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I was amazed how it muted down perfectly to how I wanted it after how it looked in this picture of when it was just finished...
Getting inked again at the start of spring with a large rib piece this time.
Watch this space..
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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Quality and detail looks spot on. Don't see the whole coy thing myself though!
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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Its Japanese translations and mythology meant something to me at the time I had it done - I wouldnt change it for the world though.
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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got a pic of how it is now?
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
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Looks great 
I want to copy it
Registered: 26th Dec 04
Location: Somerset
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what does a coi carp represent?
Registered: 7th Jul 04
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he likes fishing?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Eevrybody thats had somebody die in their life, went traveling, got up this morning has a carp that means something to them.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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quote: Originally posted by John
Eevrybody thats had somebody die in their life, went traveling, got up this morning has a carp that means something to them.
lol eh?
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Was answering spuds question.
It's just the latest fashion tattoo but everybody that gets one has some deep meaning for it.
Superlite Ltd.
Registered: 9th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by John
Was answering spuds question.
It's just the latest fashion tattoo but everybody that gets one has some deep meaning for it.
Registered: 26th Dec 04
Location: Somerset
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as far as google can tell the koi represents good luck. brilliant eh?
Registered: 12th Dec 06
Location: North Yorks Drives: MK3 Seat Cupra
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either way it looks fucking top notch.
hopefully im getting a jap style kingfisher/herron on the inside of my forarm soon
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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if a carp is going upwards it means something, and if its going downwards it means something else. Thats all i know!
Registered: 30th Dec 07
Location: irlam, manchester
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just had my first tatoo the other day and its kind of like an addiction for me now, i am booked in for the end of august for the start of my leg piece, having from my knee to ankle as a kind of japanese scene with all the usual japanese art you see such as koi, dragon and a gaisha tied in together
i really love the way your koi wraps around your leg and follows the contours of the ankle, shows a very good artist and also the way the shading is very consistent   
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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The Koi fish as a symbol represents perseverance in the face of adversity and strength of character or purpose. The Carp can also represents wisdom, knowledge, longevity, and loyalty.
I was heading off into the big world and I knew that at times it was going to be difficult - There was also some family problems at the time and this was done at a significant point of my life.
Registered: 8th Jun 07
Location: Penwortham, Lancashire Drives: Integra Type R
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I like that... I fancy something new again...
It's a bad addiction...
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
got a pic of how it is now?

This is more recent but still about 18 months ago.
Registered: 8th Jun 07
Location: Penwortham, Lancashire Drives: Integra Type R
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I like the bold outline....
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
if a carp is going upwards it means something, and if its going downwards it means something else. Thats all i know!
If it's going upwards it's to signify the way Koi's fight to swim upstream - meant to mean that you're being strong through tough times in your life
A Koi going downwards is meant to represent the opposite, that it's going downstream - going with the flow - and you're content with how your life is going.
Somthing along those lines.
I've loved koi tattoos for ages, Chester Benington from Linkin Park has a nice twin koi one on his shoulder.
Tiger, that is lovely and I'd love to get something like that.
Registered: 12th Jun 01
Location: Leicestershire Drives:Astra VXR
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From what I heard, Tattoo's should only go up and forward - obviously you can have them whatever direction you want, but in the traditional sense they should be up and forward.
Cheers Jules
Jules S
Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 03
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No offence,
But where has all the colour gone?
A couple of my mates have big koi's done (shoulder to elbow) and they are really brightly coloured tats
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by Jules S
No offence,
But where has all the colour gone?
A couple of my mates have big koi's done (shoulder to elbow) and they are really brightly coloured tats
Its a choice, some people go for brightly coloured tatts, whilst others prefer black/grey tatts. I personally prefer the latter as look better with age, where as coloured ones can fade a lot.
Jules S
Premium Member
Registered: 24th Dec 03
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I dont disagree cosmo....
But look at the first/last pics
The first one has red/pink scales etc and some cyan in there...the second one looks like an outline
Registered: 29th Mar 01
Location: Im the real one!
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quote: Originally posted by Jules S
The first one has red/pink scales etc and some cyan in there...the second one looks like an outline
First looks like when it was first done, probably right afterwards, so thats just blood/pen marks.