Site Administrator
Registered: 28th Aug 99
Location: Liverpool
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I use Wikipedia quite a lot and I've also contributed to it in the past. I think it's a great resource and I don't buy the academic uproar that its worthless and not a proper reference tool. A lot of the information is very good. There is some that is poorly structured or written, and some that would need verification before you relied upon it but the average contribution is good.
It'll all be authenticated through the board and it could even be a special privilege that is granted before you can edit. All easy enough to do.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
make sure it records track of previous versions like the wiki does, so if someone does just write complete bollocks over it, then it can be rolled back easily. oh and also make sure it logs and shows who made each edit, so it can be named and shamed if someone acts an idiot.
Yeh I find wiki extremely useful for information, i often go there first to find something out, but as you say, currently it's disallowed academically to reference to the document, as it's not a static page and can be ever changing. (although all web pages in theory aren't static and could change at any point too).
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Registered: 5th Mar 03
Location: Taif, Saudi Arabia
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Great idea, who suggested that last ight on msn 
I would rather lose by a mile because i built my own car, than win by an inch because someone else built it for me.
Registered: 6th Jun 02
Location: London
User status: Offline
The hazards of wikipedia 
Registered: 24th Aug 03
Location: Widnes, Cheshire
User status: Offline
If any one is VEY good with flash, you could create a generic car with clickable area's which will explain the different parts of a car and meanings.
A basic glossary woud need to be set first though.
Registered: 17th Mar 08
Location: Cheltenhamshire
User status: Offline
I've written several how to guides in the past for other clubs, obv because i wrote them i have the right of ownership therefore i'll post them up in the new forum...
Mainly 106 stuff, camming, engine removal etc etc but i could easily modify them to a generic sense