Registered: 24th Jan 05
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and you aswell ben jackson of the yids
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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I'll be happy with just flower pots kicking tbh.
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
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quote: Originally posted by Jake
and you aswell ben jackson of the yids
How dare you.
Jules S
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Registered: 24th Dec 03
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
what about the era of the 90's, thousands of people in fields doing acid and pills and having free partys, the era of techno and house music, why didnt they all die or move onto hard drugs? it was a social gathering and i bet you nearly every one of them will say it was the best younger years of their lives
I was there.
Firstly, I can only comment on my area/friends so it's not really a countrywide opinion. However, I have to say there are a significant amount of people I know who progressed onto hard drugs from that era. Mostly the people who stayed all night, not the people who left at 2 0am
Let's not forget that back then it was a club till 2 with all the bollocks of bouncers and rip off beer...or a trip to a field with no rules.
Easy choice.
My guess is the people I knew back then, who have hard drug issues now, might well have ended up the same anyways. They all lack moral boundaries and couldn't see right from wrong on any sort of level, let alone drugs.
Some turned it around (note turned around, not moderated) but a fairly significant amount got badly hooked on coke (mainly) and it's not a very pretty sight these days 
My 2p
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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Drugs are bad.
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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Not as bad as dressing in lycra then going out, commando, with a load of other sweaty guys.
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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Lycra is less dangerous and more fun.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
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quote: Originally posted by Brett
Your brother chinese mate?
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by mwg
quote: Originally posted by Hammer
quote: Originally posted by mwg
I like how you have the same stance for certain types of druggies as I have for the lot of you
I like how you can relate a guy injecting smack into his veins to someone enjoying themselves on a night out
I just don't agree with any of it thats all. Weed, cocaine, ecstasy in what ever quantity and what ever context, I don't condone any of them.
[Edited on 20-09-2011 by mwg]
you, ben j and i would get along great imo.
walking down the street dodging all the meth head corsasport members falling out of clubs with needles in their arms.
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Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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quote: Originally posted by John
I was only on paracetamol at the start of this thread, I'm now sitting with a belt and track marks on my arm
I only made the jump from Paracetamol to Ibuprofen before I was hospitalised so you must be hard core 
I'll say right now that I cannot stand drugs. Never taken any, never will. I know a few folk who do though, and no, they aren't actually out mugging their gran for a tenner. Some folk do go down a slippery slope on them, but then so do people who become alcoholics. Swings and roundabouts. Neither are good for you. Sad thing is, most of the things that are enjoyable aren't good for you So let's all just settle this by having a night out around at Brett's or Barnshaws. I'll supply the booze, someone get the coke and I heard JJ said he'd bring in the hookers.
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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quote: Originally posted by Nath
It is kinda the same as saying a bloke having a beer at football is the same as a bloke who drinks 2ltrs of Vodka everyday.
Nath mate, do you wanna do some drugs this weekend? My m8 smackhead Jim will sort is with the gear. Can't promise that if I have some weed that I won't be jacking up at the end of the night though. Just the way it goes innit.
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
Location: Scotchland
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eck. I'll supply the goods mate. I cone from a town full of them
Premium Member
Registered: 17th Apr 06
Location: Lundin Links, Fife
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Ace I'm good for alcohol, Brett/Barnshaw are supplying the accomodation... Reckon Ben J will get the drugs?
Ben J
Registered: 31st Jan 05
Location: Cheshire
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I'll bring the Coke. Diet Coke.
Registered: 19th Apr 03
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ive had some brilliant nights , dont do it really now used to most weekends . still want to try acid ,and mushrooms
Registered: 19th Feb 04
Location: South Lakes
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Do you think it is cool to do drugs?
[Edited on 21-09-2011 by mwg]
Registered: 7th Jun 06
Location: Yate, Bristol
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I've dabbled in things in the past. I had far more trouble in my younger years due to alcohol than drugs TBH
Registered: 11th Apr 02
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if i didn't do drugs, i could buy a brand new car on pay monthly deal.
Ben G
Registered: 12th Jan 07
Location: Essex
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quote: Originally posted by baza31
ive had some brilliant nights , dont do it really now used to most weekends . still want to try acid ,and mushrooms
model druggy
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Registered: 25th Dec 04
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Im not sure I want to give my opinion
People can do what they wish, Im not going to stop anyone who wants to. I will still worry about people I know doing it, that wont change. I have taken coke and smoked a little weed, I went through a patch of taking a lot of coke in work, my manager of all people, would just put lines out in the office..it sure made for a better shift. Sadly I knew when to stop and she didnt, she went down a slippery slope and now isnt my manager. I did enjoy taking coke but I look back and think, its really not worth the money you spunk on it. I have a lot of friends who take it because they started on booze, got bored, smoked weed, got bored and now just go for the harder stuff to get a different buzz.. thats totally up to them.Im to feart to take anything harder.. Not saying that I wouldnt if the circumstance arose, but it hasnt, my friends are not into drugs so im never in that situation.
At the end of the day, do what you want but keep your views on it to yourself and dont force them on others.
Registered: 9th May 08
Location: Burnley, Lancashire
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All this talk of drugs has made me go out and buy a fat rock.
Registered: 14th Mar 04
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Has TwoShits posted in here yet? bet he could make up some stories
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by BarnshaW
just like someone die from a wasp sting or similar.
Im gonna stop smoking wasps.
Registered: 26th Sep 05
Location: Liverpool
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had an e last night, managed to make it home without robbing anyones house to buy smack
Jamie Walby
Registered: 15th Nov 04
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You are one of the lucky few LeeM.