Registered: 1st Nov 04
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quote: Originally posted by CorsAsh
quote: Originally posted by Matt H
quote: Originally posted by dna23
that said me, willay and Rob B will be taking a shortcut so see u mofo's there after the traffic jam
I suggest you let me in on this little secret, me & Will need to do some on the spot stand planning as early as possible
Sam works at Silverstone does he not?
[Edited on 31-08-2005 by CorsAsh]
indeed i do if ure staying at the travelodge in northampton ure not gonna be able to take the short cut...
judging by trax 03' and 04' the roads got busy around 10-11.30 mark... before they were moving if ure staying in my hotel however we can be cnuts and go the entire way on country roads...
but as willay and Matt H need to be there early we'll probably go on the main road there unless it does come up busy
Registered: 15th Apr 05
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got my tickets this morn cheers willay hoping to get there about 8 ish. lookin forward to meeting every one
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
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Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Got my tickets too, cheers pal 
Just found out Fordy the big douche isn't coming now so I have a spare bed Fri & Sat nite & also a spare ticket. My stalker might be taking his place though.....
Registered: 26th Apr 02
Location: Birmingham UK
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willay - jus a quickie when did you get the tickets? As I got ours for astra-sport very late indeed this year! Not much time to turn them around considering its a bank holiday.
Just wondered if you were in the same boat as me..
[Edited on 31-08-2005 by MatG]
Registered: 19th Apr 02
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quote: Originally posted by MatG
willay - jus a quickie when did you get the tickets? As I got ours for astra-sport very late indeed this year! Not much time to turn them around considering its a bank holiday.
Just wondered if you were in the same boot as me..

Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Will got the tickets really late! they were posted on the same day he recieved them I believe
Registered: 20th May 02
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what time to we have to be on the stand by
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by MatG
willay - jus a quickie when did you get the tickets? As I got ours for astra-sport very late indeed this year! Not much time to turn them around considering its a bank holiday.
Just wondered if you were in the same boat as me..
[Edited on 31-08-2005 by MatG]
Got them on Friday.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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quote: Originally posted by jr
what time to we have to be on the stand by
between 7am and 9?
Registered: 26th Apr 02
Location: Birmingham UK
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mine came on Saturday - taking the piss a bit really aint it!
Registered: 28th Oct 02
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any1 fancy convoying from say thurrock services??
Registered: 8th May 03
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got my tickets today .. nig thanks to willay
Registered: 2nd Jun 05
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quote: Originally posted by AndyW
any1 fancy convoying from say thurrock services??
what time you gonna be there? could do with some guidance
Registered: 28th Oct 02
Location: Greater London
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i dunno ive put a post up in regionals.
dunno how long it takes to get there lol. but im guessin be there for 7?
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
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quote: Originally posted by willay
Show is this weekend, tickets are in the post, this thread should be full of useful info.
The show opens on Sunday to club vehicles at 7.00am, and to the public at 9.00am - be aware there could be some traffic congestion ( ) and your patience would be appreciated.
Please Note
1) there are NO camping facilities at Silverstone. The Tourist Information Centre at Brackley (01280 700111 / www.southnorthhants.gov.uk ) may be of use, or try Whittlebury Park (about 1 mile from Silverstone) on 01327 858092)
2) For safety reasons, no vehicle may be moved from the infield area until 4.30pm. No animals and no glass bottles are allowed.
3) Mini Motos, Go-Peds etc are not allowed on site at Silverstone. If you do bring one, it may be confiscated and you may be asked to leave.
Silverstone Circuit is located on the A43 between Towcester and Brackley and is signposted from M1 junction 15A and M40 junction 10.
I look forward to seeing everyone from CorsaSport at Trax, I should be on the stand with my hero Matt H to try and organise ( ) the stand. Make sure you introduce yourself to one of us and join in with the banter.
Even though there is no camping the night before, everyone be on their best behaviour cause you are representing club, let the banter flow and lets eat overpriced jumbo hotdogs.
Any questions? Ask Here.
Any advice from previous events? Post here.
So if I attempt to do timed laps of the infield at 4 o'clock, naked and drunk on a Mini-Moto with a Go-Ped in my teeth a tent balanced on my head and an Alsatian under one arm whilst throwing beer bottles behind me, you're saying I am likely to upset to the site officials, or 'the man' as they've become known.
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
User status: Offline
quite right, just make sure theres a corsasport.co.uk sticker on your arse while you do it.
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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Or maybe we could mount a flag in your ass crack
Moderator Organiser: South East, National Events Premium Member
Registered: 10th Nov 02
Location: Roydon, Essex
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but what flag could we use
Matt H
Registered: 11th Sep 01
Location: South Yorkshire
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quote: Originally posted by willay
but what flag could we use
The one that this dodgy scouse get is trying to steal 
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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quote: Originally posted by willay
quite right, just make sure theres a corsasport.co.uk sticker on your arse while you do it.
Consider it done mate
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H

Or maybe we could mount a flag in your ass crack
Let me get in touch with my flag dealer, and i'll be right back.
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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quote: Originally posted by willay
but what flag could we use
Would you be alluding to the flag of a particularly royal CS member Will?
SVM 286
Registered: 13th Feb 05
Location: pain
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
quote: Originally posted by willay
but what flag could we use
The one that this dodgy scouse get is trying to steal 
Possibly too big.
If the wind got up I could quite easily lose control and drop the bike causing several pence worth of damage.
Registered: 19th Apr 02
Location: Munich
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quote: Originally posted by Matt H
quote: Originally posted by willay
but what flag could we use
The one that this dodgy scouse get is trying to steal 
Always makes me pmsl when I look how proud of himself he is there