Registered: 19th Oct 07
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Anyone play it?
Cs: condtion zero?
Cs: 1.6
Cs: Source
cs on xbox (i havnt played it)
my steam id is NathanielMelton
Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Stafford
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Play source now and again, whenever I'm not playing COD4
Registered: 19th Oct 07
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yeah i tryed source got a friends trail thing.
didnt like it tbh uses a different gaming engine to the rest of them feels to advanced for my likeing lol
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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used to play 1.6 but havnt been on in a while. may have a bash tonight actually since my xbox is broke
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Played CS from the original betas through to 1.6 I played it religiously whilst i was a student, it nearly ruined my life. I played in one of the top teams in the country and won LAN events which was fun at the time, but now i wish i spent my time doing better things.
Funny thing is i haven't played for years, i flicked through Sky One the other day and saw that gaming thing on there where it was country vs country or something. The CS:Source team was basically some of the UK's best 1.6 players, one of them is a kid called AdY, he first started CS in my team and then he cheated quite a bit, then to my shock I see him on Sky one haha
Biggest waste of 4/5 years of my life.
[Edited on 22-02-2008 by AdZ9]
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
Played CS from the original betas through to 1.6 I played it religiously whilst i was a student, it nearly ruined my life. I played in one of the top teams in the country and won LAN events which was fun at the time, but now i wish i spent my time doing better things.
Funny thing is i haven't played for years, i flicked through Sky One the other day and saw that gaming thing on there where it was country vs country or something. The CS:Source team was basically some of the UK's best 1.6 players, one of them is a kid called AdY, he first started CS in my team and then he cheated quite a bit, then to my shock I see him on Sky one haha
Biggest waste of 4/5 years of my life.
[Edited on 22-02-2008 by AdZ9]
What team were you in mate?
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Was in a few, but one of the main one was Nocturne (this was like 3/4 yrs back im guessing)
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
Was in a few, but one of the main one was Nocturne (this was like 3/4 yrs back im guessing)
Name rings a bell so must of been decent
Tag was Noc | or something iirc?
Used to play myself alot but never in a big team etc, infact may have actually played your team once. Cant remember
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Yeh that was one of the many ones used haha.
Its one of the worst things i've done in my life, that along with playing WoW. Got really addicted to it, but i did meet some friends who i speak to now and i've actually made a few contacts out of it for my design etc. So it wasn't all bad. If i wasnt playing CS it would of been drugs or something so not to bad.
I was in a few teams over the years so yeh probablly, went to alot of lans and the odd multiplay events. Although i only went to them to get drunk and wind people up
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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Yeh i was a bit of an addict every day i wud play. Didn't go to any LAN's though cos I was like 14ish iirc.
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Yeh, im 22 now and I stopped at about 18/19. Went to my first LAN at 15 i think, but the rest of my team were 19/20 so wasn't to bad for me.
I had a massive reputation of being a major cunt though. Which I still can be (infact i think this is the only forum i'm not one). My last 2 lans I went to I only spectated so didn't take my PC etc. One I got super drunk and saw some kid who used to cheat massively, so in my drunken manner I went over and bullied/intimidated him and made him cry and hide under his desk, people complained and my name/alias was banned from future events.
Then I went to the next one under a different name and alias and played for a team with some mates, again we saw some kid who cheated online and annoyed people (general eThug) and we went to duct tape him to his chair for a joke, he got mouthy and one of my friends head butted him in the nose and made it bleed etc, got threatened with police action but instead they made my mate do security with them all night, and I wasn't allowed to drink and had to make sure people weren't sleeping in cordoned off areas this was when i was 19, I feel ashamed now of what I was like and done but never mind, i was young and naive
I never went to another one after that
[Edited on 22-02-2008 by AdZ9]
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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I'm going to i33 this year
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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Yeh Richie, thats what I used to go to, the multiplay events thats where I caused the trouble 
I went to i12, i17 and i19, jesus its been that long its now i33! Me and some mates were joking about going to one this year to play in the tournament and see how good we still were haha
P.S - what you going to play? And is it still like £70 ?
[Edited on 22-02-2008 by AdZ9]
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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Sounds like I missed out on all the fun not going to LANs
Thought you were older than 22, no offence
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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quote: Originally posted by RyanSxi
Sounds like I missed out on all the fun not going to LANs
Thought you were older than 22, no offence
LANs were awesome, remember going to one in Northampton and we stayed in a hotel which was paid for us etc, came 2nd in that tournament though 
Haha no offence taken, like I said i act mature usually on here, so no reason to think i was a youngen when i was young playing CS I had to be the best, if i died i would go mad etc, i took it to seriously. Nowadays if i play i play for fun
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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Yeh i got a bit bad for that, although my brother is FAR worse. He's the same on COD4 these days. When he dies he swears and screams at people and punches his bed hes only 15.
Hirstys was killed by....
"Fkin Bllx, im watching that again. Your sht mate"
etc etc comedy listening to him
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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Bring your own computer is now £80 and costs £15 extra if you want to go down on the Thursday evening to set up your rig early.
I'm 22 as well..... source has taken up about 3 years of my life so far.
I have two ED officials on Sunday as well for the Spring open. I try not to take it seriously but if you speak to ally who overhears me on comms, she will tell you different
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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quote: Originally posted by Richie
Bring your own computer is now £80 and costs £15 extra if you want to go down on the Thursday evening to set up your rig early.
I'm 22 as well..... source has taken up about 3 years of my life so far.
I have two ED officials on Sunday as well for the Spring open. I try not to take it seriously but if you speak to ally who overhears me on comms, she will tell you different

I stopped playing when I ment the missus, mainly because she wouldnt allow the stupid amount of hours I played on cs. Also I was 17 so started going out to pubs etc
Registered: 3rd Dec 02
Location: Newport, Wales
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She tries to stop me.... but it will never happen
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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i33? When I last played it was about i19 iirc
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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quote: Originally posted by RyanSxi
Yeh i got a bit bad for that, although my brother is FAR worse. He's the same on COD4 these days. When he dies he swears and screams at people and punches his bed hes only 15.
Hirstys was killed by....
"Fkin Bllx, im watching that again. Your sht mate"
etc etc comedy listening to him
I was far worse than that, I got violent even at LANs. I wouldn't accept that he killed me fair and square or out played me, he HAD to have cheated or got lucky. I would shout so bad, at one LAN we played at you played opposite the other team, one of them killed me and got really lucky and I flipped as I heard him laugh. Got up and shouted abuse at him and pushed his monitor forward, I was a right cunt back then.
I used to be leader in games aswell and I would shout at my team if they did something stupid, in the end I had to just be a player as i was a shit leader as i would just call them shit 
I got hooked on CS as i was at a low point, had split up with my GF and had just had a knee operation and they todl me i couldnt play football or martial arts anymore so i got into online gaming as I had loads of spare time. Got me hooked.
I wouldn't dare play anything seriously anymore, specially not at this age, i could never get hooked but i could waste many an hour on a game. I do miss the laughs though when playing, as I played with the saem group of people for yrs mainly so it was funny as I knew them personally.
£80 now, jesus. When i went as a spectator i just knicked peoples PCs when they fell asleep. Me and a mate went on peoples PCs at like 3/4am and installed cheats and got them banned from servers etc, god thinking back i was a right cunt.
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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Yeh my bro used to do that aswell, call every1 a cheater.
He even called me a cheat when me and him played on LAN right next to each other
Registered: 14th Apr 06
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makes me laugh when i think about it now. I'm tryin to find some of the movies made that i'm in. Can't find anything at the moment though because: a) they are years old b) the sites they were on dont seem to be around nowadays c) i have no idea where to look.
I even made a movie about myself once, that was fun plus it taught me Adobe Premier 
I just got my new PC 2 weeks ago, might have to install steam and play CS for a laugh, seeing as i wont be seeing the gf for tonight and tomorrow
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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play a bit of CS1.6, only starting to get back into it after not playing for a few years.
Have source too, but not a fan of it.
Registered: 26th Jul 06
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quote: Originally posted by AdZ9
makes me laugh when i think about it now. I'm tryin to find some of the movies made that i'm in. Can't find anything at the moment though because: a) they are years old b) the sites they were on dont seem to be around nowadays c) i have no idea where to look.
I even made a movie about myself once, that was fun plus it taught me Adobe Premier 
I just got my new PC 2 weeks ago, might have to install steam and play CS for a laugh, seeing as i wont be seeing the gf for tonight and tomorrow
Install it tonight and we will have a game. dont think I have a mic for the PC mind.
Atleast then you cant shout at me when "I pwn i wi mi 1337 skillz"