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Author That lad jailed for 5 years

Registered: 10th Sep 03
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12th Apr 06 at 13:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Jambo
Originally posted by Ojc
Quite lucky that when I stopped after the accident I witnessed where a Pug 205 GTi rolled and I helped them get out of it, I did'nt get the blame. Even after that accident I swore I would never stop and help ever again, not because I'm a heartless bastard but because of the grief I had to go through with the Police, Police coming around to take statments trying to trick me into saying I was racing the car (again I was well behind the 205) and the court case where I had to be a witness.

My recomendation to everyone is to never stop at the scene of the accident unless your actually involved in it.

Sad state of affairs this world is
Yep, I have witnessed crashes (not serious ones where people could be hurt mind you) but it never even crosses my mind to even slow down any more. It just isn't worth the hassle. All of my friends are the same.

Registered: 1st Apr 02
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12th Apr 06 at 14:37   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by ed
Originally posted by Jambo
Originally posted by Ojc
Quite lucky that when I stopped after the accident I witnessed where a Pug 205 GTi rolled and I helped them get out of it, I did'nt get the blame. Even after that accident I swore I would never stop and help ever again, not because I'm a heartless bastard but because of the grief I had to go through with the Police, Police coming around to take statments trying to trick me into saying I was racing the car (again I was well behind the 205) and the court case where I had to be a witness.

My recomendation to everyone is to never stop at the scene of the accident unless your actually involved in it.

Sad state of affairs this world is
Yep, I have witnessed crashes (not serious ones where people could be hurt mind you) but it never even crosses my mind to even slow down any more. It just isn't worth the hassle. All of my friends are the same.

Isnt worth the hassle that you could save someone's life?

Registered: 22nd Sep 02
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12th Apr 06 at 14:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by J-Me
Originally posted by ed
Originally posted by Jambo
Originally posted by Ojc
Quite lucky that when I stopped after the accident I witnessed where a Pug 205 GTi rolled and I helped them get out of it, I did'nt get the blame. Even after that accident I swore I would never stop and help ever again, not because I'm a heartless bastard but because of the grief I had to go through with the Police, Police coming around to take statments trying to trick me into saying I was racing the car (again I was well behind the 205) and the court case where I had to be a witness.

My recomendation to everyone is to never stop at the scene of the accident unless your actually involved in it.

Sad state of affairs this world is
Yep, I have witnessed crashes (not serious ones where people could be hurt mind you) but it never even crosses my mind to even slow down any more. It just isn't worth the hassle. All of my friends are the same.

Isnt worth the hassle that you could save someone's life?

Read the highlighted bit i did just for you
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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12th Apr 06 at 15:17   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I particularly dislike the argument that as the Nissan was more powerful than the Fiesta, this somehow prohibits its ability to race.

The Road Traffic Act is all about judging the standard of driving compared to that which is competent and careful. Not my car is better therefore I'm not trying.

Nevertheless, this serves as quite a strong precident. Don't race, and if you do race, don't stop.
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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12th Apr 06 at 15:24   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it isnt a case of being more powerful Ian, the fact of the matter is - the three consecutive witnesses put Jacko's car consecutively further behind the Fiesta - if the cars were racing - there is no reason as to why Jacko's car would fall behind;

the reason in my opinion that the Fiesta crashed was a combination of speed, tyre under inflated ( was at 10PSi) and the inability to negotiate the bend

I don't believe the two were racing, they were speeding yes, but not racing!

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12th Apr 06 at 15:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

When his pals from here were trying to explain it a while ago it all sounded very very dodgy and from that i'm not surprised they didn't get an appeal.
I'm sure the thread is about somewhere.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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12th Apr 06 at 15:28   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

"in actual fact the Fiesta was no match for the 200SX"

"It's near impossible that a Fiesta with the weight of 3 people in, with around 75bhp less than the Nissan would be any match for the Nissan."

"How could these two cars be truly racing? A Ford Fiesta Zetec S with around 115bhp would stand absolutely no chance on god's green earth of keeping up with the high powered 200SX pushing around 200bhp. The Nissan was even behind the Fiesta during the supposed race. "
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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12th Apr 06 at 15:30   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

they did get an appeal - they didnt win the appeal
however they've got grounds for another appeal so that'll be the next step

The fact of the matter is - on bad advice - Jacko pleaded guilty - instead of being lenient towards his admission (again on bad advice) the court decided to make an example and sentenced Jacko to 5 years for a crime that some would argue not only did he not commit - but that never actually happened
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Registered: 17th Oct 01
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12th Apr 06 at 15:36   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

and your point is Ian; you've quoted the lads parents. Those statements do go someway as to disprove the idea that the two cars were racing - furthermore - as I pointed out above three consecutive witnesses put Jacko's car further and further behind as time passed

if the two were "racing" surely this gap would not have appeared on a near straight road? the two would have at the very least been side by side; but certainly not have the 200SX falling behind

this "fact" IMO proves no intent to race, they were both speeding, the Fiesta was speeding more excessively - does this constitute a race?

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12th Apr 06 at 15:41   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yeah don't stop at a scene sad but true

Registered: 30th Jun 03
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12th Apr 06 at 15:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Because that 200sx has more power means nothing tbh.
Has it been verified to be running properly and actually have that power?
Its not totally out of the question they were racing and he was loosing.
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Registered: 28th Aug 99
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12th Apr 06 at 15:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Lee - I've not looked at the full facts, and there is certainly enough other information there to show that they were NOT racing. My point is I don't think the phrase 'no match' is particularly well chosen.

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12th Apr 06 at 16:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Maybe they raced before hand and thats when they realised the Fiesta was no match

Registered: 20th Aug 01
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12th Apr 06 at 16:26   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

So he wasnt in the car where 2 lads were killed........he was in the 200sx.......that surely cannot be right to jail him......

A lad near me only got 4years for going through a red/flashing amber light, clipping another car and killing a young girl on the crossing...........and he was over the legal drink driving limit plus he was under the influence of drugs.

Where is the fecking justice, there is non, so why call it the justice system!

Thats really bad, fecking winds me up.......

I'd understand if the lad was in the fiesta maybe, but to get 5yrs for a car he wasnt driving is shoot.

[Edited on 12-04-2006 by X 60RSA]

Registered: 12th Apr 02
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12th Apr 06 at 16:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE

the joke is it was dealt with by the same court

Which court are you talking about??

What OTHER court could have dealt with it?

We have Magistrates for summary convictions, Crown Courts for indictable offences and appeals go to the Queen's Bench Division of the High Court or Court of Appeal?


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12th Apr 06 at 16:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

that is so fcukin stupid
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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12th Apr 06 at 16:33   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by LiVe LeE
they did get an appeal - they didnt win the appeal
however they've got grounds for another appeal so that'll be the next step

The fact of the matter is - on bad advice - Jacko pleaded guilty - instead of being lenient towards his admission (again on bad advice) the court decided to make an example and sentenced Jacko to 5 years for a crime that some would argue not only did he not commit - but that never actually happened

why plead guilty then? if i hadnt done anything i would not plead guilty no matter what advice i received

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12th Apr 06 at 16:34   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Id like half hr in a room with them judges, Id cave their fukcing faces in. Upstanding pillars of the community? My fukcing ass. Let em fukcing go to hell - karma.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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12th Apr 06 at 16:53   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by fat_rew
Id like half hr in a room with them judges, Id cave their fukcing faces in. Upstanding pillars of the community? My fukcing ass. Let em fukcing go to hell - karma.

id like to see where that landed you, maybe a further 10 years in jail for GBH

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12th Apr 06 at 17:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

With a name like Karma aswell Jeez


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12th Apr 06 at 17:08   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Not read any of the replies but heard about the crash and stuff when it happend. Its a disgrace he got 5 years when drivers without licences and such get a few months and slapped wrist.

My opinion is that the lads in the fiesta deserve all they got, nobody forced them to race in a undermaintained fiesta.

Really feel sorry for the lad!

Registered: 6th Jun 02
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12th Apr 06 at 18:07   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by Ojc
Maybe they raced before hand and thats when they realised the Fiesta was no match

It's harsh. 5 years is far too OTT for something where your not directly responsable for someones death.

My only thing I wonder is maybe,

say at some lights, 200sx blasts off the lights and leaves the fiesta behind, fiesta keeps up chase as those sort of chavs would. Then 200sx who has now no point to prove slows down / stops accelerating and then fiesta zooms past, accelerating all the way up to whatever and crashing.

Thus it was due to the race at the start that egged the fiesta driver into driving like a twat - however imo, that's still harsh to get jailed for that.

Registered: 5th Apr 04
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12th Apr 06 at 18:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

makes you think twice about stopping for anything.

one of my friends sisters moved out of the way of a police car at a junction and then was hit by the police car and blamed!

Road is single lane opening out to two on one side but the right lane stopping as it is for a right turn. She was in the lane to turn right. Police car came up behind her at speed indicating right she moved left so did the police car.

Moral of the story: Carry on as normal and let them go around you.

Registered: 9th Feb 03
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12th Apr 06 at 18:22   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

so he gets 5 years, but that immigrant guy who had no licence and no insurance/tax etc, killed that kid crossing the road and he gets a stupidly low sentance i dont know what the world is coming to...

(the guy who nocked down and killed the kid, does anyone know how long he actually got, if anything?)

Registered: 26th Apr 02
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12th Apr 06 at 18:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

regardless of engine size or BHP both cars are capable of doing 90MPH so therefore are capable of racing each other.

I certainly would never plead guilty if I wasnt guilty, regardless of advice from the lawyer. The way the courts will see it and most people is that he pleaded guilty therefore he is gulity!

As for not stopping at the scene of the accident, well if they have video evidence of doing 90MPH they also have his plate, good job he did stop otherwise it could have been a lot longer in prison.

Moral of the story? Dont race on the road, go on a track day

in reply to the above:

alex the bloke got 14 months but will only spend 3 in prison due to the time its taken to sort out.

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