Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
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all the people saying yes on the back roads as if it is better to speed on the back roads. It is far more dangerous to speed on A and B roads. Half the time you cant see round the next corner and is a good chance of something running across the road, rabbits etc. cld be cow/sheep/horse/old biddy on road. Not wise!
I know far to many people who have died on back roads, was one just the other night who was a friend of one of my best mates.
i sound like an old man 
i tend to stick to 3.5rpm
bit faster on dual carrigeway
Registered: 23rd Jan 04
Location: Scotland
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oh i very nearly smashed headon into a traffic car when i was having a 'spirited' drive along a wee single lane back road was in a mood and nailing it, round a corner cop car, touched brakes, locked up off brakes and took for the grass managed to miss all telegraph poles, ditches etc and came out the other side and just kept goin they turned and came after me. To say i had left big skid marks was an under statement if ever i have heard one! werent on the road either 
bit more sensibile now though
Registered: 14th Jul 04
Location: Horsham, West Sussex
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harder than i drive my fuck buddies
Registered: 8th Oct 03
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quote: Originally posted by Edd
when i had the 1 litre corsa i had no option but to drive hard 5k in every gear just to get moving
I am like this now in mine 
Should have a quicker car in sept though
Rob B
Registered: 8th Jan 04
Location: Area Motorsport Drives: Race EP3
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i regulary boot it to the end of 3rd then it normally stops there < i dont generally give my car much shit though as i like to look after it, for example was drving pootling along normally and got an MG ZR up my arse so you happily boot it then, but i dont generally "race" my self much.
Registered: 19th Jun 01
Location: Scotland
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Don't really drive that hard, now and again I will give it some stick upto the 'speed limit' on motorways etc...
Don't really 'race' either if somebody comes right up my arse egging me on most of the time if it's on 30-40 roads i just slow down that wee bit more 
My car never goes above 3k rpm when cold either
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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My brother once went through Castle Howard in his mini and had rabbits flying up left right and centre
Registered: 11th Aug 02
Location: York
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quote: Originally posted by mav
most of the time if it's on 30-40 roads i just slow down that wee bit more 
I do that too, great fun isn't it 
I keep mine below 3k too, until the oil temp has got up. I don't pay any attention to the water temp.
Registered: 21st Jan 06
Location: glasgow
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Id far rather do 100 on a good a road in the middle of the night with no traffic than join the endless tossers doing a ton down the outside lane of the motorway weaving in and out. Its all a case of assessed risk, yes, there are inherent risks down an a road, but you drive within what you reckon the limit is. Are you prepared to risk there being a cow on the road round the next bend? How well do you know the road, where are the gateways that cars can appear from? Where is there likely to be animal traffic mud on the road, or spilled diesel?
There is no point in driving like a tool round town, it doesnt get you anywhere, and as for folk who use slip lanes as an overtaking opportunity on motorways So I tend to drive within the law, carefully and keeping a good eye out when Im in town.
Sorry if that makes me a geek for not racing everything going down the local 40mph duallie
Registered: 29th Nov 02
Location: St Albans Drives: JDM Celica GT4 WRC
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paste the arse off my car once the oil reaches 90degrees...
having an oil temp gauge is an excuse to rag it once its upto temp
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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I speed when I'm on my own. I drive at the speed limit when I have others in the car. Seems like a strange concept but it works for me.
Registered: 1st Dec 05
Location: Solihull, W Mids Drives: 45BHP beast!
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quote: Originally posted by a_j_mair
oh i very nearly smashed headon into a traffic car when i was having a 'spirited' drive along a wee single lane back road was in a mood and nailing it, round a corner cop car, touched brakes, locked up off brakes and took for the grass managed to miss all telegraph poles, ditches etc and came out the other side and just kept goin they turned and came after me. To say i had left big skid marks was an under statement if ever i have heard one! werent on the road either 
Did you get done for that then?
Registered: 20th Sep 02
Location: East Of England Drives: Clio 172
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When i have mates in the car i usually drive normal limit speed, or if its late or night and i know the road and they want to see what the car can do i will go to about 70% my speed, but be very cautious etc.
With the missus in the car i generally drive about 60% my speed as she loves it, and feels safe.
When im on my own, its a clear night/day, i know the road extremely well then i will push my car a fair bit. I will do say a 10 mile drive in a few minutes!
But i only find MY limit when im on track, and ive never lost the clio or had it sideways, same with the corsa
Registered: 20th Sep 02
Location: East Of England Drives: Clio 172
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When i had the red corsa and I was 18 and young and foolish i could do 16 miles i think it was in 8 minutes or something 
Registered: 1st Nov 04
Location: Stockport
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that would make an average of 120mph
Registered: 18th Jun 04
Location: West Yorkshire
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when i had the bike i used to be a nutter... drove it like a guided missile
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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It's funny how this hasn't turned into an argument thread. I suppose the voice of reason (davido) is online at the moment.
Registered: 20th Sep 02
Location: East Of England Drives: Clio 172
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quote: Originally posted by Mather.16v
that would make an average of 120mph
Ok 9-10 minutes it was under 10 minutes!
Thank god i grew up
Registered: 3rd Jul 04
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Yes I drive hard.
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Registered: 6th Dec 02
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depends what car im in, if its the ladies fiesta i drive it slowly and take care of it, my corsa however gets pasted everywhere i go no matter what! wait for it to warm up, just, then abuse it, thats what its for...... i love it, it loves it.
Registered: 6th May 03
Location: Leeds
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Like a lot of people have said, in the old 1.2 8v I used to rag the hell out of it to get anywhere 
The Astra never really goes above 3k in town and I'll happily do 80 down the motorway.
I don't feel the need to boot it at all I think I've grown up 
Gez G
Registered: 12th May 04
Location: Glasgow
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I dont kick the stones out of my car or anything like that, usually commuting etc I just chill but occasionally when its late etc I feel like a wee blast like coming up slip roads etc il take it up to about 120 then back off.
At the end of the day I didnt buy a turbo car not to boot it now and then!
Although if Im out with my mate in his Integra TypeR thats a different story!
[Edited on 19-05-2006 by Gez G]
Registered: 16th Dec 02
Location: Kent
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Used to stick the cruise control on my Astra at about 100. If I didnt have that I'd have driven everywhere at 140
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Registered: 8th May 05
Location: Nottingham Drives: Corsa B
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i dont tend to drive hard at all really, unless im annoyed at something
compared to a mate i drive like a granny since he manages to do over 50mph in 2nd gear and red lines most of his gears (ps. he isnt a chav, just a twat )
[Edited on 19-05-2006 by Haimsey]
Marcy Marc 
White Sport Progress Thread
Registered: 28th Nov 03
Location: Paisley, Renfrewshire
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I have a 1.2 8v .
This is the norm