Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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Have you or someone in your immediate family (father, mother or sibling) had a vehicle stolen?
How did it turn out in the end?
Registered: 9th Nov 06
Location: Hullywood
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My Dads Saph Cossie got stolen and wrote off when i was about 7. Crashed through somebodys garden wall, reversed it out and hit a lampost on the other side of the road.
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
User status: Offline
My dad's Cavalier SRi was taken when I was about that age too, he was working for the Plods then, some old boy called up and told them he'd seen a car being stripped outside his house.
They called dad at home, said "where's your car?", he says "on my drive", they say "no it's at this address being stripped, get your arse down there" 
Got it back fine minus stereo, they'd got the rims off but dropped em when the Police arrived.
Ste L
Registered: 3rd Jul 06
Location: Manchester Drives: 106 16v Rallye
User status: Offline
have a stolen recoved, and basically fine - well it was technically the police who stole it, had an attempted twoc, they push it down the road, and couldn't start it, due to no ecu in it, police tried knocking at my old house, as i'd temorary moved, and go no answer so impounded it..
also, had another stole from outside my sisters, which i got back, but had every panel kicked in on the car, so basically a write off
also, had another attempted thief outside my old work, but just stole my parcel shelf with speakers on
not that lucky me really 
[Edited on 03-08-2008 by Ste L]
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
User status: Offline
We had our car stolen, never turned up. Wasn't insured for theft either
Registered: 1st Mar 07
Location: Buckinghamshire
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My dad had his car stolen years ago, the stupid thing was, his car had his name all over it.
He got it back the next day
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
Location: Dundee City Drives: 58 Impreza WRX
User status: Offline
In my childhood my mother had her Escort Cossie Stolen. It was only about 6 months old and stolen on the 7th attempt despite all manner of additional security measures.
Never traced, never recovered.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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My first car, a Nova Merit 1.2 5dr , was stolen and not recovered. I mean seriously? It was a heap.
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
User status: Offline
Was reading in TG Magazine, guy had his Cossie nicked, then traced to a housing estate, Police decided to set a trap for the lad who'd taken it but when he came back, the car had been re-stolen by another scrote.
Welsh Dan
Registered: 23rd Mar 00
User status: Offline
We had a mint XR2 stolen. Never saw it again.
We also had a Cav GSI 4x4 (from brand new, the reg was J332RPP but can't remember whether it was a turbo or not) which they tried to steal about 10 times, with varying success. They never managed to actually get the car away, but we came out several times to snapped steering columns, broken windows and door locks.
The best bit about it, was every time they failed to steal ours, they stole one of our neighbours Mk2 Cav SRIs. It always ended up in the same area when it was recovered too
Registered: 2nd Mar 00
Location: Derby, Drives: EVO VIII MR & pug 308
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Had an RST nicked and burned out. gutted!
Registered: 5th Jul 00
Location: Aberdeen City
User status: Offline
Old impreza was attempted a few times
Bonnet open....
Locks damaged....
Lock and door damage....
Silver corsa was broken into.....
Fee's old 306 was broken into....
Skyline was stolen, then recovered about 6 weeks later. Just lock/ignition and steering wheel damage.
Registered: 16th Jun 05
Location: Fife, Scotland
User status: Offline
Weve had plenty attempts but were in a ruff place 
Evo had many attempts at trying to bend the door back
civic had door pulled back a little
scooby hasnt been touched YET 
all our cars have good alarms and are on 24hour watch with CCTV
Registered: 29th Nov 06
Location: Brisbane Queensland
User status: Offline
Some retarded monghead tried to steal my totally amazing 1.5td nova, luckily it was a total banger and didn't start so they gave up
Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: Cambs Drives:M3 & X3
User status: Offline
Brothers 53 plate Astra GSI was stolen off the drive, never to be seen again. We still had both sets of keys and there was no glass on the floor. We think it was taken on a low lowder.
Registered: 4th Mar 01
Location: Thornhill, West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
my vectra gsi parked on my brothers drive house was broken in to keys stolen
this was in west yorkshire the car was found over 200 miles away in london
Ludacris Turbo
Registered: 28th May 04
Location: High Green, Sheffield
User status: Offline
Brother-in-laws shit box astra got nicked off his drive! Went out looking for it and found it in a layby with 2 lads and 2 lasses sat in it! Walked up to the car and pulled the driver out who was about 14! I wanted to teach him a lesson but my sister who's a copper said no cos she'd phoned for 'back up'! They all ran into the local woods where they were chased and caught by the police dog!
Premium Member
Registered: 8th Jun 01
Location: Aylesbury, BUCKS
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My Mum had her car stolen about 8years ago. It was recovered eventually, but she couldn't bear to have it back so sold it on straight after and got another car.
My friend Kevin had his Range Rover stolen and it was recovered 6months later. But by then the insurance etc had already payed out.
And Little Vik off here had her FRS stolen last week (Sun night) and luckily it was found Wed and she got it home Friday.
So luckily they were all recovered eventually 
Registered: 20th May 08
Location: Shropshire Drives: 1.6 corsa sport
User status: Offline
Had my nova stolen last year from Telford. i've still heard nothing
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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My Corsa (one in my avatar) was stolen early January this year.
Lad who took it got time for it but the shell with engine etc has never been found and I still think its in a lockup local to me.
The lad was only caught as I recovered my wheels and bumpers myself and had to harass the police
Registered: 13th Dec 05
Location: Downham Market, Norfolk
User status: Offline
Uncle had his ERSC stolen years ago.
Cut hole in the kitchen glass, opened window, went upstairs and went through his coat pockets, left a tripwire at the top of the stairs, moved a rover out of the way then made off with it.
Never found.
Registered: 24th Feb 04
Location: Stirling
User status: Offline
we had a MK1 LHD RS3100 Crapi stolen from inside our locked garage about 6 years ago. was found the next morning wrapped round a set of traffic lights not 3 miles away. was completely destroyed
[Edited on 04-08-2008 by M16KE B]
Registered: 29th Mar 00
Location: Turku, Finland
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when i was a little kid my nan had her audi quattro nicked from an indoor parking lot and recovered a few days later
Registered: 16th Sep 07
Location: Slough, Berkshire
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My brothers honda xr125, found in a field completly fooked.
Registered: 28th Jan 08
Location: Todmorden, West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
stolen, recovered written off.....
june 2007....nova (wife's car) parked up outside house, petrol guage on red, found burn't out next morning........1/2 mile from our house!
a complete waste of a perfectly good car.