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So the new expansion is out today for World Of Warcraft. Anyone bought it? any good?
I've not played WOW for a while however.. wondering whether to get back into it..
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I've never been a fan of WOW, never appealed to me. There's a story on yahoo of a gamer who cued 18hours or something to be first to ge ta copy, he collapsed when the shop opened
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i qued outside pc world for halflife 2.
i was one of 3 people.
Registered: 23rd Oct 05
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Im tempted however to pop in to asda at midnight and bag a copy of cod5... saying that.. i have a training course tomorrow..
[Edited on 13-11-2008 by Kurt]
Registered: 5th Feb 08
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hahaha! please do not do this!
i went into asda last night randome trip there,
amount of people with long hair and leather jackets was unreal!
i felt compeled to take the piss
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leeeeeeeeerooooooooooooooyyyyyyyy jenkins!
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quote: Originally posted by Kurt
Im tempted however to pop in to asda at midnight and bag a copy of cod5... saying that.. i have a training course tomorrow..
[Edited on 13-11-2008 by Kurt]
I checked that out in Asda today. The offer is on til Sunday apparently. No point rushing out, unless you're a gayer.
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I went over to Tescos last night to get a copy (and one for my brother, and his mate....) and I was the most "normal" looking person there - the rest were long greasy haired, stereotypical goth/thrash metal/emo/student types with chunky Rock boots, knee length leather jackets, black leather studded cuffs - all that sort, and there was me in my combats, Pumas and Fenchurch jacket - I felt so embarassed to be buying the same game as these people who were also buying the entire stores supply of nachos/dips/crisps and red bull by the crate loads to have massive sessions - there was me buying my copies of the game, some new pillow cases and a new toothbrush! 
Anyway, Northrend is a very gorgeous looking place and they have definetly learnt lessons from when TBC was released, much more playable, much less lag, much less fighting over the same quest mobs/items etc
The Deathknights are cool as fuck but every man and their dog is/has made one (including me!) so they are quite over populated at the mo in their start area.
I would be playing it now but I logged out to update a couple of add-ons and found myself at the wrong end of a 500+ queue to get back on my realm and as my PC is being proper gay (see upcoming thread about how my PC is gay and needs upgrading) I can't say in the queue for more than 10 mins before my PC freezes up and reboots - so I'll have to wait until less people are on tomorrow I guess.
But yeah, worth taking a look at for sure!
Just remember the golden rule - Alliance are gayers, Horde are pro!
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My character if hes still on there is a moo cow with a gun and a pet tiger
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quote: Originally posted by Jules
found myself at the wrong end of a 500+ queue to get back on my realm
Looks like you need to move realm
Got it earlier, been on for a bit, figured it was time to go to bed shortly.
Still haven't quite even made it to lvl 70 yet, mind.
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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Ive got mine in the pos on the way.
There is a 'Hero' class called 'Dark Knight', which can only be achieved at level 55 because its a powerful class which they dont want n00bs to have.
Im almost level 55
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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The Deathknight won't replace any character you have - its a separate char but one you can only start if you have at least one lvl55 (or above) char on your account
They start at lvl55 and with mostly blue gear with the rest being green, by time you leave the DK start area you'll be lvl 58, all your gear will be blue and you'll have the unique DK epic mount (which looks similar to the undead warhorses), you'll also have all the Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom flightpaths.
I'm not gonna change realm, all my (6) lvl 70's are on Dragonblight along with my guild - so to leave would be insane! It wasn't that heavily populated up until yesterday evening when they started doing rolling restarts on other realms so I imagine a lot if ppl on those realms made chars on Dragonblight to pass the time - thats what normally happens!
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I know someone whos taken 3-4 days off work to play this since its release, what a faggot.
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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That's a LIE William - I get those 4 days off as part of my roster!!
oh you mean somebody else........ok, cos I'd never do something as lame as to goto Tescos in my break from work and wait for midnight just to get a copy for when I got home at 7am despite having a copy order which came through the post the next day anyway at 8am.......nope, I'd never do that........
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hi jules
is this why the FB updates have slowed down lately?
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I know 2 mates who took yesterday and today off work so they could get/place this game.
Also guy at work bought the collectors edition for £60 and got a figure, some playing cards and the big fuck of massive collectors box.
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by willay
hi jules
is this why the FB updates have slowed down lately?
Yeah that and my PC is being gay (see thread elsewhere in GD and give me advise plskktybai)
I'm done to double figure updates in a day now - this will never do!
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AdZ9, Collectetors editions ROCK!
Might get one when the price drops
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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Jules, you sound like a friend of mine who pre-ordered around 4 copies from play, hmv, amazon etc.
hay ho, he can use them on all his other accounts now.
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Jules
The Deathknight won't replace any character you have - its a separate char but one you can only start if you have at least one lvl55 (or above) char on your account
They start at lvl55 and with mostly blue gear with the rest being green, by time you leave the DK start area you'll be lvl 58, all your gear will be blue and you'll have the unique DK epic mount (which looks similar to the undead warhorses), you'll also have all the Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom flightpaths.
I'm not gonna change realm, all my (6) lvl 70's are on Dragonblight along with my guild - so to leave would be insane! It wasn't that heavily populated up until yesterday evening when they started doing rolling restarts on other realms so I imagine a lot if ppl on those realms made chars on Dragonblight to pass the time - thats what normally happens!
What sort of blue weapons? are they particularly great? I would have atleast expected purple items
Registered: 20th Jun 08
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omg, i wasted 5months solid of my life on this game over the summer while off college!
never again, im sticking with call of duty me especially since the new one ROCKS !
and also a bit of footy manager 09
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on the bbc site there is a story about somebody who waited from 6am to get his copy, he was first in line, gonna be the first person in the UK to buy it, but passed out from exhaustion when the barriers went up and the 2nd in line got it first
Registered: 26th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by Bart
quote: Originally posted by Jules
The Deathknight won't replace any character you have - its a separate char but one you can only start if you have at least one lvl55 (or above) char on your account
They start at lvl55 and with mostly blue gear with the rest being green, by time you leave the DK start area you'll be lvl 58, all your gear will be blue and you'll have the unique DK epic mount (which looks similar to the undead warhorses), you'll also have all the Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom flightpaths.
I'm not gonna change realm, all my (6) lvl 70's are on Dragonblight along with my guild - so to leave would be insane! It wasn't that heavily populated up until yesterday evening when they started doing rolling restarts on other realms so I imagine a lot if ppl on those realms made chars on Dragonblight to pass the time - thats what normally happens!
What sort of blue weapons? are they particularly great? I would have atleast expected purple items
At least epics? There not a whole lot higher than epics apart from a handful of legendarys.....but anyway
It is good stuff, trouble is that it looks so damn cool I'm reluctant to get rid of it and look like every other pally/warrior!
So I'm gonna keep my lvl58 blues I think! lol
Registered: 19th Aug 02
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i got about 3-4 days left of my powerlevelling. Ive just reinstalled and dont have the time to go from 0-55.
Registered: 20th Feb 05
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Got my copy yesterday, only done a couple of quests in Northrend around the Warsong hold killing the spiders, freeing the peons and collecting shit etc.
Seems good so far - really didn't get much of a chance to play it though.
Made my Blood elf death knight too