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Author Are Civic Type-R's hated on here?

Registered: 27th Sep 07
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

172/182 isnt better than a CTR sorry
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:16   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
Originally posted by VXR
I still see no facts that make it a bad car, like wheels coming off, or doesn't go round corners or anything stupid... All opinions....

Opinions don't make a car a BAD car, its just you don't personnally like it, and thats what we're pointing out to you....... Try openeing those eyes...

there are no reasons why a 182 is a bad car, its a better car than a ctr ffs

oh, and wasnt it over rated i said? you know, you skip parts of posts and only pick up on the wrong bit and comment on it again and again dont you?

daimo, your know saying im not allowed an opinion on a ctr? is that what your trying to say? i have no right to have an opinion on it?

[Edited on 02-10-2007 by muppetsport]

Not at all. Siad nothing like that to the conterey, Everyone should have an opinon, and its good everyones is different. But the thing your missing here is...

You don't like them.

That doesn't make it a bad car...

You've being saying they are bad, but they are not......
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:17   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by muppetsport

negative, i get 4.82 0-60 fwd with traction, have also outdone 3 ctr's on a track. daimo, you know NOTHING about my car and the way its set up. so feel free to comment like you know more than the people that built the car and drive the car and set the car up. your like an idiot, guessing with your ego.

I know about your car from what YOU have told me previously on U2U before you went all super moody on here

4.82, every single time on all road surfices, or done a couple of times on a timed event with rubber on the ground.... Because there is only ONE type of road surfice. This is where riding a bike helps, you learn what types of surfice offer what type of grip.

You outdone 3 CTR's becuase you have double the power and 1/3 the weight. Its commen sense u'll leave them down the straights.

Get technical and plug in some data recorders and record your speeds into the apex and out, and then do the civic. Civic will be a few MPH faster, without engine or suspension or brake change......

Im not guessing about anything, im going on what you've told me, and from viewing YOUR videos, and vidoes of your car at events.

Keep going, this is fun Your in a right strop today

i outdid them on the whole track, corners as well. i get right sick of you pretending to know about things you dont, then suggesting i know nothing about a std car, of which ive driven probably 8 or 9 of them in the last 3 years. yet how have you driven my car? seen my car go? you havent, so you cant comment on that really can you?

if you know NOTHING, as you dont, why can you COMMENT or PREACH about my car? i dont think you can personally. unless you want to explain to me how you know better than the person who has the keys and drove the car every day?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:18   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by CR7
172/182 isnt better than a CTR sorry

faster car, what do you buy a hot hatch for? averageness? or performance?


Registered: 15th Nov 02
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

again does speed mean its a better car?????????
Nic Barnes

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less
Nic Barnes

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:19   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45
again does speed mean its a better car?????????

why call it a hot hatch?

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:20   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

also whats your definition of a hot hatch

I would say anything that is sub 7 seconds that can carry a family and is reasonable priced for mr average is a hot hatch - I am willing to be corrected on this

Again why are people comparing the clio - its not in the same FUCKING class as a CTR

[Edited on 02-10-2007 by whitter45]

Registered: 15th Nov 02
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:21   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less

i have never onced referenced your car in this
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:23   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45
Originally posted by muppetsport
and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less

i have never onced referenced your car in this

not you.
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by muppetsport

negative, i get 4.82 0-60 fwd with traction, have also outdone 3 ctr's on a track. daimo, you know NOTHING about my car and the way its set up. so feel free to comment like you know more than the people that built the car and drive the car and set the car up. your like an idiot, guessing with your ego.

I know about your car from what YOU have told me previously on U2U before you went all super moody on here

4.82, every single time on all road surfices, or done a couple of times on a timed event with rubber on the ground.... Because there is only ONE type of road surfice. This is where riding a bike helps, you learn what types of surfice offer what type of grip.

You outdone 3 CTR's becuase you have double the power and 1/3 the weight. Its commen sense u'll leave them down the straights.

Get technical and plug in some data recorders and record your speeds into the apex and out, and then do the civic. Civic will be a few MPH faster, without engine or suspension or brake change......

Im not guessing about anything, im going on what you've told me, and from viewing YOUR videos, and vidoes of your car at events.

Keep going, this is fun Your in a right strop today

i outdid them on the whole track, corners as well. i get right sick of you pretending to know about things you dont, then suggesting i know nothing about a std car, of which ive driven probably 8 or 9 of them in the last 3 years. yet how have you driven my car? seen my car go? you havent, so you cant comment on that really can you?

if you know NOTHING, as you dont, why can you COMMENT or PREACH about my car? i dont think you can personally. unless you want to explain to me how you know better than the person who has the keys and drove the car every day?

Not your car nope, never claimed to have at all. AS said (read my dear), im going on what YOU have told me previously. So your own words

I've driven a 280bph LET corsa, and many others in my time, so i've got a bloody good basis for comparison yes. Moreso than possible a lot of other corsa owners on here. Might not have the outright power, but in reality, whilst its fun (just like my XE, but im under no disallusion its a super car), it wasn't fast at what it does. It just gets to and stops quickly at the bends.

Your apex speeds won't be as fast. Put the same driver in both cars, im 100% confident you could get faster apex speeds from a standard civi

I am good with throttle control, its part of being a fast track driver before you go off on one about that. Once that turbo comes on boost, and you exitting a corner, its gonna spin up a little. HEll even the VXR does that with 1400kg and only 240bhp, so no way your 950kg 400bhp shorter wheelbase corsa isn't going to

If this is how I used to come accross on here, (Arrogent, im right your wrong type attitude), then no wonder peopel started to dislike me so quickly. Your following my path young Anniken.

Registered: 27th Sep 07
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Seriously, why do you have a vendetta against them?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:24   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45
Originally posted by muppetsport
and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less

i have never onced referenced your car in this

the megane then, still a quicker car, still a car that handles well, still fwd, a very nice car to drive actually
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:25   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport
and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less

I didn't. You did. Im replying to....

Originally posted by muppetsportbecuase i drive a corsa means what exactly? ive driven shit loads of other cars, just becuase i have a corsa means i know nothing? hmm, ok then.............
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by muppetsport
Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by muppetsport

negative, i get 4.82 0-60 fwd with traction, have also outdone 3 ctr's on a track. daimo, you know NOTHING about my car and the way its set up. so feel free to comment like you know more than the people that built the car and drive the car and set the car up. your like an idiot, guessing with your ego.

I know about your car from what YOU have told me previously on U2U before you went all super moody on here

4.82, every single time on all road surfices, or done a couple of times on a timed event with rubber on the ground.... Because there is only ONE type of road surfice. This is where riding a bike helps, you learn what types of surfice offer what type of grip.

You outdone 3 CTR's becuase you have double the power and 1/3 the weight. Its commen sense u'll leave them down the straights.

Get technical and plug in some data recorders and record your speeds into the apex and out, and then do the civic. Civic will be a few MPH faster, without engine or suspension or brake change......

Im not guessing about anything, im going on what you've told me, and from viewing YOUR videos, and vidoes of your car at events.

Keep going, this is fun Your in a right strop today

i outdid them on the whole track, corners as well. i get right sick of you pretending to know about things you dont, then suggesting i know nothing about a std car, of which ive driven probably 8 or 9 of them in the last 3 years. yet how have you driven my car? seen my car go? you havent, so you cant comment on that really can you?

if you know NOTHING, as you dont, why can you COMMENT or PREACH about my car? i dont think you can personally. unless you want to explain to me how you know better than the person who has the keys and drove the car every day?

Not your car nope, never claimed to have at all. AS said (read my dear), im going on what YOU have told me previously. So your own words

I've driven a 280bph LET corsa, and many others in my time, so i've got a bloody good basis for comparison yes. Moreso than possible a lot of other corsa owners on here. Might not have the outright power, but in reality, whilst its fun (just like my XE, but im under no disallusion its a super car), it wasn't fast at what it does. It just gets to and stops quickly at the bends.

Your apex speeds won't be as fast. Put the same driver in both cars, im 100% confident you could get faster apex speeds from a standard civi

I am good with throttle control, its part of being a fast track driver before you go off on one about that. Once that turbo comes on boost, and you exitting a corner, its gonna spin up a little. HEll even the VXR does that with 1400kg and only 240bhp, so no way your 950kg 400bhp shorter wheelbase corsa isn't going to

If this is how I used to come accross on here, (Arrogent, im right your wrong type attitude), then no wonder peopel started to dislike me so quickly. Your following my path young Anniken.

no, fuck off, your actually passing judgement on MY CAR as if you know it. you dont. becuase your birds is 280bh and covered in fibreglass and probably shares none of the same parts how do you know that theyre the same? or even that you half a clue about my car? you dont really. a factory ctr is a factory ctr. a corsa turbo built by a company is completely different to one built by a couple of people on a driveway. you may not believe it, but we spent weeks and weeks playing about with suspension, front camber and all other things we are able to adjust to get the best from it. you saying that KNOW that i cant go round a corner as fast as a ctr is bullshit. you dont KNOW that. your GUESSING as usual.

seriously remove your head from your arse, you have not got enough sense about you to comment on a car you do not know at all. you say your going on what i told you, what have i told you exactly? same as i tell most people, fuck all. as i cant be bothered with stupid know it all claiming they know better about MY OWN car than i do.

what is the thread title? ctr? or people who assume they know better than the person who owns and built a car make judgements on something they know nothing about?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by muppetsport
and why the fuck are you 2 bringing my car into this? it would rip a ctr apart all day long and it cost less

I didn't. You did. Im replying to....

Originally posted by muppetsportbecuase i drive a corsa means what exactly? ive driven shit loads of other cars, just becuase i have a corsa means i know nothing? hmm, ok then.............

that c7 did or whatever her name is
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:43   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by muppetsport

no, fuck off, your actually passing judgement on MY CAR as if you know it. you dont. becuase your birds is 280bh and covered in fibreglass and probably shares none of the same parts how do you know that theyre the same? or even that you half a clue about my car? you dont really. a factory ctr is a factory ctr. a corsa turbo built by a company is completely different to one built by a couple of people on a driveway. you may not believe it, but we spent weeks and weeks playing about with suspension, front camber and all other things we are able to adjust to get the best from it. you saying that KNOW that i cant go round a corner as fast as a ctr is bullshit. you dont KNOW that. your GUESSING as usual.

seriously remove your head from your arse, you have not got enough sense about you to comment on a car you do not know at all. you say your going on what i told you, what have i told you exactly? same as i tell most people, fuck all. as i cant be bothered with stupid know it all claiming they know better about MY OWN car than i do.

what is the thread title? ctr? or people who assume they know better than the person who owns and built a car make judgements on something they know nothing about?

Donnas is standard. Wasn't on about hers at all. You think thats the only LET i've driven in 8 years of corsa ownership??? I drove SteveW's old LET when it was still with the previous owner (Anup), plus a load more.....

Your no company....... Your a teccy who works on his own car. Nothing more than what Lee mitchell has done......

OK, you've spent weeks on your corsas handling (of which I knew already from what you told me). Now put that time and effort into a Civics handling to make it even, and re-run the test.... Corsas done well in the rally scene and on oval/grasstrack. NOT on racetracks (athough theres a few extreme examples).

Damn, your worse than a lesbian with serious PMS today........
Nic Barnes

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

you still cant comment on my car as you know nothing about it, yet your still going on, steve w's wow, 280bhp ona kkk is completely the same as driving my car isnt it? do you even know when my car comes on boost? or when the boost peaks? nope, so perhaps, without info on the engine, yeah a bhp figure is great, it really tells the whole story of how a car drives......... how can you pass judgement

you assume that in your 8 years of corsa ownership youi know it all. you dont, and its time you admitted that. your ego about other peoples cars youve never seen is just a farce.
Daimo B

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:51   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Ohhhhh Muppet, i've replied to all of that already......

Its power and weight and FWD.... Questions all answered...

I'll admit to not knowing about your car (happily) when you admit to just ranting and whinging opposed to thinking about what your typing while your in a strop.

I know what your replying like, I used to do it

Registered: 3rd Aug 01
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

FFS sake i'm going out to buy CTR

Well just to add more logs on the fire i reckon a modified CTR would be a better car.

Supercharger or turbo/Big brakes..Mess with the electric steering..suspension mods.And i personally think they look nice in black
Daimo B

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:54   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Supercharge a Civic, get lots more power down lower in the rev range, but maintain (but loose a bit outright) of performance top end.
Big brakes, areo package, stearing, suspension, would be a peachy little track car.
Nic Barnes

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2nd Oct 07 at 14:57   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

WTF? ranting and not thinking? im replying about my own fuckin car, unlike you, i actually know the car really well, what with the fact i used my own hands and fuckin spanners to make it?

are you trying to tell me that i cant go into a showroom and drive a ctr and then come away and say what i think about it?

yet, you can not drive someones car, a person you dont even know, yet you are free to make guesses about it and assume you are correct.

what suspension do i run
does the car have camber bolts or adjustable top mounts
does it have rose jointed tie bars and bottom arms
is the anti roll bar fitted
is it a std front and rear anti roll bar
does it have polybushes
is the anti roll bar on spavers or lowered off the front panel
have any modifications been made to the rear suspension
what rpm does peak torque happen at
what rpm does peak power happen at
what boost is the car running
dies it have an lsd
what tyres does the car run
at 5000rpm what boost in any gear is the car at
at 100mph in 6th is the car in boost
can you apply full throttle in 2nd gear from 30mph and the car just grip
what rpm does the car rev to
what cams does the car have
what turbo is it exactly
did the car make 400bhp, or 42bhp more than that, as obviously there is no difference between 400 and 442
what torque did the car make

your basing all your opinions on knowing nothing about any of that arent you?
Nic Barnes

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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2nd Oct 07 at 14:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Supercharge a Civic, get lots more power down lower in the rev range, but maintain (but loose a bit outright) of performance top end.
Big brakes, areo package, stearing, suspension, would be a peachy little track car.

friends 360bhp supercharged type-r plus a 50 shot of nos does the 1/4 in 13.6.


Registered: 27th Sep 07
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2nd Oct 07 at 15:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

What terminal?
Premium Member


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2nd Oct 07 at 15:04   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by whitter45
Originally posted by Steve
it isnt, but ctr owners still think there car is the best even though like you say there is better competition out there now

yes but that does not brand it 'runbish' or not fast as people have stated

its not as fast as they think

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