Registered: 30th Oct 03
Location: London
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i reccomend you use, sonic foundry sound forge 7 to pitch the vocal to the beat, works very well. also you can import it all into reason 2.5.
Rob R
Registered: 31st May 03
Location: Kent
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well good! i did a remix of love come down by mc kie, put the voclas over 138 trek n sounded the dogs danglies but cnt upload it!
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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yea got sound forge, but dont like it same goes for reason, waaaaayyy to expensive for my liking already forked out 600 odd quid for protools and my digi 001, and that was pricey so 
But i use cool edit, and with a quick sum you can work it all problem solved
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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cheers all 
nah i dont do this for a living, am a poor student instead but its something to fall back on if it all goes tits up to behonest, im not all that, have a look at and you will find waaaay better bedroom producers, but its like alot of things, practice makes perfect 
motorspeed - i would be interested in listening to some of your stuff, drop me a email or something and send it to me mate 
Cheers again all for taking some time out to have a butchers at my remixes. I will keep you all posted if anything happens with my stuff, oh and thanks to ally for the chat today - she gave me some create ideas etc etc 
Merry Xmas Everyone 
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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is there any program that u can make ur pwn music on and then record it ya know so ya can stick it on a cd, but not proper hard to use???
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
is there any program that u can make ur pwn music on and then record it ya know so ya can stick it on a cd, but not proper hard to use???
pwn music?
Most software samplers (such as Fruityloops) allows you to dumb the whole project to a wav file, then you can burn it onto CD using nero that what ya mean mate?
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
User status: Offline
yeh pwn ,i ment own.
like uve dont those songs , did u get background and words seperate and play em over top?
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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Oh right, sorry boss lol
Yea fruityloops is good. Can be easy can be hard, depends what ya do with it Obviously theres stuff like Ejay and others, but you dont have the same freedom as a sampler/multitracker. Theres programes like Cubase (SX etc) and cakewalk which allows you to do midi stuff as well.
It all depends what you want to do mate If you want to produce dance stuff, using alot of software synths (vsts) then i would go with fruityloops. If you want to use mainly midi, but also audio and plugins then go cubase SX route. If you want it easy go ejay, but your limited to the loops they use Also, if you get a sampler (like fruityloops) then you will need to get hold of samples (ie: a simple note or hit of an instrument, such as a kick drum, hihat, piano note etc) and these can either be brought (for around 50 quid a CD) or downloaded (google will be your friend ).
However, as for putting it on CD...most of them dont have this option and therefore the way you do it is export the finish track as a wav file then use something like nero to put it on CD. But i think some of the Ejays allow you to do this 
hope this helps mate,
edit: as for the vocals, there called acapella's and you can download them or find them on most vinyl's that you buy. Also, you can buy aload of them on CD's but again it will cost you about 30 quid 
[Edited on 13-12-2003 by VisibleMan]
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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yeh on ma pc i have acapellas and instumentals but like say for example ya wanted to speed it up and stick a beat behind it then acapella over top wud fruityloops do this and is it easy?
Registered: 13th Sep 03
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To do the beat/music then you will need something like fruityloops/cubase etc yes 
As for the vocals, well you will need to time stretch and fruityloops studio (new version) allows you to use full audio and using the pitch you can adjust it. However, adjusting the pitch does exactly that and as well as speeding it up it will increase the pitch in vocals (move it up or down the music scale), so you need to time stretch the vocals and most wave form editors (such as cool edit, sound forge) allows you to do this. Personally i would use Cool edit, because its a multitracker as well, so you can lay your beat on one track and the vocals on another and then adjust the vocals etc etc.
Simple answer, get cool edit and fruityloops and your away
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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plz put this in englisg i have the songs i just wanna make em into dance tracks
Registered: 13th Sep 03
User status: Offline
You need to make the beat yes? if so you'll need something like Fruityloops to make the beat/music.
Then once you've got the beat sorted, export it to a wav file then import it into Cool Edit, place it on one track. Then import the vocal (acapella) into Cool Edit, then Time Stretch it to fit the beat, then place it on another track and listen to it and see what happens.
To be honest mate, get yourself those two programs (FruityLoop studio and Cool Edit Pro) then have a fiddle, its the only way your going to learn and thats what i did 
Also, if your really serious about this, sign up to and start posting. Lots of bedroom producers are on there and they will help you loads 
hope this helps mate 
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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ill download them now
Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Sheffield UK Drives: VW Golf
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bloody great stuff! keep up the good work
Registered: 1st Apr 02
Location: West Midlands
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breath = Proper bo i tell thee!!
Frozen = Nice. almost chilled out style i like it!
the other two...
Dre.... the endings a lil out of time with the lyrics. make the music cut to eminem faster and no echo at the end.
jlo.... out of sync really but good non the less... top job on em all!
Registered: 27th Mar 00
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
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Registered: 13th Jan 03
Location: Bristol UK
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keep more cummin