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100% muscle!
pew pew pew pewwwww
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Dont eat.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ben
i dont get fat
I've had mates in the past that can basically eat constant junk food and not put on a pound.
Atkins also only burns fat, some diets burn your muscle tissue before fat! So in theory you should get a better figure at the end of it.
How much do most people weigh out of curiousity?
I say this because, although I'm losing weight - I don't really see that I'm losing a lot of fat, but I guess thats coz I look at myself each day?
I'm 5 ft 11.
I was 13 Stone 3 around 10th of Jan now 11 stone 13 - got a bit more to go I think...
Paul J
[Edited on 12-02-2004 by Paul_J]
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Ally
Dont eat.
this doesn't work... many people foolishly think a great way to lose weight is to simply skip a load of meals or just stop eating... however, if you don't eat your body goes into survival mode -
Imagine if you were in the desert, no food around. You body needs energy and your absolutely starving. Yes you'll lose weight.
But as soon as you get some food - your body will store most of it!!! - because its now in a sort of survival mode, since your body for all it knows thinks your struggling to find food - it doesn't know when its next meal will be and thus stores it as fat for later use! 
This is whats called a Yo - Yo diet. You lose weight yes, but as soon as you start eating again after starving yourself weight is put back in. This is another reason why atkins works so well! you stop your body from going into starvation mode, coz you are eating, though not necisarily loads and not really things high in carb or fat.
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
B) As I said, depends how you wanna do it, but I personally cut most of the fats out - a lot less than I was eating previously when you actually look at the figures - You saying cutting out fats are gonna increase cholesterol?
Yes. Again the mechanism is complex.
So I don't see how I'm really getting less vitamins than I was since - I can see perfectly well in the dark, so the vit C I'm not getting from carrots won't be missed 
Vitamin A: Alzheimers, Cancers, Diabetes....
Vitamin B12: Heart Failure, Nervous Problems
To name a few
The reason the NHS doesn't tell people to do it - is because people don't know the long term effects since its still relatively new (mid 70's it was first brought up I think?).
No it's not, it's because the NHS is not self-destructive.
It's a simple Energy in - Energy out = Energy stored.
No it's not 
Paul J
Registered: 15th Jul 02
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jesus man.. i know you write essays.. but give it a rest
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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oh well fwaza esquire - I'll take the risk mate
Fraser Young
Registered: 26th Dec 02
Location: Dundee City Drives: 58 Impreza WRX
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Fairy nuff 
Wasnt havin a go at u like!
Registered: 26th May 02
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yes it does work, but i still wouldent do it
theres no need to go on any diet, just cut out crisps/choc and exercise, simple as that
its what i do and it works
the reason atkins works goes back to basics, when u add up all the calories u eat on say a low calorie diet, and how many calories u eat on atkins, both are basicaly the same, both have low calories = it works
its just that atkins ur not getting a full dietry balance and the high amount of fat u intake can/will clog up ur arteries
[Edited on 12-02-2004 by luca2020]
Registered: 30th Jul 03
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ive just been asda... bout 3 bags of sweets for 1£..... lookin at it now... over 1000 caleries in em ! n im gonna eat the lot by the end of this sad borin nite!
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Fwaza esquire
Vitamin A: Alzheimers, Cancers, Diabetes....
Vitamin B12: Heart Failure, Nervous Problems
To name a few
Er... - also, I eat a lot of green beans and various low carb veg. I'm pretty sure green beans have quite a high level of Vit A? and I'd imagine some of the others cover some of the other vits mate..
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by luca2020
the reason atkins works goes back to basics, when u add up all the calories u eat on say a low calorie diet, and how many calories u eat on atkins, both are basicaly the same, both have low calories = it works
its just that atkins ur not getting a full dietry balance and the high amount of fat u intake can/will clog up ur arteries
Yup mate - It is simple that you end up eating same calories as a low calorie diet - but I prefere to eat meat and feel full, rather than sit with a plate of just lettuce infront of me and feel empty.
Also - Why do people assume if you go on atkins diet you have to eat tonnes of fat? - I'm eating a lot less fat than I used to off the diet.
Registered: 28th Dec 00
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i'd like to change my diet but i am the fussiest person never when it comes to food. Can't stand any fruit or veg. i've basically eaten junk food all my life and stayed at 10.5 stone but since November last year ive gone upto 11 (yes its light for most people but i'm not very tall so it shows). I blame my new job where i sit on my arse doin fuck all.
Registered: 9th Dec 03
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only thing that worrys me about the atkins diet is micheal atkins died!!!
Registered: 28th Dec 00
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quote: Originally posted by Fwaza esquire
Stay off the alcohol for a month...
more chance of platting piss. Anyone know which has more calories, lager or spirits?
Registered: 1st Aug 03
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quote: Originally posted by p1ummy
ive just been asda... bout 3 bags of sweets for 1£..... lookin at it now... over 1000 caleries in em ! n im gonna eat the lot by the end of this sad borin nite!
ule turn into a pink pig
Registered: 26th May 02
Location: Maidstone, Kent
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
quote: Originally posted by luca2020
the reason atkins works goes back to basics, when u add up all the calories u eat on say a low calorie diet, and how many calories u eat on atkins, both are basicaly the same, both have low calories = it works
its just that atkins ur not getting a full dietry balance and the high amount of fat u intake can/will clog up ur arteries
Yup mate - It is simple that you end up eating same calories as a low calorie diet - but I prefere to eat meat and feel full, rather than sit with a plate of just lettuce infront of me and feel empty.
Also - Why do people assume if you go on atkins diet you have to eat tonnes of fat? - I'm eating a lot less fat than I used to off the diet.
because meat has alot more fat than traditional fruit and veg route
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
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I've cut out any crap I eat, go swimming twice a week. I'm enjoying it and loosing 2-3 pounds a week in the process 
Mum is on the atkins diet, she gets on fine!
Hey Paul J, on atkins you can still drink cant you, but its gotta be vodka doesn it?
Registered: 24th Mar 02
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try to cut down the size of your meals, but have more small meals, about 5 or six main meals a day, so you still eat the same amount, reducing the size of your meals will shrink your stomach, but you'll still have the amount of nutritation you need.
Look at what your eating, cut down on carbs, and eat more protein. Try not to have any carbs after 5 o'clock, and have your last meal 2 hrs before you go to bed.
Drink as much water a day as you can.
And then train, jogging, and plenty of crunches 
Registered: 6th Jun 02
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quote: Originally posted by Andy@CruisinUK
Look at what your eating, cut down on carbs, and eat more protein. Try not to have any carbs after 5 o'clock, and have your last meal 2 hrs before you go to bed.
Drink as much water a day as you can.
And then train, jogging
Pretty much what I'm doing 
Also luca - ok meat has more fat than veg, but a low calorie high veg diet has little to no protein - and since you end up eating less anyway, the amount of Fat you eat imo on atkins reduces rather than increases - eating less crap and eating less of the stuff I'd normally eat.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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quote: Originally posted by willay
Hey Paul J, on atkins you can still drink cant you?
Willay - Beer is high in carbs but, thats why I'm not doing an 100% atkins diet... I'm sticking to the rules most of the times but breaking them occasionally and thats one of the way I break it - and I'm still losing weight.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
quote: Originally posted by Fwaza esquire
Atkins diet is baddddd
explain why?
Ok the americans think the atkins diet means - Eat as much fat as you want but no carbs... Fair play you can do that and give yourself a heart attack - but I generally don't eat any fat (definately less than I used to off diet) and keep low carbs - plus exercise.
Ok you don't get everything your body needs, but the weight loss is so rapid, once this guys lost his 1/2 a stone he can come right off.
Paul J
because gettign rid of your carb intake is not good for the body really and the long term effects of just eating fat is unknown. also causes water uptake when you stop.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
quote: Originally posted by willay
Hey Paul J, on atkins you can still drink cant you?
Willay - Beer is high in carbs but, thats why I'm not doing an 100% atkins diet... I'm sticking to the rules most of the times but breaking them occasionally and thats one of the way I break it - and I'm still losing weight.
I'm sure in one of the books it mentions vodka is okay?
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by luca2020
the reason atkins works goes back to basics, when u add up all the calories u eat on say a low calorie diet, and how many calories u eat on atkins, both are basicaly the same, both have low calories = it works
its just that atkins ur not getting a full dietry balance and the high amount of fat u intake can/will clog up ur arteries
you don;t have a clue do you. reduction of carbohydrates basically allows CPT1 to function without inhibition. this menas that fatty acids are carried over into the mitochonria and they get metabolised in ATP production. this means that so long as you don't eat more fat tan you use the bodies own supply of fat reduces. however fat also causes a whole variety of biochemical functions that go on in the body. fat is not absorbed straight away. the fat you take in from a McD big mac meal swishes around your arteries of 8 hours. the reason people Atkins diet is popular is because it does reduce the body fat but it's not good for you.
Registered: 28th Feb 01
Location: POAH
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quote: Originally posted by Paul_J
quote: Originally posted by Ben
i dont get fat
I've had mates in the past that can basically eat constant junk food and not put on a pound.
Atkins also only burns fat, some diets burn your muscle tissue before fat! So in theory you should get a better figure at the end of it.
How much do most people weigh out of curiousity?
I say this because, although I'm losing weight - I don't really see that I'm losing a lot of fat, but I guess thats coz I look at myself each day?
I'm 5 ft 11.
I was 13 Stone 3 around 10th of Jan now 11 stone 13 - got a bit more to go I think...
Paul J
[Edited on 12-02-2004 by Paul_J]
no offense but your talking through your arse