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Author Help naming a game
tooolbox timmy

Registered: 6th Dec 05
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22nd May 06 at 21:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

can anybody give me a direct link to where i can download the demo ,please

Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
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22nd May 06 at 22:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

it would be good if it allowed u to link up and play multiplayer on the net, letting u see each others creations and race.

but sadly it doesn't

As it's more in depth tuning wise than NFS U.

Shame, as I remember playing the game like a year ago, and you'd spend ages tweaking the engine and swapping parts from the better models, but keeping the same block or swapping the block but keeping the same head etc, with different pistons to increase bore. etc

Then you'd finally some how make a awesome engine! - then you'd end up blowing it up or crashing and tihnking how the hell did I make that engine again?

I personally wouldn't bother getting street legal as in its standard form it gets quite boring, and was before things like NFSU so the selection of parts to swap are limited.

Also geek day???

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Corsa Sport » Message Board » General Chat » Help naming a game 22 database queries in 0.0064600 seconds