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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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I've not had the chance to play for a few days now really, currently in a $250 freeroll and sitting in 19th out of the 39 that are left, 882 started.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Nice. I've never done that well before
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Finished 25th, blinds and antes swallowed me up, went all in with first decent hand and got knocked out.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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quote: Originally posted by DannyB
Finished 25th, blinds and antes swallowed me up, went all in with first decent hand and got knocked out.
Happens to me alot
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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I was down to 15k and the big blind was 4k then follwed by small blind of 2k next round, I just thought fuck it and go all in while I have more chips.
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Too bad it's only a 10 cent give away
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Niiiice but more luck than anything really.
Why he went all in with nowt... muppet.
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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Not luck at all, he never raised pre flop or after so I figured I had the best hand, I was right. He went all in after the turn which put me on trips. The only thing I had to worry about was the flush.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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No, I meant lucky you managed to get 4 of a kind Not a very common hand to have.
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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Poker is a game of luck though lucky to hit 4 of a kind yes, I agree although I had won the hand with trips, unless he hit his flush obviously.
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Yeah, I went outta a freeroll last night.
I had AK clubs and 2 more clubs came out flop so I raised (hoping to scare ppls off more than anything) and everyone folded but one dude who had a pair of Q's thanks to the flop and he went all in, I thought fuck it, its worth it as if I get another club, I've got him...
...needless to say, the last 2 cards were diamonds
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
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Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Lucky fooker!
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Nice win what was that in?
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
Location: Nottingham
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I took an early lead, and just bullied some of the weaker players.
I'm tempted to try a $2000 GTD, $20 buy-in.
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Do it
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
Location: Nottingham
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quote: Originally posted by DannyB
Nice win what was that in?
6 man, $30 buy-in. I know I'm staking alot, but I'm hell of a lot more comfortable playing with less players cause I can get a read on them .
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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I was about to sign up for a freeroll but there isn't any starting soon
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I hate not having any money in, it's shit playing freerolls and 10 cent sit n go's, boring as fuck.
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
Location: Nottingham
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Sucks . I find playing higher stakes, you find better players. When I'm doing a $5 buy-in, I'm just getting idiots calling my bets with absolute jack shit...which makes bluffing hard .
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
Location: Nottingham
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Currently 5/32 (12 left), hopefully be able to sweat it out till a paid position .
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Registered: 6th Feb 08
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I'm watching you 
AA lost big time then 
[Edited on 06-09-2010 by DannyB]
Registered: 23rd Dec 08
Location: Nottingham
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LMFAO, I felt sorry for him. I've seen 3 AA get beat today .
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Not gonna last much longer in this GTD now 
Called an all in, I had pock 4's and pair K's, he had pock 7's 
[Edited on 06-09-2010 by TheNobleOne]
I'm out Finished 226th outta 612. Top 80 get monies.
[Edited on 06-09-2010 by TheNobleOne]
Registered: 12th Apr 07
Location: Sandy, Bedfordshire
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Just finished 18th in the EPT London qualifiers I walked away with nothing 
4th got £425, top 3 win seats to the next tournament worth £500+.