Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Directors Cut of Alien 3 i so much better, Fincher was ove ruled by the producers and it wasn't really his film released.
Alien Ressurrection DC is better too (although still largely wank)
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quote: Originally posted by Marc
Directors Cut of Alien 3 i so much better, Fincher was ove ruled by the producers and it wasn't really his film released.
Agreed, I think all the special editions of the three first Alien films are improvements, but none more than A3.
That said, the A3 special edition is NOT a directors cut. Fincher refused to revisit the film when approached 11 years later.
The backstory of A3 is actually a fairly interesting read:
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Off tonight. Watching in 3D, although I'm not fussy either way as I don't think it adds much.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Hope you enjoy it mate, you obviously been exposed to lots of spoilers.
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I've not actually read the thread, posted a few times however!
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Go with an open mind dude, do NOT expect an alien prequel and sit back and enjoy.
There are some good reviews out their from respected critics so it's not a piece of shit like the joe public flim critic equivalent of bradd pit sex fuckers would have you believe. Just a bit marmite I guess, hope you enjoy.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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Couple of guys at work been to see this. One didn't know it was an Alien prequel till so far through the film he thought it was crap.
The other is in to the Alien films & thought it was ok but not great & said it could have been so much more. I'm just gonna wait till its on DVD now I've read and heard so much about it feel like I don't need to see it
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The people who go and watch this and praise it are the same idiots that get sucked into lost thinking there is some genius bit of filming with some hidden storyline and answers when actually there isn't
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
The people who go and watch this and praise it are the same idiots that get sucked into lost thinking there is some genius bit of filming with some hidden storyline and answers when actually there isn't
With comments are moronic and ignorant as that I am not surprised that you have a growing number of haters Steven.
Registered: 19th Feb 04
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I liked Lost
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You do realise that makes you an 'idiot' dont you?
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I liked lost at first but when I realised it was being made up as we went along it lost its appeal, I suspect this film is along the same lines, I will watch it and hope I'm wrong as I liked the classics. I won't force myself to like it just because I'm.a fan boy of the originals though
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
I won't force myself to like it just because I'm.a fan boy of the originals though
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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I liked it because it was a good film.
Beats wrapping Ford bits in fake carbon fibre
[Edited on 13-06-2012 by Jambo]
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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if you think its a good film thats totally your opinion lol, im saying as part of the alien franchines im going to stick my neck out and say its not up to expectations.
my comment was really aimed at the so called respected film critics anyway.
what has my car got to do with any of this? i could say 1000 things about your car
[Edited on 13-06-2012 by Steve]
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
i could say 1000 things about your car
Bet you couldnt.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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List 1000 things about Jambo's car please Stechven.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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Yes, do it.
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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I will help start you off :
1) traces of fanneh discharge from the beautiful mrs Jambo
2) traces of gooch sweat from the beautiful mr Jambo
Registered: 8th Sep 01
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Registered: 11th Aug 02
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
I liked lost at first but when I realised it was being made up as we went along
Erm, you do know Lost is a work of fiction don't you and fiction generally is made up.
Registered: 11th Aug 02
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Right here goes (I liked the film btw so the below are observations etc!)
Film looked visually stunning, it was on one of the main screens at VUE so it looked as good as it could. Just a small thing to begin with, it didn't need to be 3D and at times I forgot it was actually in 3D, either because it was so subtle or the scene didn't require it.
Michael Fassbender's performance was top notch, he had definately watched 2001 Space Odyssey as his accent was very Hall esque. His potrayal was almost perfect and certainly looked non human.
The crew, like Alien and Aliens were largely believable.
Now I know it was originally set to be an Alien prequel but Ridley Scott changed it to a stand alone film, with connections to the Alien world - Which I will come on to, but I thought the opening with the alien and the little box, waterfall etc (I don't know what has been discussed so will leave it at that!) was a bit WTF! The planet and the stasis chambers and the vases had me thinking of Alien, but I decided to wait. Having seen what that was all about I decided to take it as a stand alone film as was already suggested, fair enough!
The confusing thing for me however, and it doesn't affect my liking or score rating (8/10) of the film, was at the end with the humanform alien and the squid thing which fought and out popped an alien. Confusing because we are used to a host, followed by a little rascal popping out before becoming the alien we know (and love) This one popped out already formed and was created by mixing mr alien and mr squid thing! So was this some super fast evolution/mutation?
Other than that, largely enjoyable. 8/10.
Oh and the red head, Noomi Rapace - Ooof!
Registered: 8th Sep 01
Location: Maidenhead, Drives: VXR Arctic
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Glad you liked it Marc
Registered: 15th Jul 01
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Jambo would you enjoy being Strap on'd by Meredith Vickers?
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