Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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Do you still have to pay £12.50 for relationship advice on this site, I need a bloke's perspective asked several mates and all given me different answers!
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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well you can ask... whether you'll get a good answer though...
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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PM jake he knows alot about women
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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Kinda wanted sensible answers, would maybe be better off asking my cats
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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well this is CS
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
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Believe me it's a last resort
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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you may as well ask away then
Chris F
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Im a ladies man
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by Chris F
Im a lady man
We know!
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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quote: Originally posted by JonnyJ
quote: Originally posted by Chris F
Im a lady boy
We know!
Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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Right, blokes perspective. Used to work together about 4 years ago, got on well then, both changed jobs but stayed in touch over the years (just Facebook etc), then find yourselves working together again elsewhere out of the blue. You go to hers one night for a drink and a movie, only have a couple bottles of wine so both stay sober. Neither have hinted it's anything more than friends. You hold her hand when sat on the sofa, then, due to having been drinking and can't drive, she asks you if you want to spend the night. Get in to bed, you cuddle into her, you kiss her, she kisses you back. Neither make any other moves, but you spend the whole night cuddled into her and running your hands over her body. Next day you leave. Then just don't contact her at all. See her at work 2 days later, and talk as if you would any other time. 4 days on, still no contact.
Now as a bloke, would you have contacted by now, just not interested, be waiting for her to contact you? I feel 16 again he's not the type of bloke that would have come over expecting to get his end away etc.
I want to contact him and ask him if he fancies going for a drink, but don't want to come across desperate etc
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
Location: Newport
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Perhaps he's just a bit of a nervous bloke? I'd contact him.
Registered: 25th Oct 06
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he sounds frigid
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by AlunJ
Perhaps he's just a bit of a nervous bloke? I'd contact him.
Clearly this. Didnt even make a move to go further suggests he was waiting for you to make the first move, he's probably posting a similar thread on about why the girl who kissed and cuddled him is acting all normal with him now.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by JonnyJ
quote: Originally posted by AlunJ
Perhaps he's just a bit of a nervous bloke? I'd contact him.
Clearly this. Didnt even make a move to go further suggests he was waiting for you to make the first move, he's probably posting a similar thread on about why the girl who kissed and cuddled him is acting all normal with him now.
Lynny - He's probably shitting it and being a bit of a pansy. Give him a call and see what he says, the worse that can happen is him saying 'No'.
[Edited on 17-11-2011 by Dom]
Registered: 12th Apr 07
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He's either waiting for you to make a move or he's not really interested although if he wasn't interested, he'd probably avoid you or something and it doesn't sound like he's doing that.
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Working together I'm assuming you both speak at work? If so and it was me I would be asking you what youre doing tonight or x night and if the reply is along the lines of nothing then I'd mention doing something, then again I am quite a romeo
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quote: Originally posted by JonnyJ
he's probably posting a similar thread on about why the girl who kissed and cuddled him is acting all normal with him now.
Just ask him if he wants to do another night. Tell him to get the DVD and you'll take care of the wine and rubbers and see how he reacts
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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Registered: 3rd Jan 03
Location: oop north! Where people talk properly
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
quote: Originally posted by JonnyJ
he's probably posting a similar thread on about why the girl who kissed and cuddled him is acting all normal with him now.
Just ask him if he wants to do another night. Tell him to get the DVD and you'll take care of the wine and rubbers and see how he reacts
Yes, because when trying to start out in a relationship, coming across as an easy lay is just what everyone wants in a lass!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Omfg Jonny  
Registered: 7th Jul 09
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Sounds interested but nervous to me
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Either shy or not interested, no clues there.
Probably some signs in the morning, because you did cross the shy line, and shyness doesn't make you impolite.
I would be leaning toward not interested without better evidence. Although I may be incorrect.
Either way regardless of his position you should make yours clear, quick text telling him to sort his life out and tell you what is going on ought to clarify things.
As a bloke I would fully expect contact within a day and I'm also quite lazy so if she text I wouldn't treat it as keen, I would be grateful that she saved me the job of administering the follow up.
Depends on your ages as well, I've substituted keen for clear these days, no sense messing just tell each other what is going on. And if you're not clear, it's not for any other reason than it's just nothing much.
Registered: 16th Apr 07
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Just ask him direct and talk about it, we're not 12 anymore. If he's interested he should be fine with this, if not then you lose nothing and you will stop wondering. I find it a bit strange that he wouldn't be interested if he stayed the night.
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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What DVD did you watch?