05
Location: Dingwall, Highland
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by 7 omm
your not the only one matey...
get yourself aliong to the bank then trat yourself...lol
nuh nuh, i have those seats, in the original home 
and its for sale,
i'd consider the corsa once the astra goes and if i had the cash,
but i hope someone buys it and looks after it mate
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
get it bought mate...
it'll not be as much without the front seats in...
there provisionally sold so will most likely be cummin out now
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline
GSi seats now bought and payed for, just awaiting collection.
i'll get some pictures of the brakes up asap
7 omm
Registered: 19th Nov 05
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne
User status: Offline