Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Now i don't know if it's just me or anyone else out there, but I keep worrying about the mileage on my car. Its a W reg Polo (2000), so only 9yrs old and it's got an outstanding 88,850 on the clock, and when I come to sell it next year no-one will want it due to high mileage. Have I got anything to worry about or not?
Tommy L
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Northampton Drives: Audi wagon
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My 2000 a3 has 130k on the clocks and i'm not worried.
108K is average for a 9 year old car
[Edited on 26-05-2009 by corsa_tomtom]
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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So i should shut up whinging like a bawbag and think nothing of it? It's been reguarly serviced and mot'd.
Tommy L
Registered: 21st Aug 06
Location: Northampton Drives: Audi wagon
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Registered: 16th Nov 08
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Well everyone seems to think VW's last forever so not really anything to worry about, slap that mileage on a Corsa and it'll bump the price down though!
John G
Registered: 18th Jul 05
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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as long as a car is wel serviced milege shouldnt be a probelm, specially not on a VW
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Ok thanks guys.
due a service/m.o.t in june thinknig about it.
Matt L
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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mine is pretty much on 49k atm thats an 03.
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Thats good though isn't it?
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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Man up! 
Mileage doesn't bother me if it has FSH etc. My car is now on 165k
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Ok just me being a big softy lol.
Registered: 8th Apr 02
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Milage bothers me.
My honda is currently on 103,000 miles (1999 W reg) and although its average, and its a honda so it will probably to twice that, i still can't imaging many people wanting it when i come to sell it on.
I think i've been slightly brainwashed by my dad and brother though. Their cars are all really low milage.
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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Just get it clocked to the last MOT and say its been in storage........
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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@ Twiggy.
See it's not just me then Mr. Koo aswell.
Registered: 23rd Jan 07
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VW run forever pretty much. On mine 90k is just run in. 
But as long as you service it/look after any car in general: wont matter
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Registered: 1st Aug 08
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90k isnt high milleage by any means!
My Corsa has 103k on the clock, runs sweet! No one wants to buy it for some reason. not had a viewing on it yet
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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90k is high mileage, whether the engine runs forever or not the rest of the car has still done 160k.
I wouldn't buy something that high mileage, a lot of people do though.
Registered: 24th Mar 07
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It all misleading.
It depends on how well the car has been looked after. But that doesnt mean if it has been servied every 6 months, for example, its not going to break. Sometimes its best to buy a car with a few more miles, as certain common parts fail or need replacing (ie cambelt tensioners, water pumps etc), have already been replaced.
I my puma is touching 100k in the next month (1999 v reg) and its sound as a pound as it had had regular servicing in its previous life, and i think the engine runs smoother than my cousins 2003 corsa sxi which has done 37k as i found out yesterday she hadnt had it service in 5 years 
I was astounded when she says ' there is a nocking noise from the engine'.
'when have you had it serviced?'
'eh. I dint realise you had to. No one told me that. Ive had the car 5 years aswell'
[Edited on 26-05-2009 by richc]
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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My A3 is on a 2001 plate and has 109,000; the corsa is on a 93 plate and had 125,000. Both were looked after and regularly serviced.
Touch wood the only two things to have gone wrong with the A3 are the indicator flasher unit and the rear washer hose split in the tailgate - not bad for over 100k of motoring
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Registered: 1st Aug 08
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Great summary imho
quote: The advantage of a high mileage car is that it can often reflect motorway driving. Mechanically this is nice and easy, everything is working at the correct temperature and the suspension is not stressed.
A low mileage car on the other hand could reflect city driving where full operating temps are never reached and the shunting on the drive train can be high.
These are generalisations but the biggest problem with high mileage cars is the publics perception. I once bought a BMW at 50,000 miles and sold it a few years later at 250,000. Aside from the usual stuff like tyres etc the only work I had done was the head gasket at 217,000 but the original honing marks were still visible.
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Blimey thats good. i just rememberd my missus telling me the other day her & her mums fiesta (they share a car) its gone round the clock already its a P reg mind, few bits wrong with it like small oil leak, and waters leaking in somewhere.
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Registered: 1st Aug 08
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well gaskets dont last forever. its all wear and tear items...
I bought a car with 58k miles on the clock that was 11 years old... had more trouble than anything! Bacically all suspension, breakes and engine had to be replaced... after all these it was very good acutally!
Bought Corsa with 95k on the clock and had trouble free motoring.
Escort is on 93k and seems to be fine too...
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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my b had 135k on the clock when I sold it and was running sweet as a nut. As long as you look after cars its not a big problem
Registered: 14th Aug 08
Location: West Mids. Drives: Škoda Fabia VRS 5J
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Since i've had it ive looked after her. Not sure about the previous onwer as he was from London.
Ian W
Registered: 8th Nov 03
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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Out of the 10 or so cars i've owned in 9 years the ones with higher mileage have always been more reliable, generally cos the previous owner has paid out for the high cost repairs 
Bought my Nova GTE with 149k on the clock, only thing it ever needed repair wise was a thermostat.
Corsa - got it on 155k and took the 1600 out at 198k, was driving it the morning before it came out as well (it was a smoker though, but what c16xe isn't :lol