Registered: 29th Nov 07
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does anyone else on here feed a barf/raw diet to their dogs?
this is what ours had today for dinner

[Edited on 05-05-2012 by chloe16v]
Registered: 5th Feb 08
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Wtf Is that !
Registered: 29th Nov 07
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its a lambs head
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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When I had a dog I wasn't convinced by raw diets
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
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Fuck me.
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Will they eat the teeth?
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Cant see it being bad. Wtf would they eat in the wild?
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they'd eat that, but how many generations ago were dogs wild
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Pet dogs aren't wild.
Proper dog food isn't that expensive, you can get a massive bag that lasts for weeks for a tenner.
Registered: 15th Oct 04
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Looks like its got a raised eye like "i am gonna fuck you up!"
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Giving the huskies stuff like this to eat is just going to confuse them. Theyll think they are wild dogs living in a warm house and before you know it theyll start attacking alive lambs just to satisfy their urges.
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Or kids
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I agree with Scott and Dan.
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Imo, anything with actual blood in it like this is only going to lead to problems one day.
Get the taste of blood and they will want to get itmore often, which leads to biting people/animals etc.
Having run pet shops for the past 35 years, my family highly disapprove of this.
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Exactly. Why do you think dogs love to watch humans eating human biscuits? Its because they have a taste for doggy biscuits and now they would risk being put down just to satisfy their biscuit urge.
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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How would a dog know that attacking a human would get them blood ?
Don't see how feeding a dog something with blood in it would make them see all living things as a meal.
Registered: 30th Jun 08
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Oh the barf diet...
No one hears the bad stuff about it,
A friend of mine had 4 dogs, all different breeds,
Had them on the barf diet for years, until one started gradually loosing weight with no explanation,
They thought he had a blockage,
They operated turned out the little things on your digestive track walls had basically been stripped off, hence he couldn't absorb any of the nutrients,
Eventually he died, they checked the other 3 dogs, all had signs of it,
He got 3 vets opinions, all put it down to the diet, saying todays dogs just cannot handle the raw food etc, they are so far from the wild dogs of the day,
And the vets had said they had heard of this happening before, and I've never come across any vet/person who cares for animals recommend the barf diet either. So that made my mind up.
[Edited on 05-05-2012 by gazza808]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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It was pointed out to chloe when she first got the dogs that it didn't sound very good, she knew best though and just used them as a way to make money instead.
Registered: 29th Nov 07
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all 9 of my dogs are fed on a barf diet, all my dogs are working dogs and i raced 4 of my dogs in the last rally season, all my dogs are healthy and fit, all have a good weight and healthy coats and sparkling white teeth, my last litter of pups were reared on the barf diet from 5 weeks old, i dont make any money from my dogs john, infact i made a big loss on my last litter as i have kept 3 of the pups and gave another one away for free! also none of my dogs will be bred in the near future, if we do decide to have another litter it wont be for at least another 4 years an then we will only breed for our selves will any remaining pups going to show or working homes!
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Chloe. Knows. Best.
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Why post something from a barf website like its proof :S
They're hardly going to say do not feed your dog barf diet are they
Registered: 29th Nov 07
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i know hundreds of people that feed their dogs barf, none will any ill effects, if i feed my dogs dry food they get shits, never have they had shits while on barf, plus there is no crap in barf like in dry food