Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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what are these like for acceleration?
would rather have a 1.6 sport lowered, speedlines/softstars and exhaust than a mk5 fiesta zetec s.
are they about the same speed to legal speed limits compared with the fiesta?
theres a nice black one in classifieds going for 1250, tempted!
andys sxi
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Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Chester Drives:Scirocco tdi bluemotion
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how much do you want to spend on a car? i take it your selling the focus and getting something cheaper
reason i am asking have you thought about a corsa c 1.8sri? as they are newer than the corsa b's
April 08 feature car
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Feb 08
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Buy Mikes GSI for 1500?
A much better looking car to start with, not much more money either.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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really wouldn't spend more than 2k on a mk5 zetec s and more than 1200 on a corsa i suppose.
just need to free up cash and just want something that doesn't do 18mpg
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by DannyB
Buy Mikes GSI for 1500?
A much better looking car to start with, not much more money either.
red too hard to look after.
Premium Member
Registered: 6th Feb 08
User status: Offline
Not really, a good polish/wax a few times a month and a wash or 2 a week and it will be fine. It's a good example aswell, for an extra £250 that is what I'd be looking at.
[Edited on 16-09-2009 by DannyB]
andys sxi
Premium Member
Registered: 19th Jan 06
Location: Chester Drives:Scirocco tdi bluemotion
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quote: Originally posted by Ben G
really wouldn't spend more than 2k on a mk5 zetec s and more than 1200 on a corsa i suppose.
just need to free up cash and just want something that doesn't do 18mpg
ok so the corsa c is out of the window then, i was thinking mk5 was 1 of the newer fiesta just looked and thats the mk6 thats why i was getting mixed up
April 08 feature car
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
yeah the mk5 is the one before the shape i had fiesta.
my brother has a corsa c and i'm not too sure of it. it's only a 1.2 16v though so probably why.
danny, just looked as his advert and it does look a nice example. only thing is i hate the gsi interior and i thought GSI engines were C16XE rather than the later X16XE's?
Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 06
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I think they are about the same in straight line terms. But get a £140 inlet for it and the difference is mental!
And GSi's came with both X and C16XE's, the former being on late models
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
oh right, that clears that up then. i don't know much about the fiestas which is why i'd go for the corsa.
Registered: 9th Oct 07
Location: Bushbury, West Midlands
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im sure the corsa is abit quicker standard, but as said an inlet makes a massive difference.
edit - only thing with the fiesta's is noisy engine's and rust tbh
[Edited on 16-09-2009 by dan-sport]
Registered: 3rd Jan 07
Location: County Durham
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I want one of those inlet thingys for my 1.6 but from what iv herd there a badger to fit
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
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id have a corsa c 1.8 sri
drive realy well, engine feels so torquey, corsa b's just going to far, need some modern day comfacts!
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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I don't really like all the modern stuff tbh. hate the traction control on my car so i turn it off every time I drive it, even in heavy rain.
and 1.8 c's are out of my price range really, although they seem nice, just prefer the drive of the B and the looks too.
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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the 1.6 is quicker than a zetec-s, looks alot nicer with a couple of mods like you have mentioned. you have some good features in them too. a/c, e/w, h/m, e/m
so its not bad really.
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
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ive gone back a few years to the nova. only has electric windows, no power steering or anything. love the car though, so much fun and character to it.
Registered: 25th May 06
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1.6 sports are quicker but zs's handle better.
I can vouch for this first hand from owning both and my gf owning a mk5 zs aswell.
gez bay
Registered: 14th Feb 08
Location: South Wales drives: Vxr
User status: Offline
yeah the zetec-s does handle well. i can vouch for that too
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
they do indeed, just not sure whether i want a car that theres already so many of round here 
there isn't many corsas at all in my area.
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Theres an 02 Plate 1.8 SRi on autotrader with 73k for £2,400
Registered: 27th Jul 08
Location: South Ayrshire Drives: Corsa Sport
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corsa easy
Registered: 15th Sep 08
Location: Glasgow City
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i did like my sport but rations were all for low down power, once you hit and indcated 115mph it was like hiting a brick wall
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by davieslim
i did like my sport but rations were all for low down power, once you hit and indcated 115mph it was like hiting a brick wall
i don't really go past 100 anyway. only ever done it a few times in the focus, too risky.
Registered: 12th Feb 06
Location: Horsforth, West Yorkshire
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Id say Corsa, my old x14xe with filter and straight through exhaust used to stay with my mates ZS,
Warren G
Registered: 14th May 06
Location: Kent
User status: Offline
id just get a 1.4, cheaper tax
and just as quick tbh
but il never get another corsa, to used to driving modern refined cars
cruise control, steering wheel controls, nice to drive!
next car astra derv sporthatch 200bhp and 45mpg