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to the above ^^^^^^^^^
pew pew pew pewwwww
Registered: 12th Jan 03
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i shud be a politician or woteva there called , this country need to toughen up!
Registered: 7th Mar 03
Location: Milton Keynes
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
i shud be a politician or woteva there called , this country need to toughen up!
Big up Ben!! tottaly agree with what u said cos its fcukin true! my mum said i should have been a politician and sounds like u should too
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
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He got the maximum sentance. The problem lies with the law not who did what.
Registered: 14th Jul 03
Location: teesside drives BMW M3
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just read today in the paper they are going to reduce his sentence this goverment is ghey
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
gonna get fucked for this but
why do we pay money as taxes to go to ppl who dont belong in our country? or have just come here and r legal but have come over from oversees, why dont we look after our own , like old ppl , homeless and spend more on the ill ect who have worked all there lives even faught for this country!
but oh no that wanker blair and possi have never had to live with these ppl , they have always grown up in private education and kept away from what we see!
they spend OUR money on
fuckin dossers who dont work and think they have a right to get money (if u dont do owt u shunt get fuck all GET A JOB!)inless for sum reason there is a serious reason for not workin, i think you should have to work a minimum of 5yrs b4 u get a penny of dole , and when u do get dole ,u only have a yr on it to get a job.
Immigrants and ppl who come over and get asylam- if ur gonna live here , u live by our rules , u speak english , u work hard , u pay taxes , u care for what your getting , u treat ppl and property with respect and be GLAD we have let u in, illegal immigrants go fuck off back home or to another country .
blair waisting money on this war was a joke , America was more than capable of tacklin them , we just waited lives and money bcoz blair thought it wud show our ppl that he means business!
murderers -life for a life imo, inless its an accident of course eg a kid runs out in road and theres nothing u can do , u have insurance ,tax ect and doin correct speed.
thieves should be branded with a bid T on there head so ppl know what they are.
all ppl who commit smaller crimes should get a big fine
surely we should look after ourselves1st , i am sick to death of paying for skum! when i c ppl who need help , even if my money went on paying to get druggys off drugs i wud not mind . really gets me wound up.
btw that was not racist b4 any 1 says it is.
not supprised BNP are getting more and more votes every yr
what u mean by that? u mean that foreigners from different countrys cant migrate to uk? or am i reading it wrongly?
Registered: 23rd Oct 02
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it doesnt pay to be british in our own country
Registered: 27th Aug 02
Location: Sheffield
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cut his fuckin throat........this country makes u sick. I just hope the kids family get hold of him and torture the fuckin immagrant.
Burn him alive
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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corsa sxi i mean that why shud we pay taxes to ppl who migrate here? fair enoughif they have a job , pay taxes , play there part in community but why should we give them money ? surely its enuf letting them in here!, alot also come here just for the reason of getting "free money"
i hate the thought that money is goin to non-british ppl b4 we actually sort our own out! like old ppl , homeless and spend more on the ill ect who have worked all there lives and faught for this country! but no , we seem to push these ppl aside who need/deserve to be looked after and give the money to fucking foriegners who come here who , dont work and claim benefits , they dont do owt for our country , but we do a damm site more than ther own country does yet they seem to take the piss abit! makes me mad!
[Edited on 120102 by Ben]
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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i think ur being god dman racist, im chinese, my parents came over here and work god damn hard to pay this government the money, which inturns goes out to every1 else. so what the F*ck is your problem eh?
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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i think that most chinese ppl in here will agree with my over your heartless statement, fullstop.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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at people who dont have a clue...................naming no names. Half the comments in this thread are mindless and utter crap. People should stop reading The Sun.......................
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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was that referred to me nath?
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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I suspect not.
Registered: 3rd Apr 02
Location: MK
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No mate! Definately not.
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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whats ur thoughts on this ian mate
Registered: 12th Jan 03
Location: West Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
corsa sxi i mean that why shud we pay taxes to ppl who migrate here? fair enoughif they have a job , pay taxes , play there part in community but why should we give them money ? surely its enuf letting them in here!, alot also come here just for the reason of getting "free money"
i hate the thought that money is goin to non-british ppl b4 we actually sort our own out! like old ppl , homeless and spend more on the ill ect who have worked all there lives and faught for this country! but no , we seem to push these ppl aside who need/deserve to be looked after and give the money to fucking foriegners who come here who , dont work and claim benefits , they dont do owt for our country , but we do a damm site more than ther own country does yet they seem to take the piss abit! makes me mad!
i aint been racist if thats pointed towards me , i just think that if they come over here they should be offering our country something , not taking something away, my grandma come across from ireland when she was young and has worked all her life , so did my grandad who faught in the war and never ever took anything from this country.
its seems to be one ethnic group that seems to take the piss more than others but i wont say what as ill get called a racist , i am sure u know which i am talking about
I am not racist btw!!!!!!!!!!
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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what exactly are other MINORITY's taking away? so they can put money in the system but take nothing out is that what ur saying?
Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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our cuntry is just in a mess fullstop!
we are the softest contry when it comes to illegal immegrents and that....
if this situation(boy getting killed) was in another cuntry u would be hung and quartered(bit OTT but u get my drift)
we cannot be passinate about our cuntry when our own govement are screwing us
just my opions but i really hope the familys of this poor kid get some sorta justice outta the end of this he SHOULD have been up for manslaughter
he had done so much wrong in this situation its unbeliveablei can think of 7 ocasions where he is in the wrong and thats just damn discraceful with a 2 years less 2 mounths sentance!
[Edited on 16-02-2004 by Korsa-Kid]
Registered: 18th Apr 03
Location: Potters Bar
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basically if you are a honourable citzen (no matter what race) of this country then you should benefit from our system.
if you are not, i.e a job dodging parasite then you should not benefit, that even goes for "our own"
Registered: 11th Jul 03
Location: Kingston upon Hull
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Registered: 2nd Jul 03
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Stop moaning and do somthing about it if it has affected u so much.
I dont agree with it but theres nothing i can do.
Registered: 2nd Apr 02
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ive just done 2 weeks jury service,spent 1 week reading the paper/books and 2 and a half day on 2 court court costs 8k a day 2 run,whether anybody gets tried or not.the 2 cases i was in on ,one of them should never of even come 2 trial ,2 asylum seekers having a fight over a bedroom because the social worker told them 2 sort out there problem between themselves,one guy spoke only iraqi and the other north african and broken was a farce as there was no witnesses and none of the evidence could b linked 2gether 2 make any sense,but we spend a day listening 2 it ,the guy was found not guilty.
the point of this is the main problem is the law(or lack of sensible laws)
this should never even get 2 court.
i do think we as a country should have a stricter stance on immigration as we are seen as a soft touch,i have no problem with anybody coming into this country,if they can improve it,have means 2 support doctors,if your about 2 die and the doctors asian/indian,im sure the'd b ok then.
could all the racists,do without there kebabs,chinese/indian takeaways on friday night or is that alright as long as there serving us.
Registered: 9th May 03
Location: Middlesbrough
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my local kebab and pizza shop is run by an englishman
my local chinese is urn by a scottish bloke
and theres only the odd corner shop thats run by a foreigner
the other night - while in rylee's, a snooker/pool hall, a paki kept looking at this white women, who was with a local lad, and kept smilin at her and winking, then the lass went to the toilet and the paki followed her in.......her boyfriend had seen this throughout the night and decided to go into the bogs only to find the paki trying to follow his lass into the female bogs....then ther was a few words exchanged and the lad went out of the club
bout 15 minz later about 15 paki's came floodin into and sayin oway then think ya hard now to this lad
so the lad phoned a few of his bodybuilding mates who are also bouncers....and there was nearly a big brawl gd job the police turned up in time
now most nites i have been in rylee's i have seen the paki's doing this thinkin there better than us english people
is this just round near me or is this nationwide? 
sorry bout the essay
[Edited on 16-02-2004 by modded_corsa]
Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
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i think u should change "paki" to black lad or something not all black people are "paki's"