Registered: 26th May 02
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u keep saying bottles, what size of bottles?
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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[Edited on 120102 by Ben]
Registered: 26th May 02
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this is my last post on the subject, i know im right, i had to do a damm project on the thing which ment researching it and all researched sources say the same thing 1 pint per hour
[Edited on 26-01-2004 by luca2020]
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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sounds like mdma or amphetamine!! Either way apart from feeling shit for a day or so he'll be fine!! Unfortunatly this is becoming more and more popular!! Something i have to see/deal with everyday!! Mindless idiots!!!
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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i have a plan which resolves all this shit, 
dont take drugs and always cover ya bottle up in a crowded party/club/pub etc
Registered: 7th Feb 03
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You shold drink about a pint of water an hour when you are on pills as you dehydrate from raiseed body temperature and dancing usually. Ecstacy does affect how much u piss, so it is very important not to drink too much water (what happened to lea vetts, her brain expanded inside her head cos she drank too much water. She wasnt killed by the drug, but by the lack of knowledge about it)
As for what your brother was spiked with (shit thing to happen to anyone by the way, hope he is better), i felt like that when i did speed once, but i couldnt sleep for 2 days, and its unlikely that he could be sleeping if he was on that. Could possibly be GHB? If you are interested, has loads of information on pretty much every drug there is, so you could look at the effects on there and find out!
Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: At Work, Birmingham
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I just drink water when ever i feel i want a drink. dont overdo it, it will drown the body. also drink a lucozade to keep ur sugar levels up. drink orange juice to come down. if uve been on E and have come down, drink ur piss and u will be fucked again apparantly. Fuck that! just bosh another!
Registered: 19th Dec 02
Location: At Work, Birmingham
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| is a sweet site. KICK GHB MONGS OUT OF CLUBLAND!!! Too many people going under on GHB! if ur gonna do it, then do it at home in a safe environment. Also is a good site
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: Wirral, Merseyside
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I don't understand people wanting to pay money for drugs then spike other peoples drinks with it, if they wana take drugs it's there choice why impose it on others?
I've taken ecstacy in the past and didn't like it, horrible feeling coke however
Registered: 19th Dec 02
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Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Blode
last night went out for a few drinks with my brother and mates as we do every sunday after work, unfortunantly some wanker found it neccersary to put something in my brothers drink which made him VERY ill, just wonderin if firstly anyone knows what it could be (made him very thirsty, then caused him to vomit when he was asleep.....he nearly choked to death ), secondly, has this happened to anyone? i cant understand why people would do this!!!
yes it was the barman. he put beer in his glass
Registered: 30th Aug 02
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sorry to hear it blode
does sound like an e my ex made me take 1/2 with him once (btw not much choice in the matter) was only 15 and was a night before an exam was an horrid experience i had to go home my mom picked me up and i was only 1 street away and could feel myself dihydrating and its the most scarest feelings when u touch inside ur mouth its totally dry
I feel for your brother and its not a nice
Registered: 2nd Jul 03
Location: Pontypool Drives: a Skoda
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Sorry lynny thats nasty
You can only b safe when u go out, cover ya drink, dont leave it unattended, dont take drinks from strange people (not even the fit ones )
I remember at one point the brought out these thingys that u put in ya drink to see if it had been spiked, but c'mon you cant do it for every drink u have!
I've never done drugs and i never will.
No matter how safe u try and be, theres always gunna be those cunts out there that want to hurt you
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by luca2020
this is my last post on the subject, i know im right, i had to do a damm project on the thing which ment researching it and all researched sources say the same thing 1 pint per hour
[Edited on 26-01-2004 by luca2020]
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
quote: Originally posted by Ben
xtasy makes u dehydrate , specially liquid extasy (which it prob wud of been) just have to drink loads and loads of water and get it flushed out of ur body, did he feel really shite and sepressed following day
drinking loads and load of water is very very Dangerous! u can actualy drown in ur own body due to drinking to much water, about 1 pint every hour for 4-5hrs is about right
either u made a mistake there , or u r a skitzo!
1st ur saying 1 pint every 4-5hours then ur saying 1pint per hour!
i am certain of what i said , i dont personally take xtasy but know ppl who do and what they r like when on it and how much they drink.
or just go into hospital if u feel strange!
Registered: 6th Oct 03
Location: Adel, West Yorkshire
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when on E you drink shit loads of water because your de-hydrated
not saying its the best thing to do ,thats just how it is
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
this is my last post on the subject, i know im right, i had to do a damm project on the thing which ment researching it and all researched sources say the same thing 1 pint per hour
[Edited on 26-01-2004 by luca2020]
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
quote: Originally posted by Ben
xtasy makes u dehydrate , specially liquid extasy (which it prob wud of been) just have to drink loads and loads of water and get it flushed out of ur body, did he feel really shite and sepressed following day
drinking loads and load of water is very very Dangerous! u can actualy drown in ur own body due to drinking to much water, about 1 pint every hour for 4-5hrs is about right
either u made a mistake there , or u r a skitzo!
1st ur saying 1 pint every 4-5hours then ur saying 1pint per hour!
i am certain of what i said , i dont personally take xtasy but know ppl who do and what they r like when on it and how much they drink.
or just go into hospital if u feel strange!
sorry i just have to say this " ABOUT 1 PINT EVERY HOUR FOR 4-5HRS" did u not learn how to read at school or something
Registered: 7th Aug 02
Location: Nottinghamshire
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They are bastards!! Someone did this to my girl on new years eve!! She went out like a light around 11pm, found her crying on the floor in the ladies, she couldnt talk/see properly, didnt know who anyone was or how she got there! Carried her home (1/2 mile down the road) and she went straight to sleep!
Thing was their was this slimey git in his mid 30's on his own hanging around her and her friend all nite, he tried to dance with them but they were having none of it... Just as I was leaving the pub carrying my G.F he was sat by the door on his own looking VERY guilty, and he looked me RIGHT in the eye - Bastid, on relection of what happened and working it all out I think it was him! 
[Edited on 27-01-2004 by TOMAS]
Registered: 9th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
this is my last post on the subject, i know im right, i had to do a damm project on the thing which ment researching it and all researched sources say the same thing 1 pint per hour
[Edited on 26-01-2004 by luca2020]
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
quote: Originally posted by Ben
xtasy makes u dehydrate , specially liquid extasy (which it prob wud of been) just have to drink loads and loads of water and get it flushed out of ur body, did he feel really shite and sepressed following day
drinking loads and load of water is very very Dangerous! u can actualy drown in ur own body due to drinking to much water, about 1 pint every hour for 4-5hrs is about right
either u made a mistake there , or u r a skitzo!
1st ur saying 1 pint every 4-5hours then ur saying 1pint per hour!
i am certain of what i said , i dont personally take xtasy but know ppl who do and what they r like when on it and how much they drink.
or just go into hospital if u feel strange!
ben, i would stop writing if i were you, you are just making a fool out of youself, you have even highlighted the points you have a problem with reading and still read one of them wrong
about 1 pint every hour for 4-5hrs is about right
that means one pint per hour, for 4-5 hours, which is the same as
and all researched sources say the same thing 1 pint per hour
[Edited on 27-01-2004 by cdcool1]
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by luca2020
quote: Originally posted by Ben
xtasy makes u dehydrate , specially liquid extasy (which it prob wud of been) just have to drink loads and loads of water and get it flushed out of ur body, did he feel really shite and sepressed following day
drinking loads and load of water is very very Dangerous! u can actualy drown in ur own body due to drinking to much water, about 1 pint every hour for 4-5hrs is about right
Yeh, supposedly people have died from taking E, by feeling constantly thirsty, they drink absolutely loads and the water gets to the brain and gives em brain damage / death.
I'll stick to weed only thanks
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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cdcool1 - thank you! lol
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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have u ever taken extasy? , or even know any1 who has? do u know how much they drink.
extasy has worn off in less than 5hours anyways , its only the 1st few hours when u need hydration anyways
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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no and about all my mates, and no
Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I have only a passing knowledge of what is or what is not suitable to drink while on drugs and I'll say this much - I suspect there no correct answer that will guarantee absolute safety!
I would look for information at an official source like
Either way, its a risk and different people think different things. Keep it civil lads.
J da Silva
Registered: 10th Apr 03
Location: The FACTory
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weed gives me the 'munchies on'
Registered: 7th Feb 03
Location: Hereford Drives: Audi R8 V8
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drugs are bad, mmmmmkay. *cough cough*