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All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
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16th Jan 08 at 11:28   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Bikers, just sit BEHIND us so WE can see YOU. Don't mince about side to side or sit in our blindspot... no wonder its usually 'our fault' for knocking you off. Tits

People who do 40mph in NSL areas and then continue the 40mph through a 30mph zone

Lorries overtaking on dual-carriage ways. We're all going the same way, why do they need to get there quicker than other drivers?

BMW drivers who indicate need a gold star each time

People who crash and shut motorways should be fined £200 X the amount of miles the tailbacks go.

Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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16th Jan 08 at 11:45   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by All Torque
Bikers, just sit BEHIND us so WE can see YOU. Don't mince about side to side or sit in our blindspot... no wonder its usually 'our fault' for knocking you off. Tits

Not ridden a bike then clearly You don't sit directly behined a car, I never do, its dangerous for me as a biker. I know, if you have a crash, let me ram you, go over the handlebars (breaking both legs) onto your car, and whatever other injuries you get. OR, sit behined/to the side, so if anything happens, you don't get wiped out........

A blind spot? Are you doing your blindspot check and indicating before pulling accross?????? If so, you would see ANY bike as usually have headlights on..... This is how you are taught, and if you are driving properly, you will see any bike. Also, most cars come with curved mirrors now to stop the "blind spot." So that is NO excuss at all, you are oblidged to pay attention, the same as it is a bikers responsilbility to be aware and be able to take avoiding action. Also, if you are indicating (MIRROR (i.e LOOK), Signal, (indicate) manouver) then a biker will not attempt to pass unless they havea death wish.

So yes, we sit there for a reason, and if you ddrive correctly, there is no issue at all other than your personnal rant.

Edd, I agree, theres a lot of idiots out there. I pass untold twats on bikes who look like they are concentrating in a different world to the one they are riding in. Lack of mirrors, general observation, irratic etc...

But what a lot of car drivers don't know as they simply haven't ridden and have no idea, is that a bike is totally different from a car in every way, brakes, handling.

And filtering is LEGAL so no-one can moan about that

[Edited on 16-01-2008 by VXR]

Registered: 8th Nov 04
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16th Jan 08 at 11:48   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

not on the motorway it isnt

which is my main gripe with them, filtering through stationery traffic is ok in my eyes i would do the exact same thing if i could
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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16th Jan 08 at 11:52   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Filtering on a motorway IS legal...........

I do it daily, and there is no problem with it. Only the car drivers have a problem as they have to conform with the traffic.

Filting isn't illegal, and providing you don't take the p1ss, its perfectly safe.

Anyone who doesn't ride bikes won't understand at all, but anyone who rides a bike will totally understand.

However, there is a way you should do it (safley) and a lot of people ignore it.

I see people filtering on the inside of a car when the car is indicating to pull into the left lane, and its the bikers fault for not letting the car driver perform its manouver, and it REALLY gets my goat as it makes the biker look a cun7, which means people will generalise all bikers with the same brush.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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16th Jan 08 at 11:54   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

daimo bikers should keep a sensible distance BEHIND the car, up someones ass or in the blind spots are as bad as each other

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16th Jan 08 at 11:58   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i've only been driving on my own for 4 weeks.

*taxi drivers
*people driving far too fast.
Daimo B

Registered: 20th Mar 00
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16th Jan 08 at 12:01   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Should NEVER be right behined someone.

But bike brakes are more responsive than cars, so however quickly you can brake, unless you have some silly fast car with silly large brakes, you won't outbrake the bike. A bike can scrub off a lot more speed a lot quicker than a car, but yes, a bike should not be sat up the aris of another car, unless they fancy sitting in with the driver. I've seen it happen about 1m to the left of me when a GSXR600 decided to ram an estate mondeo after misjudging his brakes. The biker will come off worse, its down to us to remember that.

We don't sit in the blind spot, we sit in the rear right spot so we can see the drivers eyes in the side mirror. They can see us, we can see them, we are in a safer position.

If the biker is mincing around, acting like a loon, its more than likley you have the car equivilant of a boyracer acting a tit and not doing it properly.

Registered: 26th Jun 07
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16th Jan 08 at 12:03   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People who drive at 50 in a NSL and then continue to drive at 50 when they hit the 40 straight after it... whats the point
All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
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16th Jan 08 at 12:04   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

No, i've never ridden a bike. I check my mirrors/blindspot when I change lane etc.

Surely bikers should stay as far away from a car as so they can see the wing mirrors?
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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16th Jan 08 at 12:07   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

i find most bikers will sit right behind the rear corner of your car waiting to overtake, even if its obvious they cant perform the manouvre for a while.

its intimidating and dangerous for both parties id imagine
All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
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16th Jan 08 at 12:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Remember that safe driving advert when the biker hits the car?
The driver is watching the biker in his mirrors "Now you see him, now you don't, now you see him, now you don't, now you see him... Now you see him!"

Yes "Now I can see him" because before I turned he was all over my rear bumper like a rainbow on an oilslick
Daimo B

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16th Jan 08 at 12:10   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by All Torque
No, i've never ridden a bike. I check my mirrors/blindspot when I change lane etc.

Surely bikers should stay as far away from a car as so they can see the wing mirrors?

So you would see them? Your saying you hate it when bikers are in your blind spot, but then if your looking in it, you would see them?????? If your indicating, the biker will see it? So im a little confused with what the issue is there? And a biker won't sit in the same position, most of the time, when we're at your blind spot, we're about to overtake anyway.

I'd say go and ride a bike and open to a whole new experience or driving. Remember most bikers will have much better observational skills, we're also higher up (like vans) and have a better field of vision over car drivers.
All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
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16th Jan 08 at 12:15   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Its the intimidation thing, like steve said.

Don't sit behind the rear--right hand side of my car for ages if you can't safely pass, or DO pass and get it over an done with. If you can't pass then sit your arse back behind me and join the queue.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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16th Jan 08 at 12:24   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

yep if they cant get by retreat back to a safe distance so they can stop in time.

the place for them isnt 2 feet from my right hand reverse light
Daimo B

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16th Jan 08 at 12:27   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by All Torque
Its the intimidation thing, like steve said.

Don't sit behind the rear--right hand side of my car for ages if you can't safely pass, or DO pass and get it over an done with. If you can't pass then sit your arse back behind me and join the queue.

Why are you being intimidated whilst drivng your car. Drive your car, let others drive around what your doing, do not adjust your driving to adapt to the other person. This can make it more dangerous.

Also, bikers want to get through, its WHY we ride. If the way is blocked becuase the cars in front can't use lanes properly (i.e sit in the middle), then we're gonna want to get through asap.

TBH fella, we could discuss this all day, but i drive a car AND ride a bike, you just drive a car so only have a 1 sided opinion. I see it from both perspectives.
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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16th Jan 08 at 12:29   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

if you know someone is 2 foot from your car you will always be concsious they are there and be worried about knocking them off

if i worried about my own driving only i would be hit everyday on roundabouts

Registered: 9th Aug 06
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16th Jan 08 at 12:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

I genuinely take VXR's points, they are good ones. However, on many occasions I havent come across any biker with the same good attitude as VXR, and honestly, the majority will do what All_Torque is on about. They dont initmidate me tbh, if I do have to brake hard all I will have is a dented bumper, the biker will have some broken bones, soon teach him (I know 'him' is a generalisation, but there ya go)

Registered: 20th Jun 04
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16th Jan 08 at 12:29   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People who sit in the middle lane when there is fuck all around them, I abuse them every time. People who don't indicate on roundabouts. I could go on and on, there are some fucking mindless idiots on the roads.
All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
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16th Jan 08 at 12:30   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by VXR
Originally posted by All Torque
Its the intimidation thing, like steve said.

Don't sit behind the rear--right hand side of my car for ages if you can't safely pass, or DO pass and get it over an done with. If you can't pass then sit your arse back behind me and join the queue.

Why are you being intimidated whilst drivng your car. Drive your car, let others drive around what your doing, do not adjust your driving to adapt to the other person. This can make it more dangerous.

Also, bikers want to get through, its WHY we ride. If the way is blocked becuase the cars in front can't use lanes properly (i.e sit in the middle), then we're gonna want to get through asap.

TBH fella, we could discuss this all day, but i drive a car AND ride a bike, you just drive a car so only have a 1 sided opinion. I see it from both perspectives.

You just said we should be watching you, checking our blindspots etc.


Registered: 27th Oct 07
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16th Jan 08 at 12:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

1. People with fog lights on... WHEN NOT FOGGY!!!

2. People that dont indicate, Especially on roundabouts!!

3. BUSES... Just pulling out without looking when you are nearly past them!!!


Registered: 12th Dec 07
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16th Jan 08 at 12:32   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

People who overtake slowly on dual carriageway/motorway. If your gona overtake, do it faster !!!

People with lack of inteligence to use indicators on roads and roundabouts

Push-bikes:- take too much room on road and are dangerous. When you pass them and bout 1min later you stop at lights they insist on going rite in front of you, now whats going to be quicker of the mark?? ME!!

And they don't pay tax to be there, no do horses but ive never come across them in my travels yet, just sheep..........
All Torque

Registered: 17th Nov 05
Location: Milton Keynes Drives: Ford Focus TDCi
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16th Jan 08 at 12:33   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

"Also, bikers want to get through, its WHY we ride. If the way is blocked becuase the cars in front can't use lanes properly (i.e sit in the middle), then we're gonna want to get through asap."

From the solid white line on the left to the spaced white line in the middle of the road is one lane, we're allowed to sit anywhere within it.

Although usually I drive close to the left.

I'm off to work now

And for the record, I like bikes and know lots of bikers... just wanted to voice my opinion

Registered: 9th Aug 06
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16th Jan 08 at 12:44   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

Originally posted by swill_omnibus
Push-bikes:- take too much room on road and are dangerous. When you pass them and bout 1min later you stop at lights they insist on going rite in front of you, now whats going to be quicker of the mark?? ME!!

I dont think so, unless you know the traffic lights changing pattern and actually sit about 10ft over the line you wont get 'off the line' faster than me

Registered: 8th Nov 04
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16th Jan 08 at 12:53   View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

push bike danny
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Registered: 30th Mar 02
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16th Jan 08 at 12:58   View Garage View User's Profile U2U Member Reply With Quote

my mate beat my corsa 1.2 on a pushbike

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