Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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Coming home from Donnas, one of them new shape scoobies (dunno what one, big wing, gold rims, blue etc) came flying up behined me and overtook on a roundabout. Not having a little blat for quite a while, i thought id give it a go 
The bloke shot off over the white stripes joing onto a carrageway to overtake a scoota knowing i was giving chase, i followed, grrr missed 3rd (selection problems) and he shot off. Carried on, slowed down, to have another scooby come right up behined me, but the older shape (Sti ??) From 80+ seemed fairly even ish until the next roundabout where he turned off.
Good days fun i thought, or just the start?
Carried along the dual carrageway, plodding along a 80 or so and past the first scooby again. Thought nothing of it until he came flying up my arse again, you could deffo tell he wanted to play. We joined the A2 to be greated by another bloody scoooby already racing an MR2 they pulled off, we continued down the A2, not getting to full pace, but quite fast Then were held up by a stupid old black guy, sitting in the outside lane, oblivious to anything around him so after 10 seconds of waiting, flashing etc (didn't even look in his mirrors) i undertook him and carried on. Theres some major roadworks going on so stamped on the brakes and slowed right down, only for that blue scooby to pull up next to me, and the bloke show me his badge I'd been racing a copper for about 10 miles and quite high speeds.
He got out, i turned the motor off, ready to get out too. "How fast do you think you were going sir?" Errrr, cunt cunt, cant say 70mph Cant say over 100mph, stay quiet "I have been trying to catch you at over 125mph" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh pants. BAsically though, the bloke had driven like a tit, gave me a little warning (mainly cos i undertook a car, which is fair enuff ) Gave me a little warning, take it easy, and sent me on m,y way
125mph and i got off it. Yes my pants turned brown when he showed me the badge, but it was damn funny anyway.
top copper
Registered: 21st Oct 02
Location: Rickmansworth
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Lucky git!!
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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was he off duty then?
was he on his own?
did he have a camera?
Have u changed yer pants yet?
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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Its people like u that bring up premiums and cause accidents lol!!!!!!!
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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You weren't laughing at the time
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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was he cryin?!!!
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by 16vmarc
Its people like u that bring up premiums and cause accidents lol!!!!!!!
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
3CM, must ahve been.
Donna, nope, certainly wasn't at the time Would you 
15marc, errr, ok, how u work that one out???
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Daimo B
3CM, must ahve been.
Donna, nope, certainly wasn't at the time Would you 
15marc, errr, ok, how u work that one out???
Nope, but to be fair I wouldn't of been driving like that in the first place
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by Daimo B
3CM, must ahve been.
Donna, nope, certainly wasn't at the time Would you 
15marc, errr, ok, how u work that one out???
Im jokin Damsel!
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by Adam Kindness
just like to time i was tootling along at about 105...... police just tootled past.... didnt even look over 
me n Vibrio just kinda looked at each other...... 
bit lucky
I was doin 115 on way bal from max down A64 when 3 cop vans came past me!!!!
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
quote: Originally posted by Donna Corsa GSi
Nope, but to be fair I wouldn't of been driving like that in the first place
Sorry, just cos none of your cars ever see over 100mph. I like to Drive my cars Didn't pay £1500 for an engine conversion not to play with it
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
User status: Offline
Well my sxi will be lucky to go over 100mph Im sure I have gone past u a few times over 100mph I just value my licence a bit more then u. I work 30miles away from where i live and u live 20+ miles away from me. wouldn't be much good if i couldn't drive.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Excuses excuses.
Donna Corsa GSi
Registered: 1st Jan 70
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You don't have to double the speed limit to enjoy driving. I love driving D5 I just don't have to go mad to enjoy it.
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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Without people breaking the laws then there would be no laws, so really its the people who speed that keep others safe.
otherwise their would be no speed limit and more people would speed

Yeah..........that works..
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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sound slike the guy was off duty
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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More than likley. And he had been driving rather fast too.
However, he did nicley inform me that Kent Ppolice have just picked up a load of black unmarked scoobies with camera etc
Kent people, beware 
Still, great fun
Registered: 1st Jun 01
Location: Kent (bluewater)
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And you wonder why i dont get in you car no more.. 120+, id only get in it if i had my own set of pedals.. or just the middle one.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Ya big jessie 
Middle one dont work anyway, u know that
Registered: 1st Jun 01
Location: Kent (bluewater)
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and thats exactly why i dont get in your car.
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
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You can't even get on a rollercoaster, oh, wait, i see your point
Registered: 1st Jun 01
Location: Kent (bluewater)
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Liked cing you face when i drove it.. different story then ey! belive you were shi**ing it...
Registered: 9th Mar 03
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lol, in newcastle some of the police undercover at the cruises wear burberry caps just to blend in
Daimo B
Registered: 20th Mar 00
User status: Offline
Yes, but then you hadn't driven it properly before and were racing round an airfield. Mind you, it is a different experience on the passanger side Feels like its gonna roll over.