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Author R.A.F.

Registered: 3rd Mar 04
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22nd Apr 04 at 15:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VisibleMan

yea, im looking at going in as a officer pilot but its all the pre-selection tests that are suppose to be the hardest thing you can do. They use the same selection as the TA, army etc and my bro went in as a TA and said it you should never bull shit on the papers...he said one bloke said he was fluent in german, and when he had his interview, one of the examiners turn around and started speaking to him in german (they brought someone in to test him basically) and it turned out the bloke couldnt speak a word. Also they will ask you really weird questions, that you cant say yes/no to or agree/disagree questions, so you have to think about replies and word them correctly, otherwise your out even before you get to the next exams.

Its very hard to get in mate, but flying at Mach 3 does it for me

Flyin at mach 3 Were u get that from

officer pilot

Only Officers can b pilots Only the amy hav NCO Piliots

Registered: 18th Aug 03
Location: Reading,Berks
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22nd Apr 04 at 18:49   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

no mate i was clever enough after 8 months to realise that giving a huge part of my life up wasnt for me......i already had the qualifications that pilot officers go to cosford to do thats on joining but unless ur into doing volunty work n mummy n daddy have a few $$ u will struggle to get in as pilot.

All i can say is im speaking from experience it isnt all its cracked up to be.

Registered: 31st Aug 02
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22nd Apr 04 at 18:55   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i'm in the army and haved worked with the raf call i can say is be careful and think about if u really wanna do this.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:00   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by GSi_16v
Originally posted by VisibleMan

yea, im looking at going in as a officer pilot but its all the pre-selection tests that are suppose to be the hardest thing you can do. They use the same selection as the TA, army etc and my bro went in as a TA and said it you should never bull shit on the papers...he said one bloke said he was fluent in german, and when he had his interview, one of the examiners turn around and started speaking to him in german (they brought someone in to test him basically) and it turned out the bloke couldnt speak a word. Also they will ask you really weird questions, that you cant say yes/no to or agree/disagree questions, so you have to think about replies and word them correctly, otherwise your out even before you get to the next exams.

Its very hard to get in mate, but flying at Mach 3 does it for me

Flyin at mach 3 Were u get that from

officer pilot

Only Officers can b pilots Only the amy hav NCO Piliots

Ok my bad, Mach 2 ish from a Tornado , eitherway, the experience you would get from travelling at 1,400 mph will be abit of a rush

And yea, im looking at doing my PPL in the next year, and yea becoming a pilot in the RAF wont be the easiest thing in the world but failing the RAF, will apply to easyjet or BA on their flying schemes and see if i can get through. Although flying 737s or air-buses isnt exactly the same as flying a GR4 or a harrier

Registered: 18th Aug 03
Location: Reading,Berks
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

brilliant advice from blazer this is a huge decision somit u need to realise that ur giving up a min of 9 years of ur life ...!!

Registered: 31st Aug 02
Location: Devon - Drives: frost blue 1.4L 8V
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

cheers there times in the forces where u really wished u never done this and that felling happens alot.

Registered: 13th Sep 03
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by daveyboyuk
brilliant advice from blazer this is a huge decision somit u need to realise that ur giving up a min of 9 years of ur life ...!!

yea, but its fairly well payed, plus i will be helping the country (in some way) and it will make a change from the norm. Plus, entering the music industry (what i originally wanted to do) is alot harder and i wont be payed anywhere near as much as i would being an RAF or commericial pilot

[Edited on 22-04-2004 by VisibleMan]

Registered: 31st Aug 02
Location: Devon - Drives: frost blue 1.4L 8V
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

well in the army after ur DAOR window closes u have to do a min of 4 years and when my service is up i'm outta there

Registered: 18th Aug 03
Location: Reading,Berks
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:31   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

u hear all these old ppl syaing oh u will be made for life n it excites u hearing this but in reality it isnt true i joined and was training as an avionics tehcnician thought wow this is gona b amazing only to be told after 4 years getting all the qualifications which arent that impressive anyway.........that id be washing planes for at least 2 years b4 u actually start spannering on then....noway was i doing that all i joined for was the training but as blazer says u need to serve minimum of 4 yrs after urs DAOR passes, all my mates in there r all leaving soon as theyve reahced there minimum time that surely tells u somit.

Registered: 18th Aug 03
Location: Reading,Berks
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22nd Apr 04 at 19:36   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

n no dis respect to u invisible man i doubt very much u will get in as pilot, u dont realise the ppl ur up agaisnt ppl who have been flying privately since they were 13 n shit, its okay being academically good enough but u need to have the right social life aswell, i only ever wanted to be a techy but my local recruitment office saw my quals and told me to sit the pilot exams, ipassed my pilot exams n was up against a girl who for a year had been working voluntarily in gambia or some crazy counrty helping kids, n when they asked me what i did in my spare time from college my answer was "work to pay for my car which i need to get to college which was a 80 mile round trip"

different worlds sadly but needless to say that girl is the type of person they want for pilots.

Registered: 30th Oct 03
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22nd Apr 04 at 22:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

however,sayin that daveyboy it depends on the actual person.
They look out for things like cadet, d of e experience but you are not out on your arse if you havnt got these. I know a few pilots and many of my friends have tried and failed.
I am going for Royal Marine officer which is totally different i know but from my interviews and tests, my advise is dont bullshit them at all. This lad who was being assessed at the same time as me said he could get level 19 on the bleep test, he later got sent home for not being able to reach our minimum level of 11 and then got abuse for bullshitting lol

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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22nd Apr 04 at 22:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Going to take a month or so to think this through now.

Cheers lads.

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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29th Apr 04 at 13:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote


Registered: 11th Nov 02
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29th Apr 04 at 14:14   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

My mate's at Liverpool Uni, and in the RAF, he's a pilot, the bastard, he was on of 3 who passed the pilot test first time, out of about 50+ applicants, there were a few going for their second time too.

He gets all his uni fee's paid for, and has a fecking good life now, will be on serious money once he's out of uni too.

First month of uni i phoned him asked what he'd been up to, he said he'd just flown to the Isle of Man and back... BASTARD. All i was doing was getting pissed and wasting money

He's written off a plane too, they didn't give a shit, said it was better to do it during training then when he's flying.

Sounds like he's having the time of his life there

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