Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
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hi guys,
brought greg-turbos car off him for the misses and it still isnt running right from when we brought it, got fobbed off i think (i shall learn my lesson lol)
but basically its:
loosing power at high revs or when u put the throttle right down
drinkin petrol and stinkin of it
black smoke at high revs
i've replaced spark plugs, coilpack, leads, petrol pump, crank shaft sensor
and apparently he replaced lamda sensor and cts.
anybody have any ideas?
thanks in advance, aaron
Registered: 9th Oct 07
Location: Bushbury, West Midlands
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could the timing be off just a little?
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
i was thinkin this, doesnt seem to be excesive knockin, but maybe worth a look at? cheers
Registered: 7th Nov 06
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wouldnt knock would just run crap if it was a tooth out. i have done it before
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
thanks andy, i will look into this now, have changed most things i can think of now lol
Registered: 7th Nov 06
Location: Lancashire
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is eml not on?
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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my gfs 1.0l was idling shite and reving itself and it needed the idle air control valve and the throttle air intake valve or somethin
[Edited on 28-03-2009 by am4nf]
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
lets be
fair enough, well gunna try the timing 1st if it ain't that i will take a look at that
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
mate just glanced at the timing and doesnt think its out, so i replaced the map sensor and cam sensor, still not right, but the engine is stuggling (shaking) on idle and when driving but when an odd whining noise comes from under the car (maybe from the fuel filter) the engine doesnt struggle so much.
so gunna cnahge the filter and go from there, so hopefully that might shed some light on it???
any more advice will be appreciated
cheers aaron
[Edited on 13-04-2009 by scaron5188]
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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personally it sounds like its got a vacume hose split mate.
pay attention o the one that goes onto the fuel pressure regulator as i have seen a lot of them go there and on the fuel tank vent valve.
could also be egr valve that is causing the problem.
are the plugs sooting up?
best bet is pop down to scrappers and grab a cts and lambda sensor off another car will cost bout £5 for both.
after all the troubles i had with my 14xe where it would pull hard then it wouldnt pull the skin off a rice pud it turned out to be the new cts i put on it..
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
oh right mate, well, i shall take a look at the vacuum pipes tomorrow.
yea the plugs are sooting up, brought new ones to see if that was the problem.
also i have my spare x16xe, so i may try the cts and lambda sensor off that if it happened to you,
thanx for the advice buddy
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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also another thing to check is the cts wiring.. I have seen a couple of people here have the same problem that the wiring comes detached inside the plug. Its more likely the vacume hoses tho..
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
had a look at the hose mate, doesnt seem to be anything wrong with it apart from it being the completely wrong thickness and about 2 foot to long. basically looks like it has been bodged by the previous owner (greg_turbo) so am gunna take the orginall, right sized pump off my old engine, and put that on.
could this maybe a problem? as it might not be pressureised properly?
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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has this car got origenal inlet or afet market one?
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
alright mate, it has standard inlet, but i have just looked at a pic in gregs garage, and remembered when we brought the car he was selling a power boost valve aswell, as im sure it is in the picture circled in red. and the hose im on about i've drew a yellow line by it.

seems he may have took the boost valve off and just stuck the hose back where it should be. so mayb this is what was causing it.
so do you think i put the correct size hose on it will be ok? or at least improve it?
cheers, aaron
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
this seems to be what was on there...

from greg-turbos for sale thead
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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holy fook thats way to long....
the hose thats sposed to go on the FPR is 3mm hose or is it 4mm canny remember but mine had 3mm put on it after i found my hoses to have split.
it should be only about 20cm long and be running off the inlet manifold.
this could be the problem.. also the fact he put a boost valve on it might be asking why.....
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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take a pic of what the car has now and might be able to see whats up.
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
dont know why i never questioned that hose before. yea he must have connected the hose back to the fpr when he took that shit thing off, so it is currently connected from the inlet to the fpr (the right place) but just way to big? well compared to mine it is lol
so may well be the problem. fingers crossed.
you've been a really great help rich. cheers
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
will try it tomoz and let u know what happens
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
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ive had so many problems with my 14xe that i know a little bit out these engines now lol
just got to go back to basics.. cars come with sertan diameter pipes for a reason.
if the pipe is to long or is to large in diameter then it isnt going to seal on the fpr well enough so itsnt going to alow propper fuel pressure....
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
yea it all makes sense now buddy.
glad i got my old x16xe in the backgarden for parts lol
thanks alot
Organiser: South West Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 08
Location: Chippenham, Drives: arden 2.0 sport
User status: Offline
alright mate, changed the hose seemed to be ok when there was a whining noise coimng from the fuel filter, but when it stopped the engine cut out. so put another filter on today and still no better, but no noise and doesnt cut out.
any more ideas lol?
cheers, aaron
Registered: 9th Oct 07
Location: Bushbury, West Midlands
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only thing i can think off is the fuel pump mate if theirs a whining noise for the fuel lines, as a free fix you could borrow the one out of your 1.6 just to have a quick look
Registered: 29th Sep 07
Location: Croydon, Greater London
User status: Offline
check the hoses on the fuel tank vent valve.. just seems funny that the car was running ok then cut out.... shame you live in chippenham i would be happy to have a propper look at it if you were closer...