Registered: 25th May 06
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Just have a look at the comments on a badly parked audi on my wall. Worth a look!
[Edited on 03-03-2012 by Jenko_Sport]
Matty W
Registered: 31st Jan 11
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saw that this morning.. wanted to key the cunt.
should keep hold of parking notice bags and just write the word cunt on a bit of paper and stick it on the window
Registered: 15th Dec 07
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Registered: 25th May 06
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Oh mate its been going on all day 90 ish comments on it now haha
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Post it here for the others to see?
Registered: 24th Mar 04
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Clique thread .......

Registered: 9th Nov 07
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I thought the whole point in fb was that people saw your updates on fb without the need for you to put 'look at my fb' in a place where about 95% of people probably won't have you
Registered: 24th Jan 05
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unusual thread topic
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Should re title it to -
Hey everyone, I'm on Facebook.
Matty W
Registered: 31st Jan 11
Location: Ashton-in-Makerfield, Greater Manchester
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its not a "hey everyone look at my facebook" in a attention seeking way. its to do with quite a funny situation with a lesser educated female member of society and a double parked audi that it turns out, belongs to her dad.. i do agree though it should be copyed from facebook to here
[Edited on 03-03-2012 by Matty W]
Registered: 25th May 06
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Pic i took and caption bellow.

I know ill park like a cock over two spaces somewhere there usually not enough spaces!
Dave Guy Go and put your car in front of theirs so they can't get out.
Dave Guy If they kick off you can say you would have taken a space if they hadn't used two.
Jake What a douche
Dave Guy Then again, they drive an Audi so probably need one space for the ego alone
Paul Typical AUDI drivers, as dave says ego thing m8 and deffo a cock !!!
Amy just park right next to him and bang his door with yours.. he'll learn 
Chris you'd hate my parking then lol
Leanne I'd Write On A Piece Of Paper " Learn How To Park " They'd Get The Idea!! Lol
Danny Brown That deserves 4 flat tyres, inconsiderate cunt, hate people that do that.
Mark Don't blame him to be fair, I'd do the same.. it would save dings from inconsiderate people banging my panels with their doors.
Tim Thorley Haha this is hilarious ide park slanted over the two bays ...
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson Thing is though you sometimes struggle get a space at the flats. Yea I may do it in a quiet corner of a big carpark but its different outside someones house.
Andrew Haha woody's car the tool
Adam I'd rock that space. Thing is if people were more honest when they carelessly twatted your door then people who dont want to shell out 80 - £££ each time their car gets hit wouldnt have to do this.
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson Well ill be honest and say I'd care less if someone parked like a cunt 
Dave Guy If you're worried about getting dents while parked there, then don't park there. Simples.
Chris Key the fukka lol
Chris either that or if he's worried about dinks.... he'd have a lot more to worry about with me like a size 10 steel toe capped biker boot mark in his door lmao
Linsey Yeah well nufins goin kiked in is door u daft cunt cuz its me dads car so touch it and we'll know who it is 
Dave Guy There's still no excuse for parking there in that manner.
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson Tbh not something I'd own up to and I'd be telling my dad to stop parking like that and being so inconsiderate.
Andy people park like this in our street ! pisses me off
Chris Linsey no probs lol
Dave bang on mate some people are just so ignorant and rude, it also seems what passes for their offspring are just as bad lmao
Jenko bang on mate
Linsey Get over u sad buncha twats geta life insteada taking pictures of a car
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson I was merely showing how selfish some people can be 
Linsey Fuck off u dumb ugly sad pathetic waste of a life atleast his offspring has got things goin 4 her unlike u sad loosers who'l never ad kids cuz u tha fkn butt ugly no1 will wana av 1 wiv u aha
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson You trying to direct that at me?
Linsey Sup r u like well jell cuz is cars beta than urs. Wetha e parks on 2 or 5 lines wtfs is got do wiv y have u got the rite 4 put his car on fb it aint up 4 sale bruv 
Rich I could name and shame here
Linsey Go on then !! Check the number plate 4 the surname! Dickk
Andy ermmmm dont matter if you have kids or not just taking up a space ANOTHER family could use
Linsey Well that family cudnt cud they soo shame theyl afta do wa every1 else does an park sumwhere else 
Rebecca Saurus Wells ‎...LMFAO!
Rich im pretty sure that's reg'd to a lad named wasim who i went school with, he's a fucking cunt anyways tbh
Linsey No its me dad u little dick head
Rich alright calm down, lol sure that's same reg though
Rich either way he needs reset his test if it is lol
Linsey Shame. Shhh now ! cuz he'll jus do it again seen as ur all so boverd
Rich C be hilarious if next photo jenko bangs up is a tow truck
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson And over being 'Well Jell' I'm not in the slightest, I've a nicer car than most people while I'm still at university 'making' something of my life.
This has gone WAY out of hand by someone spitting their dummy out.
Linsey Shame if u knew nefin its gone now LOLLLL
Rich Painter pmsl Jenko you getting all chavved up with your reemness on us?
Linsey I'll spit in ur face if u carry on! And if u didn't notice if was YOU that spat it out uploadin the pic 
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson Haha
No dummy spat out from me as I've already stated was just showing someone bring selfish 
Rich Tow truck got it then?
Linsey Drop dead u fucker haha
Rich someone's a bit touchy, anyone would think you have anger issue's, would you like a tissue?
Linsey I'll ava tissue and make u choke on it !
Rich oooh kinky
Linsey Tell ya what rite .. Go shag a prostitute and catch aids .and die in the next 2 months 
Rich when are you free then?
Linsey Same time as ur mum
Rich - ‎Nick is missing out here tbh
Linsey ur mums still on offer tho
Rich really? is that the best you can do? pathetic lol I wanted an argument, might aswell of started one with a brick wall
Linsey U want an argument ?? Why don't u jus run in the brick call instead and re-arrange ur face ..but I cud do tha 4 u instead ?? Where r u now bigman
Rich Nah, I want someone who would rise to the challenge, your boring tbh
Linsey No where r u
Rich in bed lol
Linsey Well go sleep an never wake up
Rich I'm too "Reem" to do that
Linsey In ur dreams ..but then again if u don't go sleep ul neva know
Rich Nervous.....Much?
Linsey Sshhh ur boringggggg
Rich Off out anyways, cheers for the entertainment while I was bored, shit to do, people to see, Peace the fuck out
Linsey Cyaaaaaaaa fool
Nick Leave croxys mum out of this. She's mine lol
Linsey Sh
Nick Sh?
Matt Lol this has just made my lunchbreak. Brilliant.
Dave Guy Well that was hilarious, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Kyle Go on linz lol its ur old mans car so fuk them
Linsey Ano sad fuckers !! Who cares ?? X
Nick It's just Audi drivers in general. There's only 2 cars that double park at work.... Both are audis lol
Kyle Obviously they do lol fuk them linz just a bunch ov little fagots wiv toy cars who gt nwt better do n if they gt out to say im sure me n ya dad wil sort it x
Nick Not even our CEO who drives a fleet of Astons double parks tho
Linsey ‎ ky haha make me smile x
Nick - Kyle, whats rule one of the high way code? Be curtious. How is parking like that being curtious.. Dont bother me in the slightest is someone wants to park like that. Second of all. Ive done nothing wrong here, so watch who your threatening and calling a faggot
Linsey Hhahahahhaha
Nick Funny how you turn isnt it lyndsey?
One minute your asking for help to sort things out at home now your acting like a child
Linsey What?? Who r u and when the fuck av I asked for help ??? Are u wierd
Kyle Fuck off nick ill rip ur fuckin head off who the fuck u think ur speakin 2. Ill cum find u if u want play lyk that n u know wot im lyk
Nick Not that. The other stuff which, as im an curtious i wont mension on this status, but if you wish to know send me a private message
Nick - Kyle. Your the one who started with the threats darlin... If you actually read what i said, i put "ive done nothing wrong here so watch who your directing your threats to" and i dont have a clue what your LIKE at all for the record
Nick No more replies.... Looks like everybodys toys are back in their prams then..
Linsey No jus got better things do! Now fuck off go play on the motorway
Kyle Ill fuckin end it on my terms n dnt get backin dwn nw as u wher happy givin it the bigman
Nick How am i backing down? Ok ill say it a second time..... READ what i put.
Kyle Ive read wot u fukin put n u said watch who ur threating and calling a faggot n im stil watchin n nufin fukin changed. So why the fuk shud i watch who im talkin 2?
Nick I give up trying to talk sence to you. You obviously dont see what im getting at. Ill go talk to my toaster. Ill get more sence out of that
Kyle Ull get sense wen i fukin find out who the fuk u are n where u live cuz ill knock it in to u
Nick ok ll dumb things down...
1. how have i acted the 'bigman' i have not threatened you in anyway, your the one whos done that to everyone here...innit!
2. i mearly said watch who your directing your threats to as i for one have done fuck all.
3. im off to draw a face on my toaster.
Much Love
Kyle Fuk u little prick wait until i find wer u live
Nick That would be another threat i assume?
Kyle Ye
Alex 'Jenko' Jenkinson This has been great to just sit back and watch unfold 
Nick Facebooks awesome for that jenko. Should be called
Kyle - Jenko who the fuk is that guy cuz he's begin piss me off
Linsey Or
Matthew i can almost smell the keyboards melting..
you should have to participate in a series of spelling tests in order to be able to open an internet browser
Pete Bates I used to troll pictures but then I took a grow to the fuck up [/Skyrim]
Needless to say im having a cull
Registered: 25th May 06
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Quite lengthy read but worth a giggle......
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Bet this Linsey bird is a moosepig.
Registered: 19th Nov 08
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Linsey sounds like a right inbred.
Registered: 12th Nov 10
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Wow That Linsey sounds like quite a character!
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Is that rage quit Danny Brown that's commented on it?
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Do they park there often?
Notice they still cant park straight even when there is more room.
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Hopefully someone just bumped it up the kerb next to him.
Although more worrying is you being friends with the two illiterate inbreds Kyle and Linsey
Registered: 25th May 06
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Car wasnt there for long, just people i knew from local area/school etc.
Registered: 14th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by _Allan_
Clique thread .......

Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Who the fuck is kyle, he needs to get a grip.
Registered: 12th Nov 10
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Why is the grill surround silver but black around the bumper? Do most audis have this, looks odd.
Actually, is it just an old one trying to look newer and has just painted the bumper black?
Registered: 12th Jan 10
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I love how Linsey calls you a 'waste of life' but she is the one who can't spell properly.
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I bet linsey has an anal fissure from all that spunking up her ass hole.
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That Lynsey is a bit mental isn't she.