Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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quote: Originally posted by will_doyle

not looking forward to it, but my own stupid fault
Drink driving and theft of vehicle
2 year ban? £300 fine? Community service?
what a fucking nobhead!! id personally cut your fingers off with my rustiest pliers for steeling a car but drink driving aswell, what if you knocked someone kid over you prick, pure cunt!!
fuck off and die
thank you
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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I hate these what if sceanrios, I'm not defending Will at all but al lthis what if you hit someone or what if you crashed or what if this, what if that is bullshit - it didn't happen so why even raise it as a consideration.
Again, not defending what he did in any way, shape or form
Registered: 23rd Apr 03
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Bull shit
Typical ginger cunt wants the attention, load of shit
Nothing on Twitter about it
Jed D
Registered: 15th Mar 11
Location: Durham
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quote: Originally posted by LiVe LeE
I hate these what if sceanrios, I'm not defending Will at all but al lthis what if you hit someone or what if you crashed or what if this, what if that is bullshit - it didn't happen so why even raise it as a consideration.
Again, not defending what he did in any way, shape or form
can see what you mean pal, could easily knock someone's kid over when sober and at the correct speed etc.. etc.. but what a stupid cunt he is!
Registered: 11th Aug 06
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"fuck off and die"
Get a grip.
Registered: 2nd Sep 08
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quote: Originally posted by Jed D
quote: Originally posted by will_doyle

not looking forward to it, but my own stupid fault
Drink driving and theft of vehicle
2 year ban? £300 fine? Community service?
what a fucking nobhead!! id personally cut your fingers off with my rustiest pliers for steeling a car but drink driving aswell, what if you knocked someone kid over you prick, pure cunt!!
fuck off and die
thank you
Bit late to that bandwagon
Registered: 16th Feb 09
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Bet there is a fair few hypocrits in here.
Registered: 5th Feb 08
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quote: Originally posted by sc0ott
Bet there is a fair few hypocrits in here.
I'll openly admit I have done it once, got pulled over but luckily I did not have a breathalyser test.
Learn from mistakes and I was very lucky, but I wouldn't be stupid enough to get pissed up and steel a car.....
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: SE England
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
£250 fine is fucking laughable compared to the cost of driving legally and I have to drink lemonade.
Someone I know got £150 fine for drink driving, they took their mothers car without permission, I did hope for something big to teach them a lesson, they got 2 years ban, £150 and that was it, quite a joke really.
Then if they do that driving course they get back on the road 6 months sooner, they are about 35 years old so their insurance was still pretty cheap over all, it was about £450 for the year from what I remember.
It doesn't seem to me to be a great deterrent, same for people who don't have a licence and get caught drink driving and they ban them, should find another way to punish them.
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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Gtfo with we've all done it.
I have never drove a car after any alcohol has been drank.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by Ian
quote: Originally posted by Hammer
the majority of this thread will have driven under the influence
Not twice over the limit in someone else's car.
You've never lived.
But seriously, I won't be patronising him for doing it. For being a jumped up little prick, yes. For getting caught doing something I have done myself, no.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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quote: Originally posted by bubble
Gtfo with we've all done it.
I have never drove a car after any alcohol has been drank.
Well done you, would you like a medal?
If you have drank to any sort of level, went to bed and got up and drove the next day then there is a better chance than not you have driven under the influence.
If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to believe otherwise then more power to you.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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here we go, hammer the promotor of drugs and drink, apparently if we dont get smashed or white'y everyweekend then our lives are shit
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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These threads go one of two ways usually. Either everyone kicks off (like this thread), or everyone says get a life etc Will is a fucking troll (in the horrendous under a bridge looking kind of way), but with an 18 month ban for drink driving under my belt, I can't say fuckall about that. But finding keys then actively seeking out the car makes you a ginger scumbag.
[Edited on 11-05-2012 by Eck]
Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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I find it amazing in here the amount of people who have been done for DD in the past and have only just mentioned it 
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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quote: Originally posted by Hammer
quote: Originally posted by bubble
Gtfo with we've all done it.
I have never drove a car after any alcohol has been drank.
Well done you, would you like a medal?
If you have drank to any sort of level, went to bed and got up and drove the next day then there is a better chance than not you have driven under the influence.
If it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside to believe otherwise then more power to you.
I always go for a drinking session on payday Monday's in the middle of the long weekend. Tuesday's involve staying in, having the boys around playing pool and getting on dominos 2 for Tuesday offer. I'm well aware of how long alcohol stays in the blood system. I'm well aware of the consequences of drink driving. So I make a conscious choice to not drive when I have been drinking.
Yes I would like a medal as well.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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That is a cool story bro.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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quote: Originally posted by kennySRi
I find it amazing in here the amount of people who have been done for DD in the past and have only just mentioned it 
I hope you're not referring to me? I've said it in past drink driving threads too But do you want people to highlight it in their sig for you? Or go off topic when talking about speedlines just so you are aware?
Registered: 24th Jan 04
Location: Darwin, NT Australia.
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quote: Originally posted by Hammer
That is a cool story bro.
Thank you. Now where the fuck is my medal.
Registered: 11th Feb 04
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I drove to work drunk this morning and forgot it. Soz.
Registered: 12th Nov 10
Location: Lancashire
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quote: Originally posted by Eck
quote: Originally posted by kennySRi
I find it amazing in here the amount of people who have been done for DD in the past and have only just mentioned it 
I hope you're not referring to me? I've said it in past drink driving threads too But do you want people to highlight it in their sig for you? Or go off topic when talking about speedlines just so you are aware?
You posted it at the same time as me so no, i wasnt referring to you However it does highlight more that there is a lot of people on here have been done for it, i always thought this place was only for 100% legit drivers
Registered: 2nd Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by Rickavo
Ian, why haven't you banned this idiot yet?
because he'd have to ban half the site
Registered: 2nd Jul 09
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I don't mean for dd
I mean just for being a proper will Doyle
Registered: 25th Nov 08
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10 pages!!hahaha, ill pull over at the next services and read all the banter...........joke
Registered: 2nd Jul 09
Location: Manchester
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It's not banter it's general hatred of ginger gremlins