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Lol same old bullshit. You've been reading this thread so closely you will see on the two or three occasions me repeatedly say he didn't deserve to die, and again with the we have all done it nonsense, no we haven't. Let me guess your next retort is going to be 'so your telling me you've never speeded or done anything wrong on the road before'
Some proper dimwits lack of intelligence on here
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anyone else want to say we are all wankers because he didnt deserve to die, and that we have all done stupid things in our lives?
because im about to go on the local police forum and pass on all your valid points calling them all hypocrits and twats for wanting to arrest anyone that burgles or rapes as how can they say theyve never done illegal things in there lives before
Registered: 16th Jun 05
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Mr perfect Steve
Registered: 29th Nov 06
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Oh dear, seems this thread has gone the traditional CS way!
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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Steve's right though, people are making stuff up so they can feel justified in feeling offended on the behalf of someone else.
Not one single reply in this thread has contained the words "he deserved to die" and yet people are flying in using that very phrase as their main attack against people who just stated they werent surprised that he died this way.
Steve's getting a proper hard ride here. He's far from said the most offensive thing, if he's even said anything offensive at all and people are wading in to take shots at him.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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all it is is people are enraged that a thread that is announcing someones death doesnt contain enough RIP, but it blows there mind to try and actually reason why and the first thing that comes into there heads is that because people arent replying rip everywhere that instantly means we are condemning that person to death, literally.
this is classic mentality of the facebook generation that get sucked into this mindless frenzy of feeling like they have to act in a certain way, hence why you have idiots going crazy over that koni 2012 nonsense
Registered: 23rd Sep 05
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And like that KONI shite some of the people that have waded in here acting all offended and what not will have forgotten all about xa0s and why they were even angry in a few days.
His mates on here I can totally understand them being emotional and getting upset but some people really need to take a look at themselves and ask what are they really that offended about?
Registered: 9th Jul 09
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Nice editing of my post, i know luke in real life. tbh your obviously a cunt Steve so fuck off.
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i feel sorry for his mates, as said i will always take on board what graham has said and respect his thoughts even if they dont align with mine, non of what i have said is aimed at him as im sure he is aware, and my advice would be to simply not look in this thread if its upsetting or makes you angry, thats meant with the greatest sincerity.
At the same time if i was in grahams boots i would understand why people feel like this and not let it sway my personal feelings to those people involved in the negative comments
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by Steve]
Registered: 9th Jul 09
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Maybe times like this keep personal thoughts to yourself? Just showing what type of person you are IMO.
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quote: Originally posted by davenova
Nice editing of my post, i know luke in real life. tbh your obviously a cunt Steve so fuck off.
yes im obviously a cunt, luke leary deserved to die, we've all sped on the roads etc, blah blah blah 
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by Steve]
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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people on here just cant stfu tbh...
Registered: 29th Nov 07
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quote: Originally posted by Steve
quote: Originally posted by davenova
Nice editing of my post, i know luke in real life. tbh your obviously a cunt Steve so fuck off.
yes im obviously a cunt,
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by Steve]
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quote: Originally posted by john-d
people on here just cant stfu tbh...
i absolutely agree tbh lol, most of my replies have been defending myself against people keep replying putting words in my mouth
Registered: 3rd Apr 07
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That's not what I meant mate
Registered: 9th Nov 07
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End of the day it's a thread signifying some poor guy dying. Any other forum, be it online or a discussion in the local pub, would be solemn and heartfelt at this sort of time - obviously CS is a different kettle of fish though where everyone likes the sound of their own voice too much, so people just say whatever sort of arrogant thoughts enter their head. Let's face it, the people having wee digs, saying about how it was a long time coming, anyone hitting out with any sort of trace of a negative comment only needs to do the mature thing, respect this boy's memory and just shut the fuck up about it. if you've got nothing nice to say, why comment? It's not helping anything at all, all it's going to do is cause potential upset for the guy's family if anyone were to point them in this direction. I just wonder if people find it's an ego boost to write 'well we did say', 'long time coming' etc?
It doesn't matter what peoples' opinions are him - end of the day a young guy's died on the road, exactly the same sort of thing that could happen to each and every one of us every time we go out in a car let alone a bike, whether you drive like cliff richard or senna. There is way too much nonchalance in here for someone having just died. Yes, this is an internet forum, yes you can normally say anything you like. But this is far from a normal situation.
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Yeah mate must have missed those other forums that were posted early in this thread that were making worse comments then here. Yet another person riding in high on emotion and not getting the full picture
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by Steve]
Registered: 30th Jun 03
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quote: Originally posted by alan-g-w
Any other forum, be it online or a discussion in the local pub, would be solemn and heartfelt at this sort of time - obviously CS is a different kettle of fish
Incorrect, if you had read any of this thread instead of just reading the last couple of replies from other people who haven't read any of it, the reaction on other forums is much worse than on here.
Registered: 16th Feb 07
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This thread should be closed and deleted, this is an embarrassment to cs , anyone can view this page ffs. Get off your keyboards! sad bastards a young guy is dead! Have some fucking respect.
Ian I am surprised you have not stepped in and closed this out.
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by cpcrampton]
Registered: 9th Nov 07
Location: Glasgow
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Sorry, should have inserted civilised there.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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lol the scottish contingency is in full flow now.
if you people think the liberties luke took are typical of the average young male driver or just him trolling then either you didnt see what i and others have seen, or you are as dangerous as he was
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Im not part of this contingency.
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quote: Originally posted by cpcrampton
This thread should be closed and deleted, this is an embarrassment to cs , anyone can view this page ffs. Get off your keyboards! sad bastards a young guy is dead! Have some fucking respect.
Ian I am surprised you have not stepped in and closed this out.
[Edited on 15-06-2012 by cpcrampton]
See I didn't know the guy, but from all the stuff he posted on here, why should we show him respect when he definitely did not show any for anyone else.
I will not slag off his death, but neither will I feel sorry or show respect for him.
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Exactly my view
Registered: 10th May 10
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Steve is still going on. Steve just shut up and it will end much quicker simple.