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Author Consulting

Registered: 1st Jun 02
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11th May 11 at 22:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Anyone do this?

I mean the kind of consulting where you are potentially away from home a lot, either within the UK or abroad.

Do you enjoy it? Does it get lonely?

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12th May 11 at 06:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Thats what I am aiming for! Would love to do it.

Registered: 6th Aug 02
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12th May 11 at 08:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

housemate does it, loves it. never at home, lives out fo an overnight bag. i wouldnt consider that fun myself and ive spent numerous periods living out of a suitcase erc
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12th May 11 at 08:15   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Everyone's different, only you know if you'll get lonely or not. Also, you'll always be away from your family (once you have one of your own), although that's not always a bad thing

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12th May 11 at 08:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by loafofbrett
Everyone's different, only you know if you'll get lonely or not. Also, you'll always be away from your family (once you have one of your own), although that's not always a bad thing

It's probably not something I would consider if/when I have a family.

I've been away on business a few times but I suspect the novelty would wear off.
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12th May 11 at 08:32   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Well, I just thought, if it's something you get into, getting good money, etc. then you're hardly gonna pack it in once you have a family, surely?

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12th May 11 at 08:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by loafofbrett
Well, I just thought, if it's something you get into, getting good money, etc. then you're hardly gonna pack it in once you have a family, surely?

Potentially, but in the industry i'm considering, consulting doesn't pay any more than normal jobs anyway so unless I really loved the consulting aspect of it, there's no real reason why I wouldn't just switch to a normal job.

Registered: 6th Aug 02
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12th May 11 at 08:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

longer term assignments are diff but as im sure you know, business travel is nothing but a PITA... get up obscenely early, fly somewhere, sit ina taxi seeing noithing of any interest, get to an office where you cant understand a thing anyone says, work all day (maybe get takjen to lunch if youre lucky), leave the office late, sit in aforementioned taxi again, fly home, get home absurdly late

sucks ass

2 day trips etc are no better either, just means an opportunity to work even later before retiring to your hotel...

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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12th May 11 at 08:38   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

If it doesnt pay more then I dont see why you would want to do it.

I work away 20 weeks of the year, if I could get a job close to home on the same money i'd grab it!!

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12th May 11 at 08:39   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
If it doesnt pay more then I dont see why you would want to do it.

I work away 20 weeks of the year, if I could get a job close to home on the same money i'd grab it!!

Mainly because it looks good on the CV and would allow me to get a good variety of experience very quickly.

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12th May 11 at 08:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i *think* id really enjoy the work side of it, although my experience of client working form my audit dyas was that, altho i enjoyed being at clients and the banter etc (i wasnt big 4 so could actually have a laiugh with the guys...), i found it unsettling fgoing form job to job and also hated havign a million things ongoing at once

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12th May 11 at 08:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Depends if your a career guy I suppose!!

I just think sometimes doing what I do that theres a lot to be said about the simplicities of going home after work & sleeping in your own bed at night.
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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12th May 11 at 08:46   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

what is consulting? I hear the word banded about a lot but what does it entail?

Registered: 6th Aug 02
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12th May 11 at 08:50   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

its exactly that rich.. consulting

basically you go to a clients and advise them on a specific project but the work itself coudl be wide ranging. ie, big 4 accy firms have consultancy divisions that may advise on issues from m&a activity to the impact of a change in accountign standards, accenture eg have people who consult on how a new system might help someone but they also have people actually implementing the system too.

look up the liks of Bain, AT Kearney, Monday (?), McKinsey etc. Majority of CEOs in big companies start at consultancy firms, and the firms generally recruit form the top top universities

Registered: 26th Sep 06
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12th May 11 at 09:06   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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12th May 11 at 10:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

What do you work as?

Registered: 26th Sep 06
Location: Peasedown St John, Bristol Avon
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12th May 11 at 11:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Xs
Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

What do you work as?

Legal software developer

Registered: 16th Feb 09
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12th May 11 at 11:13   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Can male escorts be classified as 'consulting'? IE, meeting with clients at various restuarants, get drunk and take them home for a right seeing to. Then get paid.

Registered: 4th Apr 02
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12th May 11 at 11:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

So is it ad-hawk sort of thing? List of clients & only work when theres work?

To be fair even if your just working half the year on 400 a day you'd be doing well??

Registered: 26th Sep 06
Location: Peasedown St John, Bristol Avon
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12th May 11 at 11:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

So is it ad-hawk sort of thing? List of clients & only work when theres work?

To be fair even if your just working half the year on 400 a day you'd be doing well??

It is a bit; but it looks like there is enough work around at the moment to be working most of the year. I also have the fall back of a useful set of software development skills which could be used in other sectors to if necessary.

Was offered 9months at £350 a day based in Bristol oposite where i work now a few months back with the possibility of longer which was tempting i must say; but i think i would get use to earning that much and it i then couldnt find anything for 6 months would find it hard.

I think they key is to get established before going contracting so people know you and ask for you specific which is the position i am trying to get myself into better before i take the jump.

Registered: 14th Sep 04
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12th May 11 at 11:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Contracting is where the moneys at, yes there is a risk of no work but worth it IMO. We pay contractors on average £500-700 a day for doing the same job as our permenant staff on £80 a day.

Registered: 1st Jun 02
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12th May 11 at 11:59   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Originally posted by Colin
Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

So is it ad-hawk sort of thing? List of clients & only work when theres work?

To be fair even if your just working half the year on 400 a day you'd be doing well??

It is a bit; but it looks like there is enough work around at the moment to be working most of the year. I also have the fall back of a useful set of software development skills which could be used in other sectors to if necessary.

Was offered 9months at £350 a day based in Bristol oposite where i work now a few months back with the possibility of longer which was tempting i must say; but i think i would get use to earning that much and it i then couldnt find anything for 6 months would find it hard.

I think they key is to get established before going contracting so people know you and ask for you specific which is the position i am trying to get myself into better before i take the jump.

Get to London and learn banking


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12th May 11 at 12:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Colin
Originally posted by NovaGTE2
Its something i am looking to do in the not so distant future; what i do i can do a lot of it remotely so wont involve as much traveling. I have a young family so would only go where i could commute; london is only a couple of hours away and do it once a week on average at the moment.

Was approached about sub contracting a few weeks ago; £400 a day for 1month + contracts and £1000 a day for single day contracts it really is tempting. But spent all my savings moving house last year so until i have something behind me i cant take the risk

So is it ad-hawk sort of thing? List of clients & only work when theres work?

To be fair even if your just working half the year on 400 a day you'd be doing well??

You can either work as an independent consultant/contractor where you would need to go out and find work but you would make a good rate. £600 - £700 a day is the norm for my industry and you get all of that money (obviously apart from tax/NI etc). Contracts vary from 3 months to 2 years.

Or you could be a permanent employee working for a consultancy. Then you would get a salary so it's down to the company to pitch for the consultancy contracts, then they just send you there and pay all your expenses. The consultancy would sell your services for a few thousand a day but you only see a small amount of that as you just get a salary.

[Edited on 12-05-2011 by James]
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12th May 11 at 12:09   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Im a technical consultant for the company i work for. I work within 60miles from the office and go into a business and assess the needs of the client and plan the project from start to finish im on a resonable wage of 30k which is pretty good but i would like if i worked alone i could get 400-500 per day but i like the security of a full time post.
Matt L

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12th May 11 at 12:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Id love to do it personally.

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