Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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I hate to be the first person to say it, but im staring to enjoy fifth gear slightly more then top gear.
Dont shoot me
I hate the presenters but they have mre affordable cars on there and they spend more time reviewing cars.
over the last year top gear seem to just use most of the show tolark about doing pointless tasks, and when they finally do review a car, its half a million pound. And further more they never draw a positive conclusion to any car they test really.
They seem to be straying off the mark a bit.
Registered: 10th Apr 05
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who cares how fast a 1.4 proton can get round a track id rather know what a lambo can do
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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they are trying to challenge top gear by making it more accessible to us little people by doing it in a 'pub'. lol plus bugatti veyrons and bodged aquatic cars r more fun and enjoyable to watch than fiat pandas...fact!
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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yes, keep the super cars in but atleast stick some sporty affordable cars into the mix, liek they used to back in the day
Top gear is just getting predictable, with the cockups that always seem to happen on the experiments. they are done on purpose half the time and tbh, they are not funny anymore. interesting to watch but not funny
[Edited on 15-10-2007 by Bullet Proof SRi]
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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most people know its all loosely scripted. its not the important thing. its accesible and orientated around a family audience rather than in a patronising way. its genuine good television! u dont see tht much these days to be fair lol
Bullet Proof SRi
Registered: 11th Jul 05
Location: UK - Clacton on sea - Essex
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i see ur point, and i do love top gear, i just think that lately they have strayed off course a bit.
last weeks show spent aroun 40 minutes on the aqua cars
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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lol yeah, but thats the beauty of it man. its a motoring show thats so unique. its still cars that they use in everything. its just not as much of a review show anymore. its a true 'boys toys' type of thing lol
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anyone know if 5th Gear is repeated? i'm out on Mondays!
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quote: Originally posted by breezy-1.4
they are trying to challenge top gear by making it more accessible to us little people by doing it in a 'pub'. lol plus bugatti veyrons and bodged aquatic cars r more fun and enjoyable to watch than fiat pandas...fact!
No, they are doing it in Ace Cafe. There is a reason for doing it there, I suggest you find out what Ace Cafe is.
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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I liked it. Its not as polished as Top Gear but at least they get on and review something.
Top Gear this week was funny, but in an hour they just did the R8, boats, star in the car and boats again. Thats not really a motoring show is it.....
Registered: 29th Mar 01
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quote: Originally posted by aPk
Top Gear this week was funny, but in an hour they just did the R8, boats, star in the car and boats again. Thats not really a motoring show is it.....
R8 was a CAR, the boats drove on the road and were originally CARS, star was in a CAR...so Im going to go with its a CAR show.
All Torque
Registered: 17th Nov 05
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quote: Originally posted by Kurt
why is it called fifth gear? most performance cars have 6
Stop being fucking awkward
Registered: 3rd Sep 05
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quote: Originally posted by Cosmo
quote: Originally posted by aPk
Top Gear this week was funny, but in an hour they just did the R8, boats, star in the car and boats again. Thats not really a motoring show is it.....
R8 was a CAR, the boats drove on the road and were originally CARS, star was in a CAR...so Im going to go with its a CAR show.
Ok, so R8 was a proper nice car and they showed it for 10 minutes. Good review it was too. The reasonably priced car is a shitter, though the guest was good and made up for it. But 40 minutes of sailing doesn't make it a car show.
Don't get me wrong. I love the programme - best thing on TV, but that episode was far more mucking about than actually driving decent cars
Registered: 20th May 02
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quote: Originally posted by ed
quote: Originally posted by breezy-1.4
they are trying to challenge top gear by making it more accessible to us little people by doing it in a 'pub'. lol plus bugatti veyrons and bodged aquatic cars r more fun and enjoyable to watch than fiat pandas...fact!
No, they are doing it in Ace Cafe. There is a reason for doing it there, I suggest you find out what Ace Cafe is.
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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quote: Originally posted by ed
quote: Originally posted by breezy-1.4
they are trying to challenge top gear by making it more accessible to us little people by doing it in a 'pub'. lol plus bugatti veyrons and bodged aquatic cars r more fun and enjoyable to watch than fiat pandas...fact!
No, they are doing it in Ace Cafe. There is a reason for doing it there, I suggest you find out what Ace Cafe is.
im not really that bothered. its still wank
Registered: 31st May 06
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i just to be top gears biggest fan now its just shit. I really wanted to see which was quicker round a track, that 911 or lambo last week but alas, just some scripted drivvel about 'trying' to find a decent road.
5th gear on the other hand put plato and tif in a z4 and 350 z and just thrashed them round a track.
Registered: 19th Apr 02
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Only thing I don't like is the SIARPC on Top Gear, bit too much chat, and its obvious that people won't come on now unless that get a plug for their latest album/book/film/customsandwichtoastingdevice.
Rest of it is damn entertaining, and with Clarkson on there it's often refreshingly un-PC.
Registered: 10th Sep 03
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Same, I usually go and do something else like peel a potato when that bit comes on.
Registered: 24th Mar 07
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i think they are to different shows....5th gear is more of a motoring review programe and Top gear is a motorshow
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what is the significance of ace cafe?
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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It's ace, and it's a cafe.
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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i looked it up and its basically a petrol head themed pub. its still a pub.
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Registered: 7th Jan 04
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It's not a pub, the clue is in the name
Registered: 9th Jun 07
Location: Wolver-tramp-ton
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k then its a bar. lol. its not a cafe! it sells alchohol and has live bands. its themed as a rock cafe. which is an american gimmick for a rock bar.
Registered: 5th Feb 05
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They sell food.. ive been there, and eaten in it.. its a cafe.